Hi there!
just a very quick feedback and simple request if possible: )
the fursuit lounge is always great
nothing to say about the availiable tools, beverage, snacks, dries, fans etc...
of course after many years! all the good ideas are already properly set and "obvious to be there!"
Just a quick request that would be neat if possible : )
there are fursuiters who pack their suits in those plastic bags where you can suck the air out using a vacuum cleaner thru a valve
i know the "no vacuum cleaner solution" is squeezing the air out by sitting on the bag,
but its never as effective as a machine, able to "squeeze" it even more
so would it be possible to put one vacuum cleaner, at least during the last days (saturday/sunday/monday) in the fursuit lounge, so fursuiters wishing to "compress their suit" can?
yeaah, that would be great and terrific : )
Hey yotie,
it is possible to ask the housekeeping to borrow you their vacuum cleaner. We did this last year in the Maritim and also this year in the Estrel and it worked out really well! The hotel staff is very friendly and helpful, just ask! :3
jap i agree..!!
the suiter Lounge was so big and great. ..all the time fresh air and nice to cooling down x) enough dryer Slots on the tables.> i was wondering about that haha ^^
and on the Lounge was some open doors for Smoking and chilling outside really good Thing!
Moderator notice: Split this off from the 2013 thread :)
Big big thank you to the fursuit team indeed. This was my first eurofurence, and I used nearly all the time I had for suiting. Goofing around, and chirping. :) The fursuit lounge was managed in such a professional way that I couldn't imagine is possible. There was always a place to cool down, even during the dead dog party at the last night.
Everything was top quality, and there was always somebody to help the suiters. So big big thank you again for all the great work you did. :) Hope to meet you on next EF.
Thank you all for your positive feedback so far, it really warms my heart that you were satisfied with the fursuit lounge this year. <3
It's also great to hear that you think our team did a professional job on this, thanks a lot for that. :)
And helping fursuiters is of course also our job and it's a lot of fun doing this for you. ;)
Of course, the biggest thanks goes to our team-director Mystifur, who does this job for many many years now and who did again a really great job on organizing all the stuff concerning the fursuit lounge and leading our team very well. ;)
@yotie: Concerning the vacuum cleaner, we can maybe ask the hotel staff if they can borrow us one for next year. You can ask Mystifur for that.
But if it's possible also depends on the demand, how many furs besides you also require one of those. :3
Thank you very much for your kind words !
*pokes Klaatu* shush you :-P
We had an industrial vacuum cleaner sitting in the fursuit lounge near the repairs area.
It was bright yellow & blue, and by the noise I could hear it being used more than once during the last days.
Sorry if some people missed that. But as said, housekeeping would eagerly help out, if asked nicely.
Quote from: Mystifur on 27.08.2014, 22:09:08
We had an industrial vacuum cleaner sitting in the fursuit lounge near the repairs area.
It was bright yellow & blue, and by the noise I could hear it being used more than once during the last days.
Indeed! I found and used it lots this year!
Used it as a blower to dry neoprene glue, and as a vacuum to compress my fursuits ; )
thanks again : )
if i may do one little complain, it would be about fursuiters leaving their heads (or body) on he dryers during the entire con, wearing them only once - its very easy to notice which heads have been staying there for -loooong-
Same happens with EZwolf's supercooling tank - people leaving their PCM pouches dipping in it the entire time
crowd blocking the entrance of the FSlounge during main events
-dont leave your fursuit parts on the driers forever- (could maybe be enforced with cheap mechanical timers?)
-like i do, use a little "6 pack sized" cooler bag for the PCM, they keep the stuff solid the entire day and evening! Cool it in the morning or evening, and bring it back to your room -ready for use immediately ; )
The fursuit lounge this time was pretty cool.
I liked the idea of having a balcony to get outside.
There was always enough water, straws, cups and food everytime I got there. Special regards to that one guy who just seemed to hide somewhere in anticipation for someone to take a cup. Sometimes he replaced a cup from the box before I could take my hand away :D .... the box was an awesome idea too^^
And also good idea to have the fursuit lounge open all day n' night after the first day and not closing it 0100 like the conbook said. Thanks for this^^
Just one question: Is it necessary to ask fursuiters for their badge at the entrance of the suitlounge?
Thank you all for the positive feedback. It means a lot to the people inn my team.
Free slots on the dryer: Eurofurence has many cool things going on, and people forget about their suits. Or they plainly do not realize that others are waiting for a slot.
