The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Programming => Topic started by: KyuubiSaoirse on 17.01.2015, 19:03:21

Title: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 17.01.2015, 19:03:21
Anyone else up for repeating the success? :3 Last years' was really really nice! ^w^
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: zuzu on 17.01.2015, 22:59:03
Last year it was big fun :) We are preparing some hungarian specialties.
As I remember, the "zsírosdeszka" with onion made some success :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 17.01.2015, 23:26:59
Awesome! :D Since it's allowed this year to empty your fridge (as long as the beverages are right net to the fridge, so that they can see you didn't consume them) and use it for other things, I'll definitely be bringing some 'havregrynskugler'! It's a traditional christmas candy her ein Denmark, but it's soooooo gooood I could just eat it all year 'round! XD
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 17.01.2015, 23:50:26
Swedes please store some påskmust and bring it to EF :)  I know it's hard, because it's so good and you want to drink it yourselves! :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Kamuniak on 18.01.2015, 11:00:27
I'm definitely coming to this event! :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 18.01.2015, 15:24:40
Quote from: Kamuniak on 18.01.2015, 11:00:27
I'm definitely coming to this event! :)

Awesome :D

I hope a swede (or maybe a finn? ;3) will be bringing the smoked/dried reindeer meat back. It was soooo gooood!!! :D  (I've got a friend who's moved to Finland, so yeah, I know you guys have the smoked/dried meat, too x''D)

Any special Danish goodies you guys would like to see? :)

I might bring a bag of 'Kims' chips, the most famous Danish brand. xD But then the question is... What flavor do you guys want? There's two-three types of cheese puffs, salt, barbecue, sour cream and onion, dill, salt&pepper - you name it, it's there, mostly. So what flavor of chips would you like to taste? They've even got chips made from rye flour (so that they're a tiny bit healthier), now! :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Reshi on 18.01.2015, 17:20:20
I want to attend this year ! If I get my hands on some smoked/dried reindeer, I could bring some ;3 Idk what else me or my friends should bring tho, I'm open for suggestions ^^
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 19.01.2015, 08:19:55
mmm reindeer <3

Hmm, last year we did bring some pálinka from Hungary and it was quite well received, could do that again too :D — How about some Salmiakki Koskenkorva in exchange?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Atropos on 19.01.2015, 09:33:38
hmmm typical Dutch stuff, i can smuggle in Stroopwafels :P
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Reshi on 19.01.2015, 20:15:51
Quote from: Ralesk on 19.01.2015, 08:19:55
Salmiakki Koskenkorva in exchange?

that's something i could definetly bring ! :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 19.01.2015, 20:26:38
yaaay ^^

(Btw, how much does a bottle cost? And I have the same question for the deer meat bag too (a few years ago there was a pretty cool one of those, had three different deers' meat in it) — these things are entirely unavailable in my country and would love to bring some home to survive another year without Scandinavia :D)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Wawik on 19.01.2015, 20:36:48

So, who's going to actually organise it this year? Gwyndolynum won't be at EF, y'know...
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 19.01.2015, 20:39:48
Quote from: doco on 19.01.2015, 20:36:48
Gwyndolynum won't be at EF, y'know...

No, we didn't know; or I didn't at least.

I'm not sure what the organising part needs, but the event seems to be generally self-hosting (with common set-up and clean-up easily achievable, see also last year).  Anything else we'd need to know?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Kamuniak on 20.01.2015, 00:44:51
Quote from: Ralesk on 19.01.2015, 20:39:48
I'm not sure what the organising part needs, but the event seems to be generally self-hosting (with common set-up and clean-up easily achievable, see also last year).  Anything else we'd need to know?

I guess we need to ask from EF staff to reserve some panel room for 3 hours? Maybe same one as last year? Room already have tables and chairs. All we need after that is maybe some paper and pens so people can write their country and names of their foods, and some plastic bags for trash.

After that, this event seem to be very self-hosting as you said. People come in, put their foods and drinks on tables and start chatting and tasting what other have brought :) When people are leaving, they take their excess food with them or otherwise get rid of them.

But of course someone needs to be named who takes care that things run smoothly and room is left clean after everyone have left.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: gwyndolium on 27.01.2015, 00:03:55
Hey guys,

Unfortunately Doco is right and I will not be attending EF this year around. This has nothing to do with EF but more with another oppertunity that came by that I couldn't pass on. I'll almost definiately be back next year!

