I'm writing from account of my partner, because I didn't received my confirmation e-mail for forums yet.
I have quite serious issue about registering, and thank god I was able to at least log in here this way
my issue is this:
I wanted to register on Eurofurence and buy two tickets, for me and my mate
but I've seen no option there, so before I finished registration process (before last step) I wanted to get some information.
I was not able to send e-mail directly because fu#@&%ed Microsoft and had not confirmed forum acc.
So it is possible for me to buy two tickets, or do we both need to register separately and pay for tickets also separately? I'll pay for tickets myself as well as for hotel room, while my mate will be compensating me directly on my bank account. Even if we would need register separately, can I somehow pay ticket for both? (never been on Eurofurence before and I'm not from Germany, so it will be much easier for me to finish my payment at once)
second issue is connected with this. while I was trying to get those information and had my registration in progress, I already got confirmation e-mail for registration even if I didn't finished registration itself, but my internet crashed for a second and it kicked me from registration process before I finished it.
So can I then safely start new registration from same e-mail and address once I get information I need? of may it cause come complications? (I didn't even confirmed that registration email, yet)
thanks for advice
Quote from: Ruchiel on 19.01.2014, 17:38:43
So it is possible for me to buy two tickets, or do we both need to register separately
You both need to register separately.
Quoteand pay for tickets also separately?
After you complete both registrations, please mail reg@eurofurence.org as this requires manual intervention.
QuoteSo can I then safely start new registration from same e-mail and address once I get information I need? of may it cause come complications? (I didn't even confirmed that registration email, yet)
You can just confirm that email, wait for the mail with the login, and edit your registration to fill in missing information.
thank you very much kind sir.
I really appreciate your help
issue solved. check your email. :)
If you want to pay for both, you could do like I did, too. I registered me and my friend separately, but when time came to payment, I used my own credit card for both of the individual payments, since my friend's already sent me all the money for our transport, con ticket, and hotel room. :) You could do it like this, too.
yes issue is solved - I've done it exactly (this is my account)
He registered for himself, as well as I did for myself, he sent me is login, I filled the form but both payment made by my card
everything is paid and I have also booked a room already
please lock this tread someone if you may
and thanks to all of you for help
Quote from: Nienna87 on 03.02.2014, 18:01:21
Hi There i have registerd for EF this year and iv payed too in time and i still have not gotten anny notifications , that says its done i used the "How to pey " as a help and the 85 eauro is drawn fråm my stepfathers bank accont , and i dont see its done in my registration Payment Status..
help can you take a look so it har arrived. and tell me as soon as possible (cus no emails about its payed yet has come)
and i DONT Want imy spot to drsapere.. (am so scared)
As described in the posting conveniently titled Read This Before Posting (https://forum.eurofurence.org/index.php/topic,8.0.html), please send an email to reg@eurofurence.org if you have questions regarding the status of your registration, and do not post to the forum. Thank you!