I don't have any Hawaii related clothes, but I do have a Dharma Initiative Jumpsuit
Lost was recorded in Hawaii.
Would that be appropriate?
Since there is no Rule Of Conduct prohibiting jumpsuits, I guess it's in order :)
The question might be, how many people will "get" this kind of in-joke. I can't answer that for you, I'm afraid :)
I'll get it, I love 'Lost'! <3 Nice idea ^^
I don't like LOST (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustard_gas) - seriously - I've never watched a single episode, so that joke wouldn't work with me at all *g*
Quote from: MrEvers on 07.02.2013, 01:02:00
I don't have any Hawaii related clothes, but I do have a Dharma Initiative Jumpsuit
Lost was recorded in Hawaii.
Would that be appropriate?
Considering that "LOST" was supposed to have a Sci-Fi/suspense/horror theme, and isn't actually "set" in Hawaii (although it was filmed there), I wouldn't really see the point. Mysterious, scary tropical island does not equal Polynesian/Hawaiian atmosphere.
Before the final season of the show, some of the "LOST" production staff attended LOSCON - a Los Angeles-based Science Fiction convention - and threw a "Dharma Initiative" themed room party, with the appropriately labelled jumpsuits and labcoats, and mock-business signs with the corporate logo. They had one of the larger suites on the party floor - but their decorations and refreshments were uninspiring, and the party mood was rather flat. It was kind of a downer, actually - and of course, those attendees who
were ardent "LOST" fans wanted to know what was going to happen in the upcoming season...and the production people weren't allowed to reveal anything. Many idle con attendees cruising through the party didn't make the connection between "Dharma Initiative" and "LOST", so whatever impact that the party hosts had hoped to make on the local SciFi fannish community (remember, this is Los Angeles - "Hollywood" - so many of the "fans" were established authors, screenwriters, a producer or two, and even some actors) was...well,...lost.
Well, it's not like I'm planning to wear it all the time.
Quote from: Tekumseh on 11.02.2013, 19:03:29
I don't like LOST (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustard_gas) - seriously - I've never watched a single episode, so that joke wouldn't work with me at all *g*
How can you passionately hate something you know nothing about?
Follow the link and maybe you'll get what I don't like - it was not the TV-series I meant. I just never watched an episode, so any reference is useless for me and I would look rather puzzled. Maybe my interpunctation was not the best to make that point, so the joke I made might have been ... lost *g*
Am I the only one who immediately thought about this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_(2005_film)) and wondered what was the connection with Hawaii and EF? ^^'
I say we exploit any sci-fi connections with islands. ;D
This thread reminds me of an anecdote.
A biology teacher tasked the class to write an essay on elephants. One of the pupils didn't particularly like elephants, and didn't know much about them, either. However, this person really knew a lot about ticks! So, the essay delivered by this pupil began with: "Elephants are large mammals with thick, wrinkled skin. In certain places, various kinds of ticks manage to take hold in folds of the skin. One particular species of tick found on elephants is [...]", continuing with a detailed, very informative essay on ticks, their metabolism and life cycle. Much to the dismay of the teacher, who really wanted to honor the well-researched and nicely written essay, it still had to be formally graded as an F. No matter how well done the essay was, it still totally missed the point.
Quote from: Xar on 13.02.2013, 17:46:56
Am I the only one who immediately thought about this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_(2005_film)) and wondered what was the connection with Hawaii and EF? ^^'
Reading the title, I had thought that too before entered the thread ^^
Quote from: Gyroplast on 14.02.2013, 15:12:16
This thread reminds me of an anecdote.
A biology teacher tasked the class to write an essay on elephants. One of the pupils didn't particularly like elephants, and didn't know much about them, either...Much to the dismay of the teacher, who really wanted to honor the well-researched and nicely written essay, it still had to be formally graded as an F. No matter how well done the essay was, it still totally missed the point.
So - you are saying that, for the pupil, the whole point of the essay was...lost? ;)
Okay, I think the public opinion is pretty much clear on this one now: Nobody will be offended, but not many will see a connection to the actual theme either. I'll close this topic now because it's really getting off topic by now :)