What does this mean for the International Snack Exchange?

What this means is that I won't be organising the international snack exchange this year around. The good news however is that because you guys are so awesome you won't need a lot to make this event work. So what I'm going to do is ask around if there are people willing to take the role as 'organiser' so the event can keep going on like it always has the last couple of years. Whether this will be my boyfriend or one of the previous visitors I'm not yet sure about but more will probably come as EF comes closer. It would be a shame if you guys couldn't share your awesome food just because I'm not attending!

As said, I would prefer, and I bet EF staff feels the same, if somebody takes responsibility so staff has a person to talk to regarding the event and so the room is left behind all clean and proper.

Sorry for the inconvience guys but it's awesome to see you are all excited again!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Foxen on 29.01.2015, 04:17:17
I will return with more Norwegian brown cheese, lefse, Smash and liquorice.
I might also have dried fish snacks with me... depending on if I'm able to resort the smell issue or not.

We should make a nordic corner this year too! :]

I am still curious who this Austrian who (really) liked the brown cheese was. I'll bring a whole cheese for him if he shows up at the next con.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 29.01.2015, 10:22:26
Hmm, a coworker of mine sometimes brings dried fish snack from Iceland with him, and it doesn't smell too pungent
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 13:52:04
Quote from: Foxen on 29.01.2015, 04:17:17
We should make a nordic corner this year too! :]

Hell yeah! It was so much fun :D We just need someone from Iceland sitting there with us, too, then all the nordics are there! XD So yeah, last year I brought vanljekranse and flæskesvær with me, but this year the homemade stuff will be havregrynskugler, and I'm thinking of bringing some chips from the Danish brand 'Kim's'. I just dunno what flavor most would like to try. Since, as I mentioned, there's... Kinda EVERYTHING in that brand. Cheese puffs, sour cream and onion, salt, barbecue, even pulled pork and rye chips...
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Honey on 29.01.2015, 14:13:04
So, who is organizing this event? I see people keep talking but you need someone to step up and take the lead to make sure this will happen ;)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 29.01.2015, 20:59:37
Quote from: Honey on 29.01.2015, 14:13:04
So, who is organizing this event? I see people keep talking but you need someone to step up and take the lead to make sure this will happen ;)

Gwyndolium said he'll ask around; I'm pretty sure he'll report back once he's done with that.  No worries, the event isn't in 7 more months anyway!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 22:16:34
Quote from: Ralesk on 29.01.2015, 20:59:37
Quote from: Honey on 29.01.2015, 14:13:04
So, who is organizing this event? I see people keep talking but you need someone to step up and take the lead to make sure this will happen ;)

Gwyndolium said he'll ask around; I'm pretty sure he'll report back once he's done with that.  No worries, the event isn't in 7 more months anyway!

Yeah, exactly :)

All I know is that I probably won't have the energy needed for arranging it and such with the programming team, since I'll be spending the next good couple months by searching and applying, searching and applying, and searching and applying even more for my first job, now that my education's finished as I passed my final exam just over a week ago. (biomedical laboratory scientist, here.)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 30.01.2015, 11:38:04
Quote from: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 22:16:34
All I know is that I probably won't have the energy needed for arranging it and such with the programming team, since I'll be spending the next good couple months by searching and applying, searching and applying, and searching and applying even more for my first job, now that my education's finished as I passed my final exam just over a week ago. (biomedical laboratory scientist, here.)

Congrats and good luck! :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 30.01.2015, 13:48:42
Quote from: Ralesk on 30.01.2015, 11:38:04
Quote from: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 22:16:34
All I know is that I probably won't have the energy needed for arranging it and such with the programming team, since I'll be spending the next good couple months by searching and applying, searching and applying, and searching and applying even more for my first job, now that my education's finished as I passed my final exam just over a week ago. (biomedical laboratory scientist, here.)