Now while we totally _could_ hover around the dryer, checking every 15 minutes if a suit is dry or not, this is really our very last resort. Not everyone likes their suit being handled, and people would be wondering where it was placed, and basically it would be a lot more work for us.
Here is where you come in: I call every eurofurence fursuiter to action! Make it a social meme. Make it known that it is common sense to remove the suits and heads. Remember people to take the suits away automatically. Twitter about it. Poke freinds. Send tweets to EF-prime, asking people to check their suits and make room.
Create awareness, shun dryer hogging, praise proper removal. So people realise that it's socially unacceptable to block a dryer much like not washing hands after taking a leak.
I am asking everyone of you to start creating this common sense.
As for the occasional passport and visa check at the fursuit entrance, let me put it this way:
Everyone in staff would very much love to have less work during the con :-)
So when we put extra work into something that at first glance seems complicated and is a bit of a nuissance to the attendees, yes, there is likely a very good reason behind this.
One of them might be: There is press in the house and we'd like to make sure that your inside out fursuits and heads don't end up in a shady magazine.
One might be that we need to make sure the non-suiting furry doesn't drink away all your precious fursuit drinks.
Think of it as the Eurofurence VIP-Lounge. You don't have a pass, you don't get in.
However, we are constantly working on improving our services and cause as little inconvenience as possible while making your stay more pleasant.
*irony on*
Yeah lets put an parkometer on the dryer! #p
*irony off*
Guys, seriously be social and remember yourself to put off your stuff from the dryer after (insert number here) hours :)
And yes, Mystifur is right, we need to check your badges otherwise unfriendly and curios People will come in, make Photos and drinks all YOUR drinks!
Thanks for the positiv Feedback anyway!
This year was the first year I excessively used the fursuit lounge to lenghten my suiting-time to a ridiculous degree and I can only say: Big thanks to Mystifur and your whole team, a job very well done!
Layout-wise it was nice and big, fans organized in just the right way, always clean, always filled refreshments and snacks, "cool" (sometimes a little bit -too- cool, guess I got my cold from there xD ) and generally just pleasant meeting other suiters there to have a small chat during suiting.
As I don't really have any critique I can think of, I can only add: keep up the good work guys!
A big round of applause for the lounge team: you guys rock :)
- I always and in any occasion felt well taken care of, and like le tigre I also had the notion that the staff was cleaning and resupplying faster than I could consume and waste ;)
- The trees I found quite usefull as well: I did not get a free space on a table to put stuff down when I changed, so I used the "pots" instead ::)
- A triple plus for the private fursuiter balcony, I enjoyed that very much...
- Furthermore, the ferbreeze refreshing station! Outstanding, really really nice :)
- Also, I had the feeling that security worked much better this year, in terms of "fursuiters only".
My only point of critique goes to some fellow suiters: blocking the dryers with lycra is just fu***** anoying for others who want to dry their suit and do not have a spot left >:(! Honestly guys, this is an absolute no go!
Lycra drys quick enough to be stored on hangers on the sides of the blowers/the coat racks/the extra lycra stand in front of the blower (which was there this year)!!! If it is not quick enough for you taste, bring a second set. To come back from the parade and find @ 5 spots blocked by pants and shirts blowing lazyly in the wind just made me really angry unhappy.
So for next year: please do not be an arse and quit this egoistic behaviour. Remember that there are 700 of us!!! Thanks!
Overall the great lounge I've come to expect from EF :)
On to my only gripes though:
Privacy - finding out that from the lift area for my room that I can see right in to the lounge, and that some rooms even look directly in was a bit off-putting for me and did affect how/how often I used the lounge.
Smoking - I found a couple of times that people were out back on the small balcony smoking, not a smell I (and I'm sure others) like introducing into our suits.
Seating - While I know this is always going to be limited, especially at busy times, I didn't see more than maybe 5-10 seats in the lounge. After a long suiting stint, somewhere to catch your breath is highly appreciated.
Quote from: Drift on 29.08.2014, 17:08:42
My only point of critique goes to some fellow suiters: blocking the dryers with lycra
The fursuit staff were observed being quite active in removing items stuck to the back of fans, but it seemed to be a never ending task, but yeah I hate the assorted sweaty items that everyone has to then share being blown at them.
It was my first year that I fully use the fursuit lounge because the ban of the use of fans in our rooms.
