The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Topic started by: punkmatsche on 25.12.2012, 00:36:08

Title: wanna have my first fursuit made by my own
Post by: punkmatsche on 25.12.2012, 00:36:08
Hey people out there in the forum!  :D
I decided to make my first own fursuit and have fear to make mistakes :-\!!
So here is my question: is there any fursuiter near ahaus who have Experience in creating and making an own fursuit step by step and could help me to made one by myself (^_^)?
The tutorials on youtube are to hard to understand(maybe. I am to stupid or the tutorials are to hard to understand ???)

Please Pm me

Thank you very much

With best wishes
Title: Re: wanna have my first fursuit made by my own
Post by: Ragear on 25.12.2012, 12:26:44
Hi Punkmatsche,
consider joining, if you're based in germany, or There you'll have more of a chance.
Use Google. Extensively. Open up a notebook, take notes and ideas. Learn how to sew on some leftover pieces. Read tutorials. When done, read more. Try out small pieces like gloves or a partial suit. You'll need at least a certain amount of understanding in anatomy, sculpting, mechanical skillz, drawing, proportions, imagination and not the least handicrafting and seamstressing. Check out abovementioned boards for regular round table meets near you.


Title: Re: wanna have my first fursuit made by my own
Post by: punkmatsche on 25.12.2012, 12:47:10
i used google as well but never found a nice tutorial wich i understood directly!
But this tutorials at and look´s easier as on youtube!
and the idea for the roundtables... maybe i take a look if there is one near vreden or i took my funticket and look for a roundtable in münster too(^_^).
perhaps thats help me ;D!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Ragear!!!
Title: Re: wanna have my first fursuit made by my own
Post by: Tioh on 25.12.2012, 23:13:45
Before you start - try to answer the basic questions (german version): (

My tutorials are on (

Plastic-mesh fursuit-head (german version): (

Foam fursuit-head:

Title: Re: wanna have my first fursuit made by my own
Post by: punkmatsche on 26.12.2012, 01:27:13
thank´s a lot Tioh
this tutorials look like they are easy as pie.
may they help me