Congrats and good luck! :)

Thanks! ^w^
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: zuzu on 30.01.2015, 19:07:37
Quote from: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 22:16:34
I passed my final exam just over a week ago. (biomedical laboratory scientist, here.)
Yaaaay :) Congratulation :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 30.01.2015, 20:14:22
Quote from: zuzu on 30.01.2015, 19:07:37
Quote from: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 22:16:34
I passed my final exam just over a week ago. (biomedical laboratory scientist, here.)
Yaaaay :) Congratulation :)

Thanks! ^w^
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 02.02.2015, 22:05:13
Quote from: KyuubiSaoirse on 29.01.2015, 13:52:04
Quote from: Foxen on 29.01.2015, 04:17:17
We should make a nordic corner this year too! :]

Hell yeah! It was so much fun :D We just need someone from Iceland sitting there with us, too, then all the nordics are there! XD So yeah, last year I brought vanljekranse and flæskesvær with me, but this year the homemade stuff will be havregrynskugler, and I'm thinking of bringing some chips from the Danish brand 'Kim's'. I just dunno what flavor most would like to try. Since, as I mentioned, there's... Kinda EVERYTHING in that brand. Cheese puffs, sour cream and onion, salt, barbecue, even pulled pork and rye chips...

I'll bring some smoked salmon, Namdals Gomme and maybe some mackerel in tomato sauce.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Akulatraxas on 26.03.2015, 21:32:47
We still need someone to write to to be the formal organizer of this event. Otherwise it cant take place.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cheetor on 26.03.2015, 23:10:05
Not entirely sure what I can bring all the way from New Zealand... and I don't think the Estrel would like me digging up a pit outside for a Hāngi (
Perhaps something for our World Famous in New Zealand Cookie Time - (
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 17.04.2015, 17:36:53
What's up with this event?  Has anyone stepped in yet?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Akulatraxas on 19.04.2015, 22:57:53
We dont have an ticket yet, so - no, nobody wrote to the programming team so far.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Rattie on 19.04.2015, 23:52:47
For some reason I never attended the International Snack Exchange. But I'll be sure to come by, at least to drop off stuff for people to nom :P
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 20.04.2015, 00:31:17
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 26.03.2015, 21:32:47
We still need someone to write to to be the formal organizer of this event. Otherwise it cant take place.

What would be required of the formal organiser?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Akulatraxas on 27.04.2015, 23:02:07

Be our contact for the event.
And in this case: Take care that the room will be left in the state it was before you entered it :)
(Conops will help you)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 28.04.2015, 16:05:55
Sent an e-mail :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Lea on 28.04.2015, 17:15:24
Quote from: Cheetor on 26.03.2015, 23:10:05
Not entirely sure what I can bring all the way from New Zealand... and I don't think the Estrel would like me digging up a pit outside for a Hāngi (
Perhaps something for our World Famous in New Zealand Cookie Time - (

Well TimTams are quite popular in NZ / AUS as far as I got when I visited New Zealand last December and everyone who had them liked them (but you don't get them in Germany) ;)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cheetor on 30.04.2015, 13:49:54
Righto, I'll put TimTams on my list

So far coming from NZ with me is
TimTams -
Monte Carlo's (You will LOVE these!) -
And for lovers of Sushi I'll bring some RealWasabi -
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: VulpesRex on 01.05.2015, 06:46:11
   I've been following this subject for a number of years now - have stopped by a couple of times, to see what people bring from their homes in the way of treats and snacks - but have never really participated, not sampled any of the snacks, because I could not think of any prepared snacks from the USA which aren't likely already available in European or Central Asian supermarkets, or which are so uniquely american or just mind-blowingly awesome (or snack-addicitive) that anyone would go out of their way to sample.

  Perhaps I'm just not seeing this thing properly.  In the USA, "snacks" are either freshly-prepared or baked treats, simple hors d'oeuvres or finger-foods, or pre-prepared mass-produced "junk food" most often sold in cellophane or foil pouches...think of a bag of potato chips or "packet of crisps", in a hundred different variations, like corn or tortilla chips.  An alternative would be bar or tavern snacks, such as a bowl of hard-baked pretzel sticks, or salted peanuts or pistachios in-the-shell, or foil-wrapped almonds and "Beer-Nuts"(tm).

  Or perhaps I'm just not imaginative enough.

  So I ask - is there anything which people who have travelled to our country find that they have heard of and would like to sample, or who have tried something which we have but that you cannot get at home and now crave and wish that someone could bring some?

  Please bear in mind that this is a large country, and some of our snack foods are regional in origin, and are not distributed everywhere (Tastee-Kakes, made in the City of Philadelphia and found in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, come to mind as an example).  I live in California.

