I wonder how many otters and who are coming to EF20.
Maybe we can make a nice group photo. I'll bring my camera :)
Otters unite :)
See you in Berlin :)
*throws a fish*
Good idea, I would also like to meet some more otters. :)
Totally up for this and already on my way! :3
*wiggles around* :3
Meep? If I know time and date and where... Perhaps.
I have no room plan. Maybe outside if the weather is ok. :)
I am currently waiting for my flight. :) If I find a good place I will tell you.
Or we decide it spontaniously ;) See you at ef :)
Sad that this didn't really happen, have to plan that for the next time, I would really love to have an otter photoshooting :)
Yes but I could have announced that earlier. Next time we will be prepared ;)
More than one adult male eurasian otter is a bad idea most times anyway :P
Kairan ... you're a naughty Ott xD
And I really need to talk to you more often next time I see you ^.^
I meant that more in terms of feral otters. Don't put adult ones together. :P
Anthro ones are okay with each other. Perhaps next EF works out, and the other otters also read the announcement.
Yes as I told I should have announced it earlier ;)
was late for 2014 but I'll be here in 2015!!
Checking out the actual EF21 Schedule http://www.eurofurence.org/EF21/schedule/ I'd like to do the photoshoot on Thu 20th @ 15:30
@Drachetto: I hope that wont collide with your Dragon photo shoot ;)
Mmm that's a tight schedule, have to really be fast when I want to join both shootings.
Might you be able to help me get in suit before the otter photoshooting? :)
Sure ;)
Awesome, thank you!
Still one question, where to meet up?
Good question I'll have a look at the plan and post the location here ;)
And you are welcome my friend ;)
I would suggest that we meet in the room behind the registration (before the rotunda). I will make some signs and ask if I can put them up. From there we can use the rotunda (if drachetto finished his dragon shoot there) or and that would be my favored place at the water place behind if you walk down the stairs if the weather is good. :) I'd like to join the otter pack though I have no fursuit so at least someone should make a photo of us together ;)
Noted, will try to be there, maybe we can meet up before as well and go together :3