The Isotonic drink (Eurofurence Orange) was a brilliant idea : it's a "homemade" energetic drink and it was way more effective than any other drink available in the fursuit lounge. When you're used to drink Powerade, Gatorade drinks you really enjoy that sugar/salty orange taste. Do you plan to sell bottles in the Dealer's den ? ^^
Nothing else to say about the fursuit lounge. Maybe add few mirrors and few clocks and it will be perfect !
Congrats to the fursuit team ! You must (and should) be very proud of your hard work. 8)
Thanks again for all the positive feedback to the fursuit support-team and the fursuit lounge. :)
It's really great to hear that most of you were satisfied. :3
Quote from: Vector on 29.08.2014, 22:30:28Nothing else to say about the fursuit lounge. Maybe add few mirrors and few clocks and it will be perfect !
As far as I know, we intended to have at least three mirrors for the fursuit lounge, but two of them already (irreparably) broke at delivery.
The only one that was left was also damaged at the upper corner, but at least we were able to tape this one. :P
I really hope that this works out better next year so that we'll definitely get at least three (undamaged) mirrors for the lounge.
I totally agree with you on the point that we need more than only one of them.
And concerning the clocks: We installed a rather big clock at the left side of the fursuit lounge (over the tables with the yellow blowers), but unfortunately a lot of fursuiters didn't even noticed it.
It happend definitely more than ten times that suiters came to me asking for the current time and after pointing at the huge clock above their heads, they were actually surprised they haven't seen it.
So yeah, maybe it was installed a bit too high above the ground/tables (that was my personal impression), or the location of the clock was a bit unfavorable in general, maybe we'll find a better place for it next year, so that everyone directly sees it. :3
And thanks for the positive feedback on the isotonic drink. :)
It was an own mixture of the team, so I'm sure that it won't be sold in the Dealer's Den. :P
And concerning the topic of blocking the dryers with lycras, balaclavas, etc. :
Yes, this is strictly forbidden and as soon as we're seeing something like that, we are impelled to remove them (or when the owners are present, to kindly ask them to remove their stuff from the blowers).
Unfortunately we also can't always have an eye for that. Maybe we should put big "Do not..."-signs next to the blowers, but people also tend to ignore them.
Edit: And by the way: We had a special "drying-station" only for balaclavas, lycras, etc. in the lower left corner of the fursuit lounge (left to the entrance) and many fursuiters also used this opportunity.
Same goes for the fact that a lot of fursuiters leave their stuff (heads, handpaws,...) on the blowers for several hours or a whole day without removing them, what's also not permitted.
Quote from: Drift on 29.08.2014, 17:08:42
- I always and in any occasion felt well taken care of, and like le tigre I also had the notion that the staff was cleaning and resupplying faster than I could consume and waste ;)
Hehe. ;)
Quote from: Klaatu on 31.08.2014, 23:51:40
As far as I know, we intended to have at least three mirrors for the fursuit lounge, but two of them already (irreparably) broke at delivery.
Yes, two of them were broken already when they arrived at the hotel.
And concerning the clocks: We installed a rather big clock at the left side of the fursuit lounge (over the tables with the yellow blowers), but unfortunately a lot of fursuiters didn't even noticed it.
Yes, that was the one with the baroque clock face, and being set against the background of the glass wall (above the construction fences) didn't help. IMO the budget for the fursuit lounge is now large enough that Mystifur could afford buying two or three of those large LED clocks (http://www.amazon.de/LED-Wanduhr-mit-Datum-Temperaturanzeige/dp/B001522ODS/ref=pd_sim_sbs_k_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1TNGFCD1T1KB03708GRY) that burn out your retinas, and pop one on each end of the lounge.
...and if that doesn't work, staple a huge clock onto each water keg. ;D
yes! Really thank you fursuit team!
PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
First: Again many and big thanks to Mystifur and the whole staff of the fursuit longue! <3
It was my first time at EF as fursuiter, neverthless I already entered in the FL as spotter and helper in the previous years.
I can say almost everything was perfect: the many different kinds of beverange, the snacks (which really helps to raise after an exausting performance), the userful clock, the anctibacterians and sewing kits always avaiable, the many fans and chairs all around. These were more than perfect!
But I wrote 'almost perfect' before, because IMHO there are points which the FL can improve:
-The clock wasn't so vibible, I noticed it only when a friend pointed me it;
-The vacuum cleaner should be always visible and not hidden somewhere, and it should be avaiable especially the whole days of Sunday and Monday (so also in the temporary FL), when peeps really need it for the upcoming departures;
-The main point: with the massive raising of fursuiters in the last years, the drying spots for bodies, heads and gloves seems to be not enough now. I already noticed that at EF19, I prefered to dry my own fursuit in my room, especially when there are close fursuit-events which need the fursuit gets dry fast and there is not time to wait a free spot, and it could be frustrating.
