The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Programming => Topic started by: vilvi on 10.08.2013, 10:23:14

Title: [EF19] First Life Meet for Second Life Furries
Post by: vilvi on 10.08.2013, 10:23:14

Love it or hate it, Second Life is still around and packed with furries.
What we have learned from previous years' panels, is that what we really need at the Eurofurence is a meeting for Second Life furries with some conversation starters.
So if you are interested in technology, building, creating, socializing, gaming or any other Second Life related subject, this the event for you. Come listen and share you knowledge and views. We'll have an opportunity to form smaller groups around subjects.

I'll be the organizer (and maybe showcasing some new machinima stuff), but you - the attendees - make the event!
Last year was a success, let's make this one even better, so bring your fuzzy butt there!
