The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Introductions => Topic started by: Daggerjaw on 16.10.2014, 16:59:31

Title: Hello!
Post by: Daggerjaw on 16.10.2014, 16:59:31
Hello there Eurofurence forum.

I am Daggerjaw or on Fa: Daggerjaw729.

A little bit about myself before I write post and a half about furry fandom and myself.

I am an Croatian fur , living currently in Germany, a town called Regensburg. I am a veterinary tehnician by a trade, altough working something completely else here in Germany.
I am 22 year old female that has as a fursona an hybrid, a chimera. Wolf/antelope and  add also kaiju/monster in a mix. You will get me.

I love nature, animals, anatomy, charity, my goal is to travel as well as meeting new fellow furs along the way. Cars, mechanic fascinates me and my hobby is drawing, building jet models and just hanging out in general!

I am in fandom a lot of years and hopefully it will stay that way. In furry fandom I mostly enjoy art, commissions, people, fursuits as well fascinating ideas and creations , as well as spirituality.

I will try to go this year to ef so hopefully we can meet there and have a nice chat or even a drawing from me :)

Hmmm.. It wasnt a post and a half.. what a shame. XD

Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Blackymoon on 17.10.2014, 09:45:43
Heya and welcome to the forums - looking forward to seeing you next year :)
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Daggerjaw on 18.10.2014, 19:29:14
Quote from: Blackymoon on 17.10.2014, 09:45:43
Heya and welcome to the forums - looking forward to seeing you next year :)

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: VulpesRex on 19.10.2014, 21:29:15
Quote from: Daggerjaw on 16.10.2014, 16:59:31
Hello there Eurofurence forum.

I am Daggerjaw or on Fa: Daggerjaw729.

   Greetings, Daggerjaw!

I am an Croatian fur , living currently in Germany, a town called Regensburg...

   There is at least one other Furry Fan in Regensberg, a young man with the fan name Tarrian, who is registered on these forums (I know this because for EF19 he was kind enough to offer a ride-share car with any furs wishing to go from Regensberg to Magdeburg, and I accepted his offer with a donation towards the costs of petrol for the trip).

   Regensberg - at least, the portions of it which I saw while exploring, from the Hbf to the roman bridge across the Donau, and the streets of Old Town west of the cathedral - is a beautiful little town with much history, and with ambitions of a High-Tech future.

I love nature, animals, anatomy, charity, my goal is to travel as well as meeting new fellow furs along the way. Cars, mechanic fascinates me and my hobby is drawing, building jet models and just hanging out in general!

I am in fandom a lot of years and hopefully it will stay that way. In furry fandom I mostly enjoy art, commissions, people, fursuits as well fascinating ideas and creations , as well as spirituality.

   I take this to mean that you are involved as a fan of things besides Furry Fandom, such as SciFi, History, perhaps Animation (including Anime) as well?  This is a common strain, imaginative people have an unbridled curiosity, are often fans of lots of things, and tend to be insatiable "Readers of Books" on every type of topic.  A good thing to be in a quickly changing world!

I will try to go this year to ef so hopefully we can meet there and have a nice chat or even a drawing from me :)

   Travelling to EF21 by train should be incredibly easy; I made that trip this year from Nuremburg, arriving at the Sudkreuz station, and then changed to the east-bound S-bahn (S42, I think?) from there to the Sonnenallee stop (the 4th stop, total travel time of 9 minutes) and then a short walk of about 1 block distance up Sonnenallee, crossing the canal bridge to the Estrel Hotel.

   We hope that you can join us for EF21!
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Daggerjaw on 20.10.2014, 14:53:55
There is? I thank you so much for sharing all informations with me. If he wants to meet, I am sure that I always can :)

Old town is beutiful there as well as Donau.

Indeed, I am fan of many things beside furry fandom, kinda expanding myself on that matter, also I thank you for the compliment between those lines!

DB is always easy to acess honestly so I really doubt that it will be a problem along the way when I will go to ef :) I am used to traveling via trains and I actually love such travels.

Thanks again for help and warm welcome!
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Lutra on 26.10.2014, 12:29:27
Welcome to the forum ;)