The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nekotorisha on 02.09.2007, 13:26:46

Title: the countdown thread
Post by: Nekotorisha on 02.09.2007, 13:26:46
tell us here how long it is till you go to the consite and how you will be getting there.

i leave coming teusday where i will drive with a van full of other furry's throughout the night and i will be arriving round 12 o'clock ish.

see you all there.
*huggles* nekoto
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 13:43:41
I will be leaving from home tomorrow to see 2 furry friends of mine, spend the night whit them and then woke up around 4am at tuesday morning and drive to the airport, fly to Frankfurt. From there will take a train to Suhl and then finnaly a taxi to the hotel.
.....ohhh did i tell you that there will be me and about 10 other Finnish furs ariving whit me *giggles* we are going to raid the place...any'hoo meh thinks i will be at the hotel sometimes round 3-5pm at Tuesday....could be wrong as have no idea how long the train trip takes.

See ya all there *wavies* :D
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Okami on 02.09.2007, 14:51:19
On Wednesday morning quite early, I will wake up, take my backpack, jump into my motorcyclegear and ride to Suhl and hopefully arrive there at about 9am to help build up and stuff.
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: kyyanno on 02.09.2007, 15:35:58
Leaving Blighty at approx. 9am on Tuesday, and driving to Suhl from Frankfurt. =^.^=

Leaving my house in an hour though to get to the b/f's tonight, so we can sort suitcases and stuff out!
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Lokosicek on 02.09.2007, 16:01:16
Lokosik and RustyFoxi are taking off from Prague at roughly 10 AM. He thinks its good to have some back-up time if anything goes wrong with the car.
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Nekotorisha on 02.09.2007, 17:12:42
i'm packing my things right now. GAWD making a checklist sucks......ooh pasport. better write that one down. hrm....socks check, shirts check, toothbrush check, suit check, i-pod check, other....essentials....check.

gawd now what did i forget

Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 17:15:29
*giggles* i know how packing can be....think i need to check my bags one more time and see i have everything ^^ and then elave it open middle of my room so i can add stuff...what ever comes to mind  :D
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Barney on 02.09.2007, 18:26:10
Will be driving off at 6 am Wednesday. Just did some laundry, still got to get me a suitcase. Rechargable batteries plenty, still need to buy another 1 gig card for my photocamera. Got three tapes for digicam, still got to buy a few more.

Already made myself a stand for the camera, so I can film while driving. Damn, still got a lot to do, but I'll manage. Will be hitting the hay early Tuesday, don't want to fall asleep behind the wheel.
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 21:36:17
this is the last night, then my EF crazyness starts ^^ weeehhhh  :P
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Barney on 02.09.2007, 21:48:43
Quote from: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 21:36:17
this is the last night, then my EF crazyness starts ^^ weeehhhh  :P

Don't make me jealous will ya?
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 22:47:14
*gets all jumpy and hyper and starts to run around the room, paws up high*
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Barney on 02.09.2007, 22:52:09
Quote from: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 22:47:14
*gets all jumpy and hyper and starts to run around the room, paws up high*

*facepaws* "Oh no, here we go again. Someone give me a rope so I can tie the pup to a chair or something. As long as he sits still."
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 23:08:56
 ::) wwhaaaattttt? *keeeps running in circles shouting EF EF EF EF*
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Tiggger on 02.09.2007, 23:15:12
MM one more day....
Starts to get a bit bouncy

Driving off tuesdaymorning to dusseldorf airport to pick up the first fur to accompany me. After that still 5 more to come along.

The drive there will be fun already!!

Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Barney on 02.09.2007, 23:48:35
Quote from: Jaypup on 02.09.2007, 23:08:56
::) wwhaaaattttt? *keeeps running in circles shouting EF EF EF EF*

Grumbles "You're gonna be sooooo toast when we meet boy!"
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Nekotorisha on 03.09.2007, 00:37:18
Quote from: Tiggger on 02.09.2007, 23:15:12
MM one more day....
Starts to get a bit bouncy

Driving off tuesdaymorning to dusseldorf airport to pick up the first fur to accompany me. After that still 5 more to come along.

The drive there will be fun already!!

you gotta van or something?
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Kitt Spidox on 03.09.2007, 00:49:21
got alot of packing to do myself. Tomorrow gotta get the trunk filled with mine an shiriks fursuits, fill the other two suitcases with mine, Shiriks and Syruss's clothing, fill our hand luggage with stuff (crazy how ryanair give you 15kg for luggage and 10kg for hand luggage).

But our travel are as follows,

Coach from Cardiff central to Heathrow leaving at 6:00
Coach from Heathrow to Stansted arriving at 12:50
Plane from Stansted to Frankfurt Hahl arriving 20:25
Car to Suhl hotel arriving about 00:00
Car to EF arriving about 10:00 as our driver is helping setting up which we may chip in as well

BTW Barney, i dont have any rope but i got a good few hundred meters of duct tape if you need any to keep the pup still ^_^
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Nekotorisha on 03.09.2007, 01:06:49
Quote from: Kitt Spidox on 03.09.2007, 00:49:21
got alot of packing to do myself. Tomorrow gotta get the trunk filled with mine an shiriks fursuits, fill the other two suitcases with mine, Shiriks and Syruss's clothing, fill our hand luggage with stuff (crazy how ryanair give you 15kg for luggage and 10kg for hand luggage).