*Edited for spelling and clarity
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 01.05.2015, 09:09:38
Bring Twinkies! :D (they are back right?)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 02.05.2015, 21:11:25
VulpesRex: Well, my dear table partner Lance Ikegawa usually brings some of the stuff you mention to the Snack Exchange, and they are well received :)  You could ask him about the stuff he brings (I think he brought some stuff specific to Hawaii for that EF for example), maybe you can figure out something that's special in California or nearby states?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Fineas on 03.05.2015, 20:38:15
Quote from: VulpesRex on 01.05.2015, 06:46:11
...but have never really participated, not sampled any of the snacks, because I could not think of any prepared snacks from the USA which aren't likely already available in European or Central Asian supermarkets, or which are so uniquely american or just mind-blowingly awesome (or snack-addicitive) that anyone would go out of their way to sample...

These might be a bit dull as they where just one Google search away, however: (

Most of these I have never been able to buy. I'm from the Netherlands and I have regularly visited: Germany, Tjechie and Hungary.
I have till this day not see any of these (here under listed) in the stores:

Disclaimer: I can vote for these in the Netherlands in the south region and Germany Westfalen as I have visited those recently ( < week ago) as I read some of the stuff might be available in Tesco, which I know spring up in Hungary, Tjechie, Poland and I know also have deep roots in the UK. Maybe the fine people that more actively participate in this event might know if they (still) are a US specialty instead of an International available product.

And another small note I have no idea how suitable they are for this particular event as it looks like some of this stuff needs to be prepared in some way and others you might need to like put in cups or plates. Furthermore if you will be able to bring any through customs at the airport. So you might want to send them to a friend in Europe in a box well in advance, please still check the regulations on those though :-)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Drift on 04.05.2015, 17:08:03
@ vulpesrex:

In my opinion the snack exchange it is not only about bringing some super secret rare kind of food that you can only get in a special area/country. If you can, that's good, but as you pointed out it is more and more possible to get foreign snacks from all around the globe in specialised shops.
For me, the snack exchange is also about bringing some typical food/snacks from my area/country because I personally just like the taste of it, or because they are famous/important/traditional for a specific reason.

Take the ordinary peanutbutter jelly sandwich: No secret in the ingredients, I can easily make one from groceries that I buy in my local shop. But still, for me it is an American thing, one of your traditions. I did not grow up on those, it is still not common to eat them in Germany. Who invented them? And why? Do you have loads of peanuts in the states? That's cool stuff to know and to talk about! And if you don't know, or do not want to talk about it - just bring them because you love eating them, or they mean happy childhood to you, or to thousand other Americans :).
Food plays a major role in every culture, and I think it is also great to share the facts behind it with others.  

Now about the question what kind of food to bring: yes, we had plenty of sweets and salty "junk food" the previous years. I guess it is just difficult to prepare food or snacks if you can not acess a proper kitchen. But there have been exceptions: to my first snack exchange, I brought some typical Nuremberg sausages - I stayed in the guest house, had a kitchen, and therefore just fryed an cut them before going to the event. For me not possible any more. Somebody else brought a chocolate cake that he baked the day before going to the EF. Again, there were some home made waffles that we ate cold. Also, we had nice cheeses/meats/fishy things, that did not need big preparations, but clearly have not been junk food.
So it is possible to bring some things appart from sweets and junk, if they only need minor/none preparation (like spreading peanut butter on bread :)) or if you can prepare them beforehand. The most important thing is, that you are happy with what you bring :).
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 04.05.2015, 17:13:49
That's a great comment :)

For example, last year we bought some bread and spread lard and put paprika and red onions on it — really traditional in Hungary (and the region), required little preparation and fun was had by all.  To my surprise the Japanese loved it.  Who would have imagined!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Jorinda on 05.05.2015, 09:14:45
I brought those with me when I was in the US, just because I thought the name was funny. But they also tasted pretty good, and cannot be bought here. Also, they are easy to transport and good to share.

Another thing that is not available here: Lunchables. But in my opinion this was the worst snack that is sold in the US  :-X so probably not worth carrying it all the way.

If I find the time to attend, I'll bring some Hallorenkugeln ( Having a chocolate manufacturer next to my home makes the decision easy.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: KyuubiSaoirse on 12.05.2015, 16:51:49
Now, with all the more food-centered talk here, I'm really, really, REALLY considering bringing some good, proper leverpostej and the nice rye bread we have here in Denmark. especially the bread, I haven't found anything tasting even remotely like it outside of Denmark and very few Swedish brands (which is why I miss it dearly when I'm on vacation). And our leverpostej.... It IS a liver paté, but... It just tastes so different from your regular liver paté XD so... maybe that for the savory... and for the sweet, some home-made 'havregrynskugler' ;)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cheetor on 14.05.2015, 07:51:45
So what do we do if someone decides to brink some Hákarl or Lutefisk?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 14.05.2015, 08:40:19
Quote from: Cheetor on 14.05.2015, 07:51:45
So what do we do if someone decides to brink some Hákarl or Lutefisk?

