The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Eurofurence Media => Topic started by: Cheetah on 27.12.2014, 15:29:32

Title: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpet Show
Post by: Cheetah on 27.12.2014, 15:29:32
This is an early recording of the Eurofurence "Pawpet Show" from the year 2005 titled "Songs of the Old Ages". Join the adventures of Lionel and his friends on their quest to find the last remaining fountain of inspiration! It's a farce and satirical story about music, creativiy, friendship, the music industry and pop culture, loosely held together by slapstick humour and bad puns. Features a life performence of Guest Star Heather Alexander as The Spirit of Inspiration!

It was originally planned to be released on DVD, but an avalanche of technical and personal issues resulted it to remain unreleased for almost a decade. This is a "bare bones" version of the show - the DVD featured a full 5.1 soundtrack for home theatre viewing, a directors commentary, and a multi-angle feature that allows you to look behind the stage at any time during the show. We'll make the images available for download soon, for those who'd like to enjoy the extra fatures.

Title: Re: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpet Show
Post by: Token on 08.01.2015, 14:27:57
Holy crap, awesome stuff :D
Title: Re: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpet Show
Post by: CleanerWolf on 23.01.2015, 01:44:02
Thank you so much for sharing this, my mighty producer! My first EF was EF12, so I never saw this PPS before, but it's definately one of my favorites, it has everything in it that a good PPS needs - humor, emotions, action, songs and an unbelievable amount of crazy ideas  #p
Title: Re: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpet Show
Post by: SiranaJHelena on 27.01.2015, 10:30:00
Yes!!! Finally I can watch the ending!
Back then I was too tired to catch everything and then went to bed because I knew from the EF8 and EF10 recording and thought I can watch this one soon...  :D
*presses play*