But, again, thanks very much!
Quote from: RedFoxy on 03.09.2014, 11:13:18
PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
I think the stuff you are searching for is Febreeze (for a nice smell in various scents) and Sagrotan (for antibacterial use) :)
Quote from: Blackymoon on 03.09.2014, 12:54:39
Quote from: RedFoxy on 03.09.2014, 11:13:18
PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
I think the stuff you are searching for is Febreeze (for a nice smell in various scents) and Sagrotan (for antibacterial use) :)
Thank you!
Quote from: RedFoxy on 03.09.2014, 17:19:14
Quote from: Blackymoon on 03.09.2014, 12:54:39
Quote from: RedFoxy on 03.09.2014, 11:13:18
PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
I think the stuff you are searching for is Febreeze (for a nice smell in various scents) and Sagrotan (for antibacterial use) :)
Thank you!
Yes, Febreze is not antibacterial, it's only helping against smells.
Sagrotan is the antibacterial one AND you should make sure to find the Sagrotan-Spray that's also suitable for textiles/fabrics!
I don't know if you can find it in Italy, but the one you're looking for looks like this: -Klick for picture- (http://www.rossmannversand.de/DesktopModules/WebShop/images/full/293372_1.jpg)
If you can't find that Sagrotan-Spray in Italy, just have a look at your local drugstore for similar products, in Germany we also have an alternative that's purchaseable at the drugstores of the "DM"-chain which looks like this: -Klick for picture- (http://www.rueckrufe.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Denkmit-Hygiene-Spray.jpg) -klick- (http://www.dm.de/linkableblob/de_homepage/185352/data/bild-denkmit-hygiene-spray-data.png?v=1339774783000) and it's also cheaper then the one by Sagrotan.
So maybe your store in Italy also has some own products that are antibacterial and called something like "hygiene-spray".
The only important thing you should look out for when searching a suitable spray: It must be
usable for textiles/fabrics! So read what's written on the product description. ;)
*smirks, then cuts the FIA logo out of Klaatus shirt - then sews a fursuit service tag in*
You are now fursuit support, not security. We don't say "It is not permitted to leave your head on the dryer!", we say "Yes, we kindly ask you to make room for other peoples heads and suits as soon as possible, and strongly suggest on checking on your head regularly." ;D
(Hm, though thinking about it, I could see a "wall of shame" acrylic closet, where all the dry suits go that were left on the blowers for too long, and people have to donate 20 bucks each time to get them back. #p )
Quote from: RedFoxy
PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
As Klaatu said correctly, Sagrotan is a good brand for surfeace desinfactants, and we are using the textile/fabric version.
His answer about Febreeze though, unfortunately is incorrect.
Febreeze usually is a textile freshener that binds smells to macro molecules in the liquid, and usually has some scent/perfumes in it, and is generally not antibacterial.
At Eurofurence we use a DIFFERENT, less known version.
Febreeze against animal odors (how fitting ;D ), which has
NO added perfumes, but IS antibacterial.Quote from: Drachetto
-The main point: with the massive raising of fursuiters in the last years, the drying spots for bodies, heads and gloves seems to be not enough now.
Thanks a lot for your input and your kind words.
Regarding this one point in your list, I wholeheartedly invite you to help us with a solution. To my knowledge Eurofurence is the convention that started the entire fursuit-dryer thing and has grown the lounge ever since. Actually it's the largest hall besides the artshow and the stage. With almost 1000 suiters at EF, there is a certain logistic problem: Would you volunteer to pay us about 35.000 Euro extra, so we can rent the large congress hall as lounge, the high power blowers, buy piping system for several hundred suits, pay the electrical bill, and not to forget a few hundred hours of volunteer manpower to set everything up ? If your answer is yes: Welcome to the team.
QuotePrivacy - finding out that from the lift area for my room that I can see right in to the lounge, and that some rooms even look directly in was a bit off-putting for me
Heh, I was literally waiting for this one. ;D
As surpring as it may sound: Yes, even Eurofurence staff realises that glass has a tendency to be see through, and that a roof made of this material will happen to be the same. But unless you want to rent another hall, that is located on the other end of the location, 5 minutes away from rooms, lobby and most importantly stage and dances... you're pretty much out of options against this problem.
