Hi my name is Pan
I last went to EF back in 2010 I think it was EF16 maybe in Magdeburg.
I am a Pangolin (scaly anteater)
I'm male, 6'3, fursuiter,
Don't know what else to say other than I'm staying in the con hotel
Welcome Back!! Another fursuiter yuhu!!! Hope to see you at the fursuit lounge hehehehe, you will like the new hotel!!!
Are you sure it was that long? I remember seeing your suit much more recently somehow XD
But glad you'll be back, it's always great to see a pangolin!
Quote from: Ralesk on 18.06.2015, 23:38:13
Are you sure it was that long? I remember seeing your suit much more recently somehow XD
But glad you'll be back, it's always great to see a pangolin!
I may have the year wrong but I've only been to 1 eurofurence.