Is it on the EF 21, another "FURS GO TO THE EIGHTIS" give?
I really hope that there will be another eighties or maybe nineties party ;) I had a lot of fun last year. :)
Things are looking good at the moment. That's all I can say at this point. :)
Quote from: BigBlueFox on 23.01.2015, 20:24:23
Things are looking good at the moment. That's all I can say at this point. :)
I have been walking around with the idea of going from theme to theme during one of the dances. Like go from 80's to 90's, trance/happy hardcore/rave and rock/metal.
But I haven't done one before. Normally at larger disco's they have like 4 or 5 rooms that switch out maybe once during the whole evening, so I do not know if it can be done.
Wie hießen die beiden Leute, die das letztes Mal gemacht haben? Wie waren nochmal die Namen? Ich würde nämlich gerne mitmachen. Ich habe einen echten Turntable und Vinylis aus der Zeit. Ich würde nämlich gerne zu denen Kontakt aufnehmen.
What were the two people who have made the last time? What was the name again? I want to join.
I have a real turntable, and Vinylis out of time. I want to whom to contact.
Edit by o'wolf: removed comments that are now out of context due to thread clean-up to avoid confusion
Quote from: Lutra on 23.01.2015, 19:14:58
I really hope that there will be another eighties or maybe nineties party ;) I had a lot of fun last year. :)
It was a fun party! You know music is good when people start hurraying when some particular piece of music starts playing :)
Moderator's hat on
Okay folks, before this escalates any further: I've removed the posts that are poking fun at Twilight's English.
Moderator's hat off
Twilight, du kannst hier auch gerne auf Deutsch schreiben, das ist glaube ich besser verständlich als eine wörtliche Übersetzung ins Englische unter Beibehaltung der deutschen Grammatik.
Okey. Die Sache liegt am Übersetzungsprogramm was keine Grammatik übersetzen kann.
Schade nur das meine Beiträge nun nur noch von Leuten verstanden werden, die Deutsch können.
Zurück zum Thema: Wer waren nun die beiden die das das letztes Mal gemacht haben?
Twilight, Letztes Jahr hat sich da zB Mafundi drum gekümmert.
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 24.01.2015, 01:09:41
Twilight, Letztes Jahr hat sich da zB Mafundi drum gekümmert.
Danke dir!! :) Habe ihm ne PM geschickt.
I absolutely hope there will be an 80s party again! Last year I pretty much missed it because I was too tired after con setup :-\
I too hope there will be an 80ies party again :) I was too busy and did not make it last year, so I will be sure to drop by this year!
Yay. :D
Can't wait.
It was awesome last year. ^^
as someone born in the 80's and grown up in the 90's I approve of this message!!
Good Memories!!!!
I hope i can contact the Guys who made this last Year.
I would like to work with them.
Yes, please let's have this again! ;D
Ich suche immernoch die beiden DJ's , die das auf der EF 20 gemacht haben. Würde gerne mit ihnen in Kontakt treten und mithelfen und so weiter.
I am still looking for the two DJs, who made this on the EF 20. Would like to talk to them, or help.
Meines Erachtens war der Erfolg der Veranstaltung nicht nur dem Umstand zu verdanken, das an dem Abend keine andere größere Sache war, sondern vorallem das die Musik einen großen Abstand zu der Musik hat die auf dem Fursuit Friendly Dance oder dem Big Blue Dance gespielt wird. Also eine Alternative ist, für die Leute die die Musik vom Fursuit Friendly Dance oder Big Blue Dance nicht so sehr mögen.
So ist jedenfalls mein Eindruck.
Also ich tanz überall Hauptsache Mucke :) 80er geht immer ;)
Translation of my last Posting (With a little Help from Jorinda. Thankies!! :) ):
In my opinion, the success of this event was not only because there was no other event that night, but because the music is so different to the music played at Fursuit Friendly Dance and Big Blue Dance. So it was an alternative for those who don't like the music at Fursuit Friendly Dance and Big Blue Dance so much. At least that was my impression.
*g* Das lustige ist, ich hatte vor der EF 20 immer mal wieder in meiner Phantasie den Wunsch mit Furrys (ob mit oder ohne Suit) zu dem Song: Talking Heads:"ROAD TO NOWHERE" eine Polonaise zu machen. *lol* Und als der Song dann kam, griff ich mir den nächst besten und los gings. Und die weitaus meisten haben mitgemacht. Yeah!!! ;D
My own translation:
*g*The funny thing is, I had before the EF 20, from time to time in my imagination the desire to make with furrys (with or without suit), to the song "ROAD TO NOWHERE" by the Talking Heads, a polonaise.