We do know that this doesn't make everyone happy. However, as we also know, at this size of event is it impossible to even try to make everyone happy. My team will always go for what makes the most people happy while making the least people unhappy.
You did the right thing:
If you feel uncomfortable inside the lounge, or are concerned about your privacy: Don't use it, and change and refresh in your hotel room. That's prefectly fine and reasonable.
Other than that, Eurofurence keeps growing and every new year may bring new challenges, new opportunities, and new locations. *hint*
And here it is:
The secret behind the Isotonic Electrolyte Drink
In previous years, some people suggested to have Gatorade/elektrolyte/rehydration drinks in the lounge.
Now, actually those are, if you will excuse my language, bullshit buzzwords of the sports industry.
Ask yourself (not using google) what's in those super special expensive rehydration sports drinks?
Or ask a friend.. What does isotonic and electrolyte drink mean, and why should or shouldn't we use them ?
The answer is way simpler than most will assume:
An isotonic solution has sugar and salt levels identical to that in your blood stream, and therefor can pass your digestiv system a bit faster than pure water, or overly sweet/salty liquids like soda.
Those levels are right between water and soda actually, and if ment for top athletes, you add a bit of B vitamins.
Any Doctor will tell you that a applejuice-mineral-water mix is the best electrolyte drink you can get.
Now guess what: For the last 10 or so years, Eurofurence has been serving you diluted soda (EF-green and fruit flavour) at just the right sugar level, and salted prezels to cover for your salt levels. We just didn't call it fancy "electrolyte sports supplements" :D
So this year we upped the ante, and brewed our own "real" sports drink.
And here's the recipe for your home party and convention:
1 litre water
50-80 gramms sugar
2 gramms kitchen salt
1 multivitamin fizzy tablet
We hope you liked it
(Yes, I know, it tasted awful, but it did the job, no ? ^^ And medicine is supposed to taste bad)
thank's for infos!
Quote from: Mystifur on 04.09.2014, 05:37:17
To my knowledge Eurofurence is the convention that started the entire fursuit-dryer thing and has grown the lounge ever since.
The story how it came into existence is quite entertaining. Trigger Happy Squirrel used to bring a head dryer tree made of PVC pipes to the Further Confusion fursuit lounge. I don't know who brought that topic up at EF, but general consensus was "this is pretty cool!" and "let's see how we can improve this thing". Thus, the full-blown (haha) fursuiter dryer, dubbed "The Pipe Monster", was born. I don't quite remember who exactly was involved in it, but I think you actually built the first dryer for EF. Must have been around EF11 oder EF12, if memory serves right.
And we are really happy to have the "monster", even if gratitude is not shown/written as much as complaints :)
So yes, thank's a lot for building that incredible machine, and for setting it up plus maintaining it every EF *bows low*
Yes, the fursuiter accomodations were very well set up and useful. Thanks a lot to Mystifur and the entire team. You did a great job, especially in a new place!
And since I know I look ugly in suit anyway, I didn't even mind the absence of the broken mirrors. :)
(actually, I used the glass walls instead)
Quote from: Mystifur on 04.09.2014, 05:37:17
QuotePrivacy - finding out that from the lift area for my room that I can see right in to the lounge, and that some rooms even look directly in was a bit off-putting for me
Heh, I was literally waiting for this one. ;D
As surpring as it may sound: Yes, even Eurofurence staff realises that glass has a tendency to be see through, and that a roof made of this material will happen to be the same. But unless you want to rent another hall, that is located on the other end of the location, 5 minutes away from rooms, lobby and most importantly stage and dances... you're pretty much out of options against this problem.
We do know that this doesn't make everyone happy. However, as we also know, at this size of event is it impossible to even try to make everyone happy. My team will always go for what makes the most people happy while making the least people unhappy.
You did the right thing:
If you feel uncomfortable inside the lounge, or are concerned about your privacy: Don't use it, and change and refresh in your hotel room. That's prefectly fine and reasonable.
I was discussing this issue with people even before I arrived, lightweight drapes hung from the ceiling would easily stop prying eyes. They needn't even be totally opaque, just a fairly sheer fabric that would still allow air flow.
Unfortunately as 'right' as using my room is, being on the 13th (top) floor in Wing 2, the one with all the breaking lifts and the heaviest usage, meant I was very limited in terms of how often and how long I could suit due to this :(
Quote from: Axle on 05.09.2014, 19:25:46
lightweight drapes hung from the ceiling would easily stop prying eyes. They needn't even be totally opaque, just a fairly sheer fabric that would still allow air flow.