Lutefisk is served warm so you're safe from us.

But some Swedes might bring Surstrøming xD
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 14.05.2015, 09:16:13
Quote from: Leophan on 14.05.2015, 08:40:19
Quote from: Cheetor on 14.05.2015, 07:51:45
So what do we do if someone decides to brink some Hákarl or Lutefisk?

Lutefisk is served warm so you're safe from us.

But some Swedes might bring Surstrøming xD

Only if they drive all the way down to Berlin, that thing cannot be shipped in aircraft :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Rattie on 14.05.2015, 23:49:01
Here are a few things that I though of bringing, which is typically danish

edit: The tongue twister is spelled "Rød grød med fløde" and not "gløde" as I wrongly wrote before XD Try let google pronounce it for you XD
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 15.05.2015, 13:12:53
Ooh, the tongue twister sounds good :3
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cosmik on 30.05.2015, 20:20:09
This sounds like a great deal of fun!  I'm trying to think if there's anything I can bring from the US (that I can have in my luggage.)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 31.05.2015, 00:20:26
Quote from: Cosmik on 30.05.2015, 20:20:09
This sounds like a great deal of fun!  I'm trying to think if there's anything I can bring from the US (that I can have in my luggage.)

Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 04.07.2015, 08:47:55
Just in case there's any doubt, the event will be happening :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cheetor on 04.07.2015, 11:35:07
some of that Danish food sounds quite interesting.
And cheese, Europe has so much great cheese.. going to have to try lots of that :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Quote from: Leophan on 04.07.2015, 08:47:55
Just in case there's any doubt, the event will be happening :)

Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 14.07.2015, 14:40:40
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.

Not my favourite, but bak kwa is very singapore :)  Durian flavoured candy is also very singapore (and I like it :D).  Maybe some local chips or somesuch (seaweed or white fish snacks?)

Not too sure what else, a lot of things seem to be fried or need to be consumed fresh.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 14.07.2015, 22:19:49
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Quote from: Leophan on 04.07.2015, 08:47:55
Just in case there's any doubt, the event will be happening :)

Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.

Do you get the Pepsi flavored potato chips in Singapore? If so, please bring some :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: nightdragon0 on 15.07.2015, 05:27:41
Quote from: Ralesk on 14.07.2015, 14:40:40
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.

Not my favourite, but bak kwa is very singapore :)  Durian flavoured candy is also very singapore (and I like it :D).  Maybe some local chips or somesuch (seaweed or white fish snacks?)

Not too sure what else, a lot of things seem to be fried or need to be consumed fresh.

The customs info says meat can't be brought in from outside the country, so that would be a problem. I do have some ideas for some local candies though!

Quote from: Leophan on 14.07.2015, 22:19:49
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Quote from: Leophan on 04.07.2015, 08:47:55
Just in case there's any doubt, the event will be happening :)

Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.

Do you get the Pepsi flavored potato chips in Singapore? If so, please bring some :D

That sounds like something they'd have in America =p They like sweet stuff a lot, I believe!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 15.07.2015, 08:47:19
I think the Pepsi doritos are Japanese
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Rishary on 16.07.2015, 14:26:41
Looking forward to this :)

Sadly I can't think of anything interesting to bring (That is shippable by aircraft and will survive the trip unrefrigerated) besides some cellophane-bagged "Junk-food" snacks thatare as far as I know unique to Israel:
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 17.07.2015, 12:53:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 15.07.2015, 05:27:41
Quote from: Ralesk on 14.07.2015, 14:40:40
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 14.07.2015, 08:58:38
Oo nice! Now I have to think of what I can bring from my country.

Not my favourite, but bak kwa is very singapore :)  Durian flavoured candy is also very singapore (and I like it :D).  Maybe some local chips or somesuch (seaweed or white fish snacks?)

Not too sure what else, a lot of things seem to be fried or need to be consumed fresh.

