The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Topic started by: Vixus on 20.01.2014, 08:37:01

Title: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Vixus on 20.01.2014, 08:37:01
Hey fuzzbutts! (And otherbutts too!)

I've been hearing a lot about furries playing Niantic@Google's augmented reality GPS game named "Ingress" (

For those whom do not know what it is, it's like a turf war game where two factions have to 'fight' for territory. This is done by going outside, walking around and interacting with your smart device. (

Anyway, I did some research and it turns out that there are well over a hundred "portals" around the Estrel hotel, one being pretty much at the bridge in front of the hotel.

Click here to view the Estrel Berlin area Ingress Map! (Note: You need to have an Ingress account for this)  (,13.460741&z=16)

Anyhoo, Ingress players unite!
Form your faction based teams and compete against (and with) each other so that we can take over Berlin!

Q: What do I need for this?
A: You are going to need a device that has GPS capabilities and a data connection <Cellular, or Wi-Fi> (Note: Be careful with Roaming charges)
-There currently is not an iOS supported version yet, but that is coming soon according to 'the guys' -- Hopefully before EF!
-It is highly recommended to bring a portable power pack or spare batteries if you plan on playing for long amounts of time, Ingress is resource intensive and known to drain even the most mighty of phone batteries in no time

Q: Okay, I.. got this eh.. game? Which team do I join?
A: It is completely up to you which faction you join. Don't quote me on it, but 'The Enlightened' seems to hold the popular vote in the fandom.

Q: Eh.. Okay.. I joined a faction. Now what?
A: Click here to open the unofficial Ingress Field guide. (  It's chock full of tips, tricks and howto's

Q: I play ingress but I am low level! How can this even be fun for me when there is high level players?
A: Travel as a pack! Ask your teammates to help you out, have them wreck the opposing team's portal if it's too strong, and then have -you- build it up. Then they can upgrade it and also get some points from it. Then ask if you can link it. Teamwork FTW!

Q: How are we going to communicate with our team mates without congesting the 'Local' German chat?
EF20 Enlightened GroupMe Chat (
EF20 Resistance GroupMe Chat (

Q: I have feedback, a suggestion, or an addition to your post!
A: Every bit of help is welcome. <3

Two requests.
Please show good sportsmanship and do not join the opposing faction's 'private' team chat with the intent to gather intel or sabotage their plans. Joining both is fine, but please don't interfere with things.
Also, while trekking around please be aware of your surroundings and try to not cross through private areas while moving to a target portal. I have seen a few little accidents happen because people were too busy staring at their phone instead of where they were going. ;)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: RedFoxy on 20.01.2014, 12:01:18
Only android? sorry I've iPhone :P
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Keng on 20.01.2014, 13:04:42
There needs to be more green around the Estrel! A huge green field above would be nice :)

In case you find some resonators belonging to "DerKeng", then I have marked my territory :)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: nobs on 20.01.2014, 13:37:51
Quote from: RedFoxy on 20.01.2014, 12:01:18
Only android? sorry I've iPhone :P

There might be an Iphone version available around Easter.

That's the rumors I've heard.
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Vixus on 20.01.2014, 19:30:10
Quote from: nobs on 20.01.2014, 13:37:51
Quote from: RedFoxy on 20.01.2014, 12:01:18
Only android? sorry I've iPhone :P

There might be an Iphone version available around Easter.

That's the rumors I've heard.
Quote from: RedFoxy on 20.01.2014, 12:01:18
Only android? sorry I've iPhone :P

Yeah, there should be plenty of time to level up before EF if the iOS client is released before Easter. :3
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Jake R on 21.01.2014, 15:15:17
Quote from: Vixus on 20.01.2014, 19:30:10
Yeah, there should be plenty of time to level up before EF if the iOS client is released before Easter. :3

If not, I bet there's plenty of players willing to help boost you with some free XMP's (weapons) or resonators. I guess if you've never played the game or heard much about it you have no clue what I just said, so let's keep it at "ask for help, get free stuff".

