The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => Everything Else => Topic started by: VulpesRex on 12.08.2014, 10:22:32

Title: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: VulpesRex on 12.08.2014, 10:22:32
   I collect slide rules - a type of manually-operated analog computing device, once the professional tool of every engineer, technician, surveyor, architect or rocket scientist, but made obsolete in the late 1970's by the advent of cheap "Electronic Slide Rule" pocket calculators.

  Some of the best slide rules, not surprisingly, came from Germany - particularly the rules of Faber-Castell and Staedler.

  I offer a home to orphaned and abandoned slide rules (I have a small collection).  If you happen to have a neglected slide rule sitting around unused and unloved, and wish to donate it to a good and loving home, please bring it with you to Eurofurence.  I'll be glad to take it off your hands, even if it's an exotic, like a Czech-made Logarex!  Currently, my humble collection consists entirely of american-made slide rules, so examples of slide rules made in other countries would help a lot.
Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: Ragear on 12.08.2014, 19:59:43
Hi Vulpes Rex

Kudos to you that you collect these. My Faber-Castell Nr 52/82 is all yours. I put it into my luggage now. Just need to make out handover ...

Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: VulpesRex on 14.08.2014, 02:39:47
Quote from: Ragear on 12.08.2014, 19:59:43
Hi Vulpes Rex

Kudos to you that you collect these. My Faber-Castell Nr 52/82 is all yours...


A Nr 52/82!  That's a slide rule which is smarter than I am; I'll need to study how to use the Log-Log scales, but this is one "master stick"!

Obi-Wan: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

Luke: What is it?

Obi-Wan: Your father's light saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age...

   I WILL treasure this - particularly if it was faithfully used and relied upon to solve practical problems!

   My collection right now only consists of 8 slide rules (I also have an aviator's E6-B, but it doesn't really count as its purpose-built), with the prize being my grandfather's Keuffel & Esser N4053-3 Polyphase of 25cm, made of mahogany and celluloid with a glass and aluminum cursor, of 1920's vintage; He bought it when he enrolled at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and used it until he retired at the end of a variable career.  I get a certain sense of...well, wistful visions of things being designed when I hold it.  Your F-C 52/82 will share pride-of-place with it (although I do intend to use it, practically and for demonstrations, not just admire it).

   This is truly a magnificent gift; may I stand you to a drink or two at the Estrel's bar in return?  Or perhaps make a donation to EF's charity in your name?

   I will be checking in to the Estrel on Tuesday, and will update this thread with my room number; or we can arrange a meet via this forum's PM feature, if that is convenient for you!

Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: MOW on 15.08.2014, 13:55:40
Quote from: VulpesRex on 12.08.2014, 10:22:32
Some of the best slide rules, not surprisingly, came from Germany - particularly the rules of Faber-Castell and Staedler.

What, no Aristo/Rotring? :P
Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: Tinka on 15.08.2014, 14:02:42
I'll bring one. But I'll keep it as a surprise. It has a story to it ;3
Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: VulpesRex on 16.08.2014, 10:34:02
Quote from: MOW on 15.08.2014, 13:55:40
Quote from: VulpesRex on 12.08.2014, 10:22:32
Some of the best slide rules, not surprisingly, came from Germany - particularly the rules of Faber-Castell and Staedler.

What, no Aristo/Rotring? :P

   "Particularly" does not mean the same thing as "Exclusively"!   :-[

   Sorry, no slight was intended!  I understand that a lot of students cut their teeth (as the saying goes) with Aristo slide rules.  Ultimately - the "Best" of anything is going to be the one that you have mastered using - whether it is slide rules, inking tools, rifles, or automobiles.
Title: Re: Bring me your slide rules
Post by: VulpesRex on 19.08.2014, 22:05:17
   For some reason, my android tablet keyboard won't work with the Private Message function on this forum... So my room number isss 20122 - the noisiest room in the hotel!