The customs info says meat can't be brought in from outside the country, so that would be a problem. I do have some ideas for some local candies though!

Hmm, peculiar, I had no problem bringing sausage to Singapore from Europe (AVA allows up to 5 kilos of pork meat & meat products without a permit; and nobody seemed to care at the airport red lane, so fuckit XD) and no problem with bak kwa from Singapore to Europe (again nobody cared to check me in Hungary, I just zoomed through the green lane and that's it) — the German zoll site is very vague about meat based food (which is usually a very different regulation than raw meat or live animals), I guess it would be a good idea to send them an email and ask them what they think.  It's what I did with the Singapore Customs.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: TonksM on 26.07.2015, 23:33:49
This sounds fun. I love trying stuff from around the globe. Is there anything specific anyone wants me to bring from Britain?
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 28.07.2015, 12:17:25
Jelly babies :3
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 05.08.2015, 00:56:36
The schedule is up and the snack exchange will be Thursday morning in Conference room 5 from 10:00-13:00.

I have not been to the Estrel before so I don't know the size of the room, but both for space and practical reasons, 1 country 1-2 table(s), so prepare to be seated with your fellow countrymen whether you planed to or not.
It's also nice if you bring a flag or something else to identify yourselves with for the people dropping by :)

Also keep health and safety in mind when it comes to items needing refrigeration. Do not bring food you are not absolutely sure is still edible after being transported to Berlin.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Akulatraxas on 05.08.2015, 01:34:46
The room is about 90m^2 in size. :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Zuki on 05.08.2015, 15:34:53

I will work out some of the rarer UK things to try and bring if I have space. Shame we don't have a toaster as Id love to bring real british crumpets haha

Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cosmik on 12.08.2015, 01:46:35
Quote from: Leophan on 31.05.2015, 00:20:26
Quote from: Cosmik on 30.05.2015, 20:20:09
This sounds like a great deal of fun!  I'm trying to think if there's anything I can bring from the US (that I can have in my luggage.)


Very well then, I shall endeavour to bring as many twinkles as possible in our luggage from the US.  (How many attendees are we expecting at this soiree?)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 12.08.2015, 09:42:05
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

Nice selection :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cosmik on 14.08.2015, 01:10:27
How many are we expecting (so I know how much to prepare) :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 14.08.2015, 08:42:37
Quote from: Cosmik on 14.08.2015, 01:10:27
How many are we expecting (so I know how much to prepare) :D

Not sure. At EF 19 we had about 20-30 persons visiting our Norwegian table, but the con has grown since then, and we got a much larger time slot.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Henrieke on 15.08.2015, 11:13:00
Hey everyone! I'm so happy to hear that there will be a snack exchange again this year! Last year I made a bunch of templates for signs that you can print out and bring to put with your snacks. The original post is here (,5148.msg52886.html#msg52886) but I'll just copy the entire text below. The links should all still work, let me know if there are any issues!


I am NOT the organizer of this event, but it IS one of my favorite things at the whole con! So I wanted to help a bit with making some printable signs that you can bring if you plan to hand out snacks.

I should mention that I got this idea from Tifou, who brought incredibly neat self-made signs least year with maps and everthing showing exactly where in France the cookies he brought originated from.

There are two types of signs:

This first set are simply signs showing the country. It would be awesome if each table has at least one of these! I have made signs for each country of which I am aware that people attend or have attended EF and/or have been represented at the snack exchange before. If your country is missing, I'm sorry! Just poke me and I can make one for whatever country or region you'd need. I have put these all in one big PDF, so when printing just select the page(s) that you need.

-Click here for a pdf with all the country signs ( 1.2mb
-Click here for a country sign odt template ( 12kb

The second is for individual items. There's space for the snack name, country and a short description. Especially useful for some certain countries *cough* that like disguising their candy as sweets only to put ammonium chloride on the inside XD
I have a pdf that you can simply print and write on, and an odt that you can edit in various programs before printing.


-Click here for the pdf ( 9kb
-Click here for the odt template ( 15kb

And lastly, here's a zip file with a whole bunch of country flags (gif) that are free to use.