But our travel are as follows,

Coach from Cardiff central to Heathrow leaving at 6:00
Coach from Heathrow to Stansted arriving at 12:50
Plane from Stansted to Frankfurt Hahl arriving 20:25
Car to Suhl hotel arriving about 00:00
Car to EF arriving about 10:00 as our driver is helping setting up which we may chip in as well

BTW Barney, i dont have any rope but i got a good few hundred meters of duct tape if you need any to keep the pup still ^_^

btw. why does my name say *regular visitor* instead of participating fursuiter. how do i change that?
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Barney on 03.09.2007, 07:55:33
Quote from: Kitt Spidox on 03.09.2007, 00:49:21
BTW Barney, i dont have any rope but i got a good few hundred meters of duct tape if you need any to keep the pup still ^_^

Thanks for the offer, but no thanks... Ducttape and fur don't mix in my opinion.
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Fauho on 03.09.2007, 08:28:53
Quote from: Tiggger on 02.09.2007, 23:15:12
The drive there will be fun already!!
Yeps, can't wait for tomorrowevening when I leave my desk at work and settle myself behind the wheel of my overaged car for a non-stop six hour drive with some fine elektro-wave playing, some sandwiches and a bunch of cold drinks in the passenger seat, arrive at midnight at the hotel and hopefully chill at the remains of the BBQ/campfire outside.
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 03.09.2007, 08:49:00
oohhhh about 7 hours and then my EF adventure can begin  :D *dances around the room*....had kind of a restles night so feeling lil sleepy now and i did woke up a lot earlier then usual so i would be realy tired this coming night as i believe im not the only one who will have problems sleeping tonight ;)
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 03.09.2007, 16:14:35
well....i gues ill start my slowly slinking forwards Eurofurence 13 ^^...ill see you all Tomorrow at the hotel *all who is going there allr eady tomorrow* *wavies and zooooms*
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Tiggger on 03.09.2007, 17:10:00
Quote from: nekotorisha on 03.09.2007, 00:37:18
Quote from: Tiggger on 02.09.2007, 23:15:12
MM one more day....
Starts to get a bit bouncy

Driving off tuesdaymorning to dusseldorf airport to pick up the first fur to accompany me. After that still 5 more to come along.

The drive there will be fun already!!

you gotta van or something?

MM other car joines half hour away from Dusseldorf^^
Van might be an idea for next year
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: CodeCat on 04.09.2007, 01:52:53
I'll be leaving here at 9 in the morning on Wednesday, hopefully not missing too much by the time I get there. It's a 500 km drive...
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Red-Claw on 04.09.2007, 20:28:49
I'll arrive hopefully at 18 p.m. ... on friday T_T
Oh man I'll miss so much ... but I just can't make it earlier.

But I think the weekend will be worth the 210€ ^^#

Safe journey to you all :)
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Thygrrr on 04.09.2007, 20:45:20
I'll be leaving my workplace at 16:00 on THURSDAY (phew, better than friday, what it almost would have been), and will probably drive around 130-150km in my own car till I arrive at the consite. :)
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Pinky on 05.09.2007, 05:25:04
A lil cooneh here now at frankfurt airport waiting to get our train towards suhl :P
managed to hack the free internet and get on here despite the firewalls and filters on the free network they've given heheh :P

Look out for a lil cooneh there thats gonna be all tired from no sleep at all and just been sitting round an airport all yesterday/this morning!!!

ps....i dont like german keyboards!!!
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Wawik on 05.09.2007, 12:53:19
Taxi's been ordered for 14:00.  :P
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Red-Claw on 06.09.2007, 14:32:16
Yeah great, I'm the only one left T_T

One more day I've missed =/

Why can't it be friday evening now x3
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Footpad on 12.09.2007, 17:41:59
Approximately 359 days and... counting...
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Jaypup on 13.09.2007, 13:03:42
yay partyyyy ^^ EF will be here again soon  ;D
Title: Re: the countdown thread
Post by: Kixt on 13.09.2007, 14:56:20
And this is what we do,
I'm starting something new
In front of a never ending line and it is true
the party is in you, the night is what you do,
of it and you see party hardy here with me

Waking up in the morning man trembling hands,
shaking and waking to the best I can, to get on my clothes,
this is for those, who managed to party three night till' it close.
Further to dawn head-ache is gone,
drink some more liquor and let's get it on.
Youth's to young, sand on my tongue.
The spirits on top cuz tonight's coul' be fun.

Party party,people on it, on it,
drinkin' booze and beers and no-one cares bout' the future.


Next year, 27th ^_^