(I hope I'm posting this in the right section)
If possible, I'd like to request a chance to perform stand-up comedy performance at least once during the convention, but I do fancy two performances. I'v done a few gigs in a local restaurant before, as well as one performance in Nordic Fuzzcon 2014, but for a smaller audience.
For this performance, I'd really fancy a large audience.
Time estimate for this gig would be anything from 45 minutes to 90 minutes....plus minus ten minutes or so, depending on how hysterically the crowds are laughing.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm stepping on anyone's toes by requesting this.....hopefully not
Oh, you're definately not stepping on anyone's toes. Thanks for taking the courage and offering your performance! I'm sure we can work something out. Programming can assign a room (or maybe even the stage if there's still a free slot) and a timeslot, and the necessary technical things, and we can announce this with all the other events in the con book. Event slots are typically 90 minutes.
Now, just do avoid a big disappointment, I'd still like to dampen your expectations a bit, though. I can understand that you'd fancy a large audience - but in that regard, you are on your own. You're competing against two established acts who set the bar pretty high. As a newcomer, you'll probably have to see how many people show up for your initial show, and it might be a relatively small crowd at first. If your routine is well received, do this more than once at different cons and venues, and earn yourself a name - and if the audience thinks you're really good, they will return and bring their friends the next time. So please do not expect to get a prime time slot on the main stage for your very first performance at EF.
I know this sounds discouraging, but please don't let that stop you. I just want to make sure you have realistic expectations :)
Good to hear that I'm not stomping on holy ground or hallowed toes. The "big crowd" concern was more with limiting on who gets to see the act; For in Nordic Fuzzcon it was integrated with an Ice-cream buffer, limited to Sponsors and supersponsors only. A good move, though I would prefer access for everyone this time ^^ So no worries, I'll take an audience of 2, 25 or 500 ^^
I like that you have the heart to try :)
I guess you have a fixed program? Do you think it is possible for you to add something "topic specific" (CSI) ? I think that would be even better.
We need some Informations. Please fill out the Information and write it to:
If you have any questions about the points just ask - we can help you :)
Thank You and Greetz
* Titel:
* Panel Host:
* Desired Timeslot:
* Additional Host (if any):
* Your registration number:
* Abstract (about 300 characters):
* Description:
* Remarks (eg: events you want to attend) :
* Equipment:
* [ ] Flipchart
* [ ] Projector
* [ ] Power strip
* other:
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 14.05.2014, 23:06:11
I like that you have the heart to try :)
I guess you have a fixed program? Do you think it is possible for you to add something "topic specific" (CSI) ? I think that would be even better.
We need some Informations. Please fill out the Information and write it to:
If you have any questions about the points just ask - we can help you :)
Thank You and Greetz
* Titel:
* Panel Host:
* Desired Timeslot:
* Additional Host (if any):
* Your registration number:
* Abstract (about 300 characters):
* Description:
* Remarks (eg: events you want to attend) :
* Equipment:
* [ ] Flipchart
* [ ] Projector
* [ ] Power strip
* other:
Mail sent. Sorry for the delay