Hey everyone :)
So how did you like this years conbook?
Good things...bad things... Suggestions and ideas for next year - I'm really curious!
It was AWESOME. Layouted very well, harmonic colours, readable... just no complaints from my side.
There is NOTHING I could think of to improve it. You lads did an outstanding job!
Great job indeed, proved helpful each morning when I planned my day. Only thing I missed was bar/restaurants opening times on page 21.
It triggered the OCD of my boyfriend withthe (voluntarily) askew pages display.. He had the urge to "straighten" them ;)
I found that funny ;)
Quote from: Cookie on 27.08.2014, 02:36:03
It triggered the OCD of my boyfriend withthe (voluntarily) askew pages display.. He had the urge to "straighten" them ;)
*laughs loudly* This is adorable. xD
Ontopic: Beautiful Conbook, nothing to complain!
Very nice and well structured con book ;)
The Conbook was outstanding this year. I honestly can not think of anything I did not like.
Not only where the Conbook one of the Best i have seen it was also one of the most durable ones. The paperquallity is still very good and it is a shame when someones ignored the conbook (since there are a lot of information inside which helps you a lot).
I would like to address the Daily EF also, as i read back the archive issues too, i must say that he new design is much better than ANY of the old ones imho. It now looks and feels like a Newspaper (beside the better paper) not like a Fanzine (no offence here).
Maybe not the job of the con but it would be nice to have some basic hotel info in there as well like:
- Breakfast times
- Internet connection (like username was family name and pass was your room #)
- check out times
- etc.
I know it's information easy to come by but you'd be amazed how many times I've been asked about them so it would be a nice convience.
For the rest, keep it coming!
It was nicely structured like last year, with beautiful art from some talented artists :3
I liked the double-paged timetable-scheduling again, very well done with this.
The 3D-modeled oversight of the hotel-layout was a very very nice touch, though I had some hard time figuring it out at first, with the different levels and such or from "where" you can get access to each hall/SIG-room etc. Maybe it's possible to add little "doorframes" to the model next year so you know exactly from "where" you can get into the rooms? Since the hotel is more or less structured like a maze I was running into dead ends a couple of times, trying to find the rooms - could also be that this otter here has a very poor sense of indoor-orientation xD
Quote from: gwyndolium on 27.08.2014, 13:57:54
Maybe not the job of the con but it would be nice to have some basic hotel info in there as well like:
- Breakfast times
- Internet connection (like username was family name and pass was your room #)
- check out times
- etc.
I know it's information easy to come by but you'd be amazed how many times I've been asked about them so it would be a nice convience.
For the rest, keep it coming!
these could easily be slipped inside the conbook as a extra sheet of paper (as in not part of the conbook but provided with it), a bit like previous years suggestion restaurant and places.
(and I would certainly appreciate the same with the dealers den plan with the artists name on table *wink*wink*)
As a suggestion for the conbook I'd have the dealers den map before the art show one. It's entirely possible to change the panels in the art show as required, but would it be possible to have the map with coloured areas to show mature and clean? Perhaps with the charity items that were on one side in a different colour, just to help people find things easier.
Wait.. there was a conbook!? :'(
I think I haven't even opened it, let alone packed it to read at home. Probably it lied on the table all the time, waiting for someone to acknowledge it's existence.. Dhary, keep a copy around for me to read when we happen to meet again? :P
Thank you for bringing a short story back to the book :D
I always loved those in the old con books, and always wanted them back, but understood that they were left out in the last years due to the little amount of space in the book.
So I was surprised and happy to get one this year! Thank you!
It was GREAT, this was my first eurofurence and if I was ever in doubt of anything other than the time table (looking at you pawpet show), i looked in the conbook and if that couldnt help (Again time table) i asked around.
Cant find a way to improove it, it worked and everything i could have wanted was in it.
As part of the conbook team I am just stunned by the positive feedback! It was a great pleasure to work with you guys and gals. ;D
And YES, Gyro, there was a conbook, next year you get a special audio version! 8D
AND thanks to all for the critique - there is always room for more and we put it down to a list so we can improve for next year. :)
The conbook was really well-done, useful and pretty. You've done an impressive job, guys!
I can't even think of minor complaints, really. Which rarely happens. Two paw-thumbs up!
The Conbook this year was really great, but there's one minor design decision that bothered me:
The font-color on pages 36, 58, 60 and 64 really made the headlines barely visible, especially under low light.
Also, pages 48-57 were a bit hard to read.
Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the Conbook and the art in it. :)
Especially the 3D-model of the hotel was a very good idea!
Did anyone get the answers to the CSI game? I found a few of the chalk outlines, but no idea who they were, except for one that I think might've been Ollie Canal, but I'm just guessing.
Most of them are famous German ones or EF Staff.
I will go through the ones i know.
