The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Questions & Answers => Topic started by: Quincy the Raccoon on 01.01.2014, 12:49:15

Title: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Quincy the Raccoon on 01.01.2014, 12:49:15
Just saw the date for the EF reg: 13th of January... Oh come on, why so darn early in 2014? We just had our champagne, firework and all that stuff just behind us and already the reg is at the front door if you know what I mean.

What's the reason for the earliness? (Maybe April was a better idea...)
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Drift on 01.01.2014, 14:51:27
Well, there are attendees who have to book flights, apply for visa, ask their boss for holidays, coordinate their 2014 agenda with other events or just like to plan in advance.  :)
Also, opening the registration early ensures a certain planning reliability for the host.
But fortunately, you are not forced to register on the 13th of January. Estrel and other lodgings in Berlin offer enough beds for everybody, you should find sometghing even if you register in July  ;)
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: GreekYoshi on 01.01.2014, 16:28:04
Where did you learn that? Oo
and January 13th? Monday?? D:
Why not weekends?? ><
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Quincy the Raccoon on 01.01.2014, 17:01:37
Quote from: GreekYoshi on 01.01.2014, 16:28:04
Where did you learn that? Oo
and January 13th? Monday?? D:
Why not weekends?? ><
18th. Sorry, my bad... via EF twitter
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Tsanawo on 01.01.2014, 18:03:07
Ehm, this is around the same time it was last year...,4193.0.html (,4193.0.html)
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Fineas on 03.01.2014, 13:14:37
Might I ask why this is an issue?
As far as I have understood the registration process has no limit and your room should be booked separately from your EF registration.

So unless the hotel books out... which would we awesome and unexpected at this point... You would have no problem or benefit from either registering on set date or registering any time later before the end of the early bird rates.
Title: Re: Why so... EARLY?!
Post by: Cheetah on 03.01.2014, 13:23:06
We open registration as soon as possible, so people can plan their vacation and because we need the money ahead of time to actually put the convention together. We would open reg earlier, if we could - only tax reasons speak against that, since we need to have all income in the same fiscal year as all the expenses.

And since the question has been answered, and I see no value in further discussion, I will close this thread now. Thank you :)