Two words: fire safety.
We thought about it as well. It's not possible due to fire safety regulations, roof stability, material costs and setup/teardown effort concerns. For example, the drapes would need to be certified fire proof and very light — the material alone costs a fortune. And they must not obstruct the ventilation and sprinkler system. Which is pretty much impossible to achieve in this room to begin with, let alone getting permission to do it from the hotel and the district fire marshall.
Quote...Unfortunately as 'right' as using my room is, being on the 13th (top) floor in Wing 2, the one with all the breaking lifts and the heaviest usage, meant I was very limited in terms of how often and how long I could suit due to this
You know - this raises an interesting question.
A few conventions have been forced to set up a security detachment just to regulate the use of elevators at their hotels, due to the sheer volumn of people going up to their rooms and coming down again (which pretty much guarantees that after a wait in line, you can actually get an elevator from the grown floor lobby...but does nothing to get you a ride back down, as all the down-bound lifts seem full when (and if) they stop at your floor). I've often pondered over what prompts people
at conventions to be making all those trips back and forth to their rooms.
I had gathered that this is a problem with
all fan-based conventions, and just a peculiar behavioural quirk of Fandom and the fannishly-inclined, but I now wonder if it can be determined it it is just a problem at
costume-oriented conventions, such as Anime and Furry cons; I've never really noticed it as a problem at the typical Sci-Fi cons which I have attended.
So - just how many, or what percentage, of those elevator trips to and from the guest rooms are generated by people going up to change into and out of suit or costume?
Both EuroFURence and AnthroCon are becoming more costume-dominant; while the general attendance numbers for both conventions rise, the ratio of fursuiters-to-general fans also increases, and it becomes an exponential progression, rather than a linear gain (and in fact, general attendance figures are "curving upwards" on their own, and not behaving like nice straight lines). This would mean an extraexponential increase in the use and need for elevator trips.
Perhaps it might make sense to reconsider the need for a ground-based changing and storage facility for costumers and fursuiters, as so much cumulative time (and elevator life cycle!) is being expended on the rather unproductive and wasted act of going to and fro, just to change into and out of suits?
And just to make it clear - I am
not a fursuiter or costumer, this is
not meant as a complaint or criticism. And if the fursuit lounge is already being used in this capacity (informally, I should suppose) then I'm not aware of it.
Quote from: VulpesRex on 06.09.2014, 19:44:15
So - just how many, or what percentage, of those elevator trips to and from the guest rooms are generated by people going up to change into and out of suit or costume?
As a suiter: Relatively few. A lot of it is going up to the room retrieve or deposit things. Of course, that's just my personal experience, so I might be wrong.
I'll definitely make sure to plan a bit better next year, and try to bring everything I'd need during the day with me in a bag, so I don't have to take so many trips to the room.
I don't have real data on elevator usage
(and seriously.. this is meta discussion.. as there is no way that furries or the elevators will change.. but for the fun of it: )
my gutt feeling says that 90% of elevator runs have the following reasons:
- Having a drink in the hotel room, because far cheaper than hotel bar drinks
- Deposit dealers den treasures, or getting the sketchbook
- getting money from the room
- goingto / comingfrom roomparties
Quote from: VulpesRex on 06.09.2014, 19:44:15
Quote...Unfortunately as 'right' as using my room is, being on the 13th (top) floor in Wing 2, the one with all the breaking lifts and the heaviest usage, meant I was very limited in terms of how often and how long I could suit due to this
So - just how many, or what percentage, of those elevator trips to and from the guest rooms are generated by people going up to change into and out of suit or costume?
Other than a round trip for breakfast and dinner, all of my trips were to go and change in to or out of suit (save one trip where I was feeling unwell and went for painkillers). I guess part of this was down to it taking around half an hour for me to do a trip from the lobby and back again, I may have made an additional trip or two in the day to save carrying additional stuff with me all day otherwise.
Quote from: VulpesRex on 06.09.2014, 19:44:15
So - just how many, or what percentage, of those elevator trips to and from the guest rooms are generated by people going up to change into and out of suit or costume?
As a suiter: it is more for the showering rather than the changing! The latter I prefer to do in the fursuit lounge (though I keep one of my suits in the room due to limited drying space in the lounge), but the "clean up" you really can not do anywhere else...