-Click here for the flags ( 6.2mb

I hope to see you there!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Henrieke on 15.08.2015, 12:58:35
These signs have been printed already!
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: MrWho on 16.08.2015, 20:14:10
Splendid idea, Henrieke! Thanks for that great work.
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Laika on 17.08.2015, 16:58:08
I plan on attending as well. 
already did some shopping, although I don't know if I'll be bringing some unique sweets or that the other dutchies brought the same (pff who cares there's never enough stroopwafels anyway, and no.. I will bring other stuff too)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cheetor on 24.08.2015, 16:22:59
Sooo sorry I missed it.... I didnt expect quite how much partying EF involved and how late it went... so a few lucky furrythings got some of my TimTams, Monte Carlo's and chocolate fish(the otters seemed to really dig this idea)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Kamuniak on 25.08.2015, 20:11:32
Thanks again everyone for this year's ISE! Too bad event was right after breakfast, and I had to go to duty at 11 and Dealer's Den at 12, so I missed much of this... But still this was very nice event once again. So many weird things to taste, and so many people face to look when they taste salmiakki :D

Just a quick feedback, I heard several people saying afterwards that they didn't come to that event since they didn't bring anything themselves. At least I've understood that everyone is welcome even if you don't bring anything(?) This could be maybe mentioned in event description in conbook that everyone is welcome. Because once again there was much more food and sweets to eat than people eating them :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 25.08.2015, 21:52:02
When I wrote the event description I tried to make it clear you could just drop by and have a taste, but without making it look like just a free lunch. As for the time, I requested a timeslot that would be outside normal earing hours, this again to prevent people from seeing the event as just a free lunch.

From my own point of view:

3 hours seemed way to long before the event, but time really flew by. People seemed to be having fun and the event mostly ran itself.
The norwegian table lacked brown cheese unfortunately, but we made up for it with three choices of fish.
Closing of the event was a little rushed due to a printing error, but it still went pretty smooth.

Finally got to try a Twinkie, and honestly, it wasn't very good imo xD

To those going back next year, have fun exchange a lot of snacks :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Cosmik on 27.08.2015, 05:29:57
Twinkie are horrible, but you wouldn't have believed me if I had just told you.  You had to learn for yourself... like Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz.  :D

If I can attend next year I'll bring something that actually tastes good.  :)
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Leophan on 27.08.2015, 16:35:56
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD

Snack Roulette xD But great too hear the leftovers were used after we flooded the office with them xD
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Ralesk on 30.08.2015, 03:02:42
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD

But Durian is love :D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Gyroplast on 30.08.2015, 15:11:48
Quote from: Ralesk on 30.08.2015, 03:02:42
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD

But Durian is love :D

When love smells like the bio-bin in wing 4, and we get a biohazard alarm prompting a hotel evacuation, maybe a purely platonic relationship is to be preferred.  ;D
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: nightdragon0 on 30.08.2015, 18:37:04
Quote from: Gyroplast on 30.08.2015, 15:11:48
Quote from: Ralesk on 30.08.2015, 03:02:42
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD

But Durian is love :D

When love smells like the bio-bin in wing 4, and we get a biohazard alarm prompting a hotel evacuation, maybe a purely platonic relationship is to be preferred.  ;D

I shall make note to forward them all to Ralesk next time!

But well, it seems to be something that people either like or totally can't stomach. So it might worry you guys that those cookies aren't as strong as the actual fruit o-0
Title: Re: International Snack Exchange back for EF21?
Post by: Angus on 31.08.2015, 00:15:53
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 30.08.2015, 18:37:04
Quote from: Gyroplast on 30.08.2015, 15:11:48
Quote from: Ralesk on 30.08.2015, 03:02:42
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 27.08.2015, 16:33:29
Quote from: nightdragon0 on 12.08.2015, 09:40:43

Hopefully these will work out for mine!  :)

So you were the dragon bringing these Durian Cookies all along... I had one in the ConOps office and damn ... I wasn't able to get rid of that taste. It needed a hell lot of garlic to feel human again. XD

But Durian is love :D

When love smells like the bio-bin in wing 4, and we get a biohazard alarm prompting a hotel evacuation, maybe a purely platonic relationship is to be preferred.  ;D

I shall make note to forward them all to Ralesk next time!

But well, it seems to be something that people either like or totally can't stomach. So it might worry you guys that those cookies aren't as strong as the actual fruit o-0

I can kind of confirm that. I tried durian-flavored ice cream earlier this year on a business trip to Singapore. I actually kind of liked it. But most of my colleagues couldn't stand it. And yes, the taste lingers for quite some time.

I haven't had the courage to try the actual fruit, though. The odor is quite, well, overwhelming. ;)