* lol * And when the song came, I grabbed the nearest and lets go !.
And almost all people have danced with.
Yeah !!! ;D
(Ist meine eigene Übersetzung verständlich und relativ gut gelungen? Ich hoffe es.)
Sorry for my double Post. What's new here? Nothing? Not interested anymore?
Also ich hab definitv interesse :)
The panel "Furs back to the 80s" on EF20 was hosted by MafunDi, so we should ask him to set it up again.
MafunDi asked Fuzzy and me to put up some 80s music and we really had a blast.
I´d be glad to spin some music again on EF21.
(photos by Stefan Hürter)
Ah that was you. Man you really rocked and I had a hell lot of a fun ;) Great Music great people, great fun. Hope to see you again this EF :)
Quote from: SciFox on 11.04.2015, 12:55:12
The panel "Furs back to the 80s" on EF20 was hosted by MafunDi, so we should ask him to set it up again.
Ich hoffe er macht es. Und ich würde mich freuen, mitmachen zu dürfen. Mit meinen Vinylis. :)
I hope he makes it. And I would love to be able to participate. With my Vinylis. :)
I think this was my favorite dance the whole con!
Hallo. :) Mich würde interessieren ob es etwas neues zum Thema gibt.
Ich bekräftige hiermit nochmal mein Angebot. Falls irgendjemand daran zweifeln sollte das ich es ernst meine, unseriös wäre oder unzuverlässig, würde ich gerne die Chance bekommen das Gegenteil zu beweisen.
I would be interested if there is anything new on the subject.
I confirm again my offer.
If anyone should doubt that I'm not serious, irresponsible or unreliable, I would love to get the chance to prove the opposite.
Would love for this to happen again, though it would be even more awesome if some 90s music were to pop in there too for us 90s kids XD
Quote from: FreesTyler on 11.05.2015, 03:49:27
Would love for this to happen again, though it would be even more awesome if some 90s music were to pop in there too for us 90s kids XD
Dann hätte ich einen Vorschlag:
Macht aus dem ganzen ein "FURS GO TO THE 80'S/90'S"
Und ein DJ übenimmt die 80's und ein anderer die 90's.
Aber alles spätere dann nicht mehr. Denn Musik ab 2000 findet man eh schon im BIG BLUE DANCE oder in dem FRIENDLY DANCE.
Then I have a suggestion:
Makes the whole a "FURS GO TO THE 80'S / 90'S"
And a DJ takes over the 80's and another 90's.
But everything then later no longer. Because Musik from 2000 can be found anyway in BIG BLUE DANCE or in the FRIENDLY DANCE.
Sounds like a cool plan :-3
Quote from: Twillight on 12.02.2015, 18:13:29
In my opinion, the success of this event was not only because there was no other event that night, but because the music is so different to the music played at Fursuit Friendly Dance and Big Blue Dance.
Definitely! Music was awesome :)
Hehe 90s. That means alot of Eurodance and the beginning of Techno, Trance etc. :) Hehe, Eurodance at Eurofurence :)
Well... if MafunDi and SciFox are up for it this year I'll be more than happy to join them in DJing an 80s/90s event once again... last year's was so much fun to do!
I'll be bringing my DJ gear along anyhow, even if I don't end up using it ;)
I've been a DJ since the early 90s... and still prefer to mainly play 80s/90s stuff with a bit of modern things thrown in... it's just my style, the music I like to listen to and - more importantly - dance to!
80s/90s cheese for the win!
I must confess that it was a dream of mine to play on the EF Vinyl-Records (80'ties).
Now it is final and I can annouce it: There will be an 80s dance this year and it will go BIG now.
I am still looking for some skilled DJs in these regards, so if you think the 80s is your time of DJing, just give me a note.
I would be very happy to hear from you
Best greetings
I'm not a professional DJ. But in the Past i play Vinyl-Records on Private-Partys. I have 418 Maxi-Singles. Mostly from the Eigties. And i have a TECHNICS SL-1210MK2 professional Tunrntable. I would then make available, or supporting the event with it.
Sounds good. Yay the Technics MK2. Very nice:) I have only the cheaper version from Conrad Electronic :)
Vestax? Or Gemini? These are also good Turntables.
Would be nice if some 90's music would be included as well ;)
90s will be partially included, but not be the main theme :3
The dance will be at mainstage again at the beginning of the convention.