[edit:] P.S. CRUSH ALL SMURFS. [/edit]
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Vixus on 26.01.2014, 12:16:49
Apparently the release for Ingress on iOS will be within two months.
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Honigeintopf on 27.01.2014, 14:48:26
Yay, Ingress-Furs! Sounds good to me.
By the way: I'm a L8 frog ;)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: nobs on 13.04.2014, 18:56:44
I am Yim'Jun

and I like your video, Vixus
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Neirin on 14.04.2014, 10:20:35
Interested in making Berlin greener :) L8 Frog, atm 6. Mio AP.
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: jacky on 11.05.2014, 19:14:12
flithy blues...
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: skyhoof on 05.06.2014, 19:29:47
I did not played ingress for some time, but for this event i would like to take part.

Whats your plan?
Shal we all just fight for a greener surrounding of the hotel?
And what do you want to do when the area arround the hotel is allready under the controll of the enlightment, during the convention?

What do you plan to do with resistance-furs? Are they not alowed to attend to this event, or shal they even try to counter your plans?

Or do you plan to make some cross-fraction-thing like drawing a picture?
I'm pretty sure, a "fursuiting-cross-faction" event will make it to the ingress report!  ;)

By the way:
I could join on both sides. I would choose by the needs of this project.

I started Ingress as a smurf (reached L8), but then i got enlighted and started again from scratch as a frog. I'm now L6 enlighted.
And be shure, i never used the second account for countering some plans.
For me sportsmanship is allways important...
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Vixus on 09.08.2014, 23:41:53
Quote from: skyhoof on 05.06.2014, 19:29:47
I did not played ingress for some time, but for this event i would like to take part.

Whats your plan?
Shal we all just fight for a greener surrounding of the hotel?
And what do you want to do when the area arround the hotel is allready under the controll of the enlightment, during the convention?

What do you plan to do with resistance-furs? Are they not alowed to attend to this event, or shal they even try to counter your plans?

Or do you plan to make some cross-fraction-thing like drawing a picture?
I'm pretty sure, a "fursuiting-cross-faction" event will make it to the ingress report!  ;)

By the way:
I could join on both sides. I would choose by the needs of this project.

I started Ingress as a smurf (reached L8), but then i got enlighted and started again from scratch as a frog. I'm now L6 enlighted.
And be shure, i never used the second account for countering some plans.
For me sportsmanship is allways important...

Sorry for the super late response.

I've got no concrete plans, and don't wish to 'establish' a side that should be picked by players. It's not an ENL only event, nor is it a RES event. Everyone's allowed to play, that's the spirit of the game. Play which side you fancy playing the most. :)

As for ingress related artwork, if there are any ingress playing artists around feel free to send me a PM if you wish to discuss this! <3

A fursuiting x-faction event would be a lot of fun, but I think people will have a rather hard time operating their touchscreen devices while wearing handpaws. ;)

The rest should be covered in the initial post already.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Lumo on 10.08.2014, 20:53:12
Im still very new to ingress. X3 but i do have it installed :3
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: skyhoof on 11.08.2014, 12:07:41
Fursuiters should wear touchscreen gloves i stead their usually paw gloves.
I could also lend my 10" tablet to someone who has bad sight in a fursuit.
That device has no internet uplink, but it can use wifi to share internet from a mobile phone nearby.
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Vixus on 11.08.2014, 22:41:37
Quote from: skyhoof on 11.08.2014, 12:07:41
Fursuiters should wear touchscreen gloves i stead their usually paw gloves.
I could also lend my 10" tablet to someone who has bad sight in a fursuit.
That device has no internet uplink, but it can use wifi to share internet from a mobile phone nearby.

