The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Topic started by: Spark Wolf on 03.02.2014, 21:30:05

Title: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Spark Wolf on 03.02.2014, 21:30:05
Put on your good shoes, get your body ready and prepare for some dancing action!  ;D

Eosfoxx and I came up with the idea of organizing a dancerfurs meet to get more people at Eurofurence (mostly Europe) involved into the dancing scene.
It's similar to the "Furstyle" event me, Noodles and Neo did last EF but this time everyone who has a heart for dancing can join up! Suiters and non-suiters.

There is no set time or space yet but we will discuss this with the events team so we can register it as an official event in hopefully a big room ^_^

What to expect:

Let us know how interested you are and rile up more dancy peeps to get this event going big!  ;)
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: FreesTyler on 03.02.2014, 21:56:13
I would surely join that event \ o /
Never enough dancing, haha x)
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Wotan on 03.02.2014, 23:30:57
I hope to join too! I love to dance well i dont have good skills but i can try :D
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Tycoh on 05.02.2014, 19:30:22
Hmm, I love to watch dancing furries, this is awesome, this makes me happy, but I´m afraid my own dance skills are very poor, not enough to become part of this dancemeet... But maybe, if there would be a official dance tutorial showing moves to begin with, I can practise this the next 6 month  ;D ... Then maybe I could imaging to do a group dance with You all  :D ...
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Spark Wolf on 05.02.2014, 20:07:58
Quote from: Tycoh on 05.02.2014, 19:30:22
Hmm, I love to watch dancing furries, this is awesome, this makes me happy, but I´m afraid my own dance skills are very poor, not enough to become part of this dancemeet... But maybe, if there would be a official dance tutorial showing moves to begin with, I can practise this the next 6 month  ;D ... Then maybe I could imaging to do a group dance with You all  :D ...

I'm glad to have you interested! :)
You should look around youtube and check for some dance videos or tutorials there ;)
I know a lot of dancerfurs learned their stuff from vids or dance shows.

For everyone that is a little bit afraid of showing what they can do... this is a great opportunity to learn from each other and get through that barrier!
This is one of the main reasons we wanna do this event... To get people go through their "fear" of showing what they can even if it's minimum. ^^

Do not be afraid of joining up the event cause you can learn a lot from others  ;D
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Reshi on 05.02.2014, 22:49:16
Sounds like fun, I'll be sure to pop up ! I have a friend who's coming with me and is also a dancer, he's a bit shy about his dancing tho but I'll be sure to have him with me at the meet >:3
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 09.02.2014, 20:32:44
Would a more ballroom style dance be welcome too? It's an idea I've had for a bit now, but everything seems to be more rave type fast move things at dance contests and events.
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Spark Wolf on 09.02.2014, 20:41:44
Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 09.02.2014, 20:32:44
Would a more ballroom style dance be welcome too? It's an idea I've had for a bit now, but everything seems to be more rave type fast move things at dance contests and events.

That would be no problem if you can send me the music you want to show your style to :)
We can try to get more styles working and see if more people are interested in ballroom style ^^

Would be a nice change and we can fit that together with some swing ;)
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 10.02.2014, 18:00:04
My biggest problem is usually finding someone to partner with that can ballroom dance. It's not a highly prized thing these days.
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Spark Wolf on 10.02.2014, 18:01:51
Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 10.02.2014, 18:00:04
My biggest problem is usually finding someone to partner with that can ballroom dance. It's not a highly prized thing these days.

You might be surprised with some furs that are actually able to do that =3 Just talk with a few and see what comes up ^_^
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: FreesTyler on 12.02.2014, 00:05:16
Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 10.02.2014, 18:00:04
My biggest problem is usually finding someone to partner with that can ballroom dance. It's not a highly prized thing these days.

I may not know any ballroom dancing, but I'm willing to learn if you want to try to teach it~ :3
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Daimo on 12.02.2014, 02:15:35
I would love to join too ^^

Do we always get here new informations about the Event or do you make a List of Dancers and keep us informed?
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Spark Wolf on 12.02.2014, 08:50:30
Quote from: Daimo on 12.02.2014, 02:15:35
I would love to join too ^^

Do we always get here new informations about the Event or do you make a List of Dancers and keep us informed?

You can always check back here for more info about the event itself.
It's gonna be more or less a walk-in event where dancers can go and leave any time they want.
So a list will not be necessary for this event ^^ Although if you insist I can make one out of the interest that has been shown yet ;)
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Blaster-Hedgie on 21.05.2014, 20:50:43
Sure! Put me down for this! I might be old, but I can still bust a few moves!
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: karpour on 21.05.2014, 22:11:04
It would be great to make a panel where everyone brings a short piece of music, maybe 3-5 minutes and introduce people to their favorite dance style and maybe get people excited about doing it themselves. That way people could learn a lot about different dance styles and the whole thing would be more diverse!
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Cheetah on 22.05.2014, 14:17:36
So if anybody wants to take the initiative for this event, by all means feel free to submit this as an event to
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: Skie on 28.06.2014, 08:38:57
Sounds neat, even though my dancing went downhill the last few years :P
Title: Re: Dancerfurs Meet [EF20]
Post by: metalwolfify on 30.07.2014, 23:37:22
I'm like to come! But as normal I see this topic to late I think