If you happen to be DJ or know someone who would love to be, we still have some spots left :3
Looking forward to see you all - 80s clothing prefered ;3
Best greetings
Oh my, I'm really looking forward to this :D
This is going to be awesome... really looking forward to it. :D
8 days yet, then it starts: Let's Party !!
I'll be there ;) Nice that it will be hold again ;)
Here is my song wishlist 8)
Depeche Mode - Never let me down again (
Depeche Mode - Question of Time (
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (
Tears for fears - Shout (
Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters Theme Song (
Giorgio Moroder/Paul Engemann - Push it to the Limit (
Frankie goes to Hollywood - Relax (
Frankie goes to Hollywood - Two Tribes (
Frankie goes to Hollywood - Warriors of the Wasteland ( 12" Version (
Deep Purple - Mad Dog (
INXS - Suicide Blonde (
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer (
Animotion - I Engineer (
Pet Shop Boys - Go West ( (For our Russian furs)
Irene Cara - What a feeling (
M&H Band - Popcorn (
Dead or alive - You spin me around (
Europe - Final countdown (
Haddaway - What is Love? (
The Beloved - Sweet Harmony ( :slap:
Ob russische Furrys wohl die Russian-Mix Version von Silicon Dream:"ALBERT EINSTEIN-EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE" genauso witzig finden wie sie gemeint ist?
Whether Russian furries probably the Russian-mix version of Silicon Dream:"ALBERT EINSTEIN-EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE" find just as funny as it is meant?
Kann mir jemand mal die russischen Komentare , zumindest die ersten übersetzen?
Ich habe nämlich diese Version als Maxi auf Vinyl.
Can anyone even the russian coments, at least the first, translating?
For I have this version as Maxi vinyl.
Quote from: Twillight on 13.08.2015, 23:18:45
Can anyone even the russian coments, at least the first, translating?
For I have this version as Maxi vinyl.
Duffenshmirtz says: "He thinks he sings in Russian. Disappoint - it's just a completely meaningless set of words." (Google Translate is my friend)
Quote from: CleanerWolf on 13.08.2015, 23:32:54
Quote from: Twillight on 13.08.2015, 23:18:45
Can anyone even the russian coments, at least the first, translating?
For I have this version as Maxi vinyl.
Duffenshmirtz says: "He thinks he sings in Russian. Disappoint - it's just a completely meaningless set of words." (Google Translate is my friend)
Okey. :)
Der Google Translator kann aber auch öfters daneben liegen. Wie ich schon leitlich erfahren musste. Den benutze ich auch.
Gut, also erkennen, so wie ich es mir schon gedacht habe, auch die russischen Furrys die Silicon Dream Texte als das an was sie sind: Herrlichen Schwachsinn. Genau wie der eine auch den passenden Vergleich zu Mega:"YOU GOT A BAUSPARRVERTRAG" zieht. Hinter Mega und Silicon Dream steckt ein und die selbe Person. ;)
Okey. :)
The Google Translator but can also frequently off the mark. As I had already experienced. I use also.
Well, that recognize, as I've already thought of, even the Russian Furrys the Silicon Dream lyrics than to what they are: Magnificent bullshit. Just like the one also cater compared to MEGA: pulling "YOU GOT A BAUSPARRVERTRAG". Behind Mega and Silicon Dream infected one and the same person. ;)
#p My wishlist :
Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
Neneh Cherry - Buffalo Stance
Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This?
Madonna - Like A Prayer
M.A.R.S. - Pump Up The Volume
Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills
Duran Duran - Rio
Ray Parker, Jr. - Ghostbusters
Laura Branigan - Hot Night
U2 - With or Without You
Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me)
The Clash - Rock The Casbah
Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure
Womack & Womack - Teardrops
OMD - Enola Gay
Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Electric Light Orchestra - Hold on Tight
Human League - Together in Electric Dreams
Jeff Lynne - Video
Jeff Lynne - Let it Run
Giorgio Moroder - The Duel
Helen Terry - Now You're Mine
Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love
Oingo Boingo - Weird Science
Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
Cyndi Lauper - The Goonies 'R' Good Enough
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
Simple Minds - Alive And Kicking
The Human League - Human
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Baltimora - Tarzan Boy
Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up :slap:
Survivor - I Can't Hold Back
Desireless - Voyage Voyage
Rick Astley - Together Forever ::)
Starship - We Built This City (San Francisco radio version)
Alisha - Do You Dream About Me
000tomorrow ready to rumble