Don't forget that Ingress pretty much 'requires' a GPS module / fix to prevent location 'drifting', otherwise 3G/LTE triangulation's deviation -plus- the calculated Wi-Fi tethering accuracy may turn out to be hell. :3

Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: skyhoof on 12.08.2014, 15:04:53
Don't worry, the tablet has its own GPS reciver.
It is not as precise than the one in my mobile phone, you would have a drift of about 2 or 5 meters.
But this is way better than opperating a small smartphone in a fursuit.

It would have 3G, too, but i did not inserted a SIM card because a second SIM card additional to the one on my mobile phone would cost extra money.
So if someone wants to lend this device, he/she could also use the SIM out of his own mobile device within my 10" tablett.

I played ingress with it for some time, when my mobile phone was sent to repair for some weeks ...
I'ts an ACER Iconia A501
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: SlyCat on 14.08.2014, 15:27:47
I'm a level 9 resistance member. I think I may need to save up my weapons ;)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Tungro on 15.08.2014, 12:22:42
I like this! Being a L8 frog after all :)

Seems like at ConFuzzled, Smurfs outnumbered Frogs, but at EF it looks like Frogs will outnumber Smurfs!

Either way, it'd be great to go for a wander, capture some portals, change colour a few times to level some up... This is going to do wonders for the unique captures and unique hack counts :D

And afterwards, an appropriately coloured cocktail at the hotel bar? ;)

Now that the schedule is up, want to plan a date and time for a cross-faction Eurofurence meetup? :)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: skyhoof on 15.08.2014, 14:56:42
Since Vixus and i are members of the security team, we have a lot of duty during the convention.
So i suggest one of the the following time slots, because these are the only times we're both not on duty.

edit:formated as list
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Tungro on 15.08.2014, 16:21:56
Right, PERSONALLY, I'd like to see Come Find Me LIVE which is at 8pm on Friday, out of the dates/times you mentioned. But Friday 1515-1630 is good with me, and Wednesday should be too (I arrive on Tuesday anyway).
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Tony on 26.08.2014, 23:37:10
So... Who was playing at EF? =) I definitely was (Tonyspb - LVL11 Resistance agent) =)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Wawik on 26.08.2014, 23:38:40
Quote from: Tony on 26.08.2014, 23:37:10
So... Who was playing at EF? =) I definitely was (Tonyspb - LVL11 Resistance agent) =)

You kept destroying my resonators, smurf! :P
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Tony on 26.08.2014, 23:44:57
Quote from: doco on 26.08.2014, 23:38:40
Quote from: Tony on 26.08.2014, 23:37:10
So... Who was playing at EF? =) I definitely was (Tonyspb - LVL11 Resistance agent) =)

You kept destroying my resonators, smurf! :P

I tried as hard as I could (Vive la Resistance!)  :P  also got about 100 unique hacks for medal purposes travelling around Berlin =)
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: DarkFoxDK on 27.08.2014, 01:44:47
Quote from: Tony on 26.08.2014, 23:37:10
So... Who was playing at EF? =) I definitely was (Tonyspb - LVL11 Resistance agent) =)

I was - Same name as here, LVL 3 (at the time) frog.

Some running around TXL while waiting for my flight pushed me up to LVL 4. ^.^
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: nobs on 27.08.2014, 06:46:39
I ("yimjun") had my fun as well. Find the link to my page in an earlier post.

Alone while waiting in the check out queue I switched the central portal of the lobby 5 times or so  ;D

Who is Tgoof, BTW?
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: tanor on 27.08.2014, 09:26:22

this level 10 frog was active... It was quite interesting...there were times where the fountain switched its color every 5 seconds. :)  #p

Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: nobs on 07.08.2015, 18:23:21

I leveled to 7.3M AP in the mean time and still playing.

I look forward to have some more fun in Berlin *wags*
Title: Re: Ingress @ EuroFurence 20 -- Get involved!
Post by: Tony on 31.08.2015, 05:08:09
Well, hello there frogs =) lvl 14 Resistance Tonyspb agent welcomes you! ^^