#1: Nightfox (worked for Jägermeister)
#2: BBF (I think Felix Gubbo would also count, eh?)
#3: I don't know
#4: Kage (look at the Whitecalk, it's a Cockroach with a Wineglass)
Prints: needed to get as a Stamp at the Charity Boot
#5: I think Dhary and Gyroplast
#6: I don't know
#7: Cheetah (that "Cat with the Hat" everyone knows)
#8: I don't know
#9: Tani da Real (also known as Schnolf, for German Schneeleopard (snowleopard) - Wolf)
I think thats all Folks
Thank you for all the positive feedback! It makes me incredibly happy to read that ^__^
And like Alpha already said, we'll note down all suggestions!
Kyell Gold and Loewi are the missing ones iirc :)
And #6 is Pinky.
While I enjoyed most of the book and found the information quite valuable, the timetables on page 40f and 44f were somewhat misleading due to the slanted alignment: If you just read from left to right without checking the timeline on the right page margin, it was easily possible to assume that e.g. the Scary Fursuit Acting on Saturday would start at 15:30 rather than 16:00. The whole "loose pages in a folder" thing did look cool and all, but please don't use it again when it comes to tables.
Additionally, it would be very helpful if the pages that are read most often (timetables and hotel map) were placed somewhere they can easily be found. Since the centerfold is already occupied by art, that most likely means the last pages in a sort of appendix.
The rest of the book was beautiful to look at and quite informative. Thank you.
I also wanted to tell you guys how great this year's conbook was! Beautifully layouted and with so much variety. Really a pleasure to read and look through ^___^
Quote from: gwyndolium on 27.08.2014, 13:57:54
Maybe not the job of the con but it would be nice to have some basic hotel info in there as well like:
- Breakfast times
- Internet connection (like username was family name and pass was your room #)
- check out times
- etc.
I know it's information easy to come by but you'd be amazed how many times I've been asked about them so it would be a nice convience.
For the rest, keep it coming!
I'd agree on this, especially with it being a new venue. Just a small A5 insert would have been great with these little bits of info on :)
Didn't have time to play at EF - and not even enough time to read up on it in the staff forum before the con. I also only saw the outline sketches without names attached... But here's what I made of the uncertain ones:
#3 is Löwi - accountant of Eurofurence and head of registration department.
#5 is Dhary - the security Tiger - since the "other victim is well known" I think it still counts only as one.
#6 is Pinky - charity money and pink outlines.
#8 is the one that I couldn't figure out myself - Kyell Gold fits the bill though with the 1200 pages suicide note :)
Quote from: Atkelar on 29.08.2014, 19:23:58
#8 is the one that I couldn't figure out myself - Kyell Gold fits the bill though with the 1200 pages suicide note :)
Wow what? Hahahaah that's just great, to bad I missed that.
I have to say, some where pretty hard to find.
For one you even had to be a fursuiter as their was 1 in the fursuit lounge (eliminating 1000 attendees from getting all 10).
For the record:
- I loved the idea from the start.
- I have immense respect you pulled it off to hand tape those outlines all over the hotel.
- And it gave me a huge smile every time I encountered one.
And I would love to know: did anyone do get all 10 right?
The conbook was really awesome. The quality, and the content was great too. And about the Investigation game, there are three furs left as a mystery for me. (Naturally now I know them, but it was kind of fun to do it^^)
Quote from: Cifer on 28.08.2014, 19:22:16
While I enjoyed most of the book and found the information quite valuable, the timetables on page 40f and 44f were somewhat misleading due to the slanted alignment: If you just read from left to right without checking the timeline on the right page margin, it was easily possible to assume that e.g. the Scary Fursuit Acting on Saturday would start at 15:30 rather than 16:00. The whole "loose pages in a folder" thing did look cool and all, but please don't use it again when it comes to tables.
This! Especially on saturday lines seem to continue on next page but are actually half hour misaligned.
Other than that, conbook was great :)
Quote from: Fineas on 31.08.2014, 00:08:59
I have to say, some where pretty hard to find.
For one you even had to be a fursuiter as their was 1 in the fursuit lounge (eliminating 1000 attendees from getting all 10).
No, the one in the fursuit lounge was not part of the game :)
I was a bit disappointed that there were some glaring errors like the banner saying "The ast and the present" rather than the past and the present. Also the header for guest of honour read as "Guestuest Of". Also, Friday's schedule started at 90:00 hours which I found a bit amusing :P
Typos aside, I did think it was a really good conbook, it was well presented and had everything I needed to know. Just a shame for a souvenir of the 20th EF to have errors.
SlyCat... does that mean we have a volunteer for proof reading next year? Great!
Yay those damn typos :) But never mind even professional newspapers make typos ;)
Well if we have a proof reader we might be even better than the pros seen from the typo point of view ;)
Besides that the conbook is very nice.