Hello, and good evening everyone!
It's been three weeks since Eurofurence 18, and finally everything is done: The photos from the fursuit photoshooting are sorted, processed and uploaded!
This is the perfect time to express my gratitude to the whole team for all the help:
Rapante for all the help in the preparations and lots of help during the shooting,
Akeela and Draugvorn for their untiring help to get the suiters to pose right, and to sort and decorate them,
Kovu for management, lots of help with everything and for taking over the shooting when I was really done for,
Jyanon for all his help with the decoration (of set and suiters),
Pegasus and Tirao for their ideas, preparations, handiwork and lots of other things that needed to be done,
and last but not least Dragony for security and for immediately jumping in when urgent help was needed:
Without you, all this would - as usual - not have been possible. Thank you all for your help, I'm already looking forward to the next time! ;D
And finally, here's the link: Have a lot of fun with the photos from the fursuit-photoshooting at EF18! (http://www.thalian.de/g2/main.php?g2_itemId=5576)
These are some seriously awesome and quality induced photos Thalian, mad props to you and your crew! The scenery and accessories were also well placed and suited :3
Didn't know Peter Beagle had a debut there too, those are some funny pictures - poor Pinky xD
Hopefully I can grab a slot of your photoshoot next year, would love to be a part of this too :3
Thanks for the A-MA-ZING pics of Prancer. This is really awesome. :D
Thank you ALL so much! ^_^
Thank you! I hope I can attend to it next year!
Wuff! I'm the wolf of the unknown suiter file at the bottom, the other suiter there is Pickle. It was our first times out in those suits.
Hallo Thalian,
ich wollt mich auch noch mal gaaaaanz super herzlich bei Dir und dem ganzen Team bedanken!
Es war wie immer ein Erlebnis und hat riesig Spaß gemacht! Vor allem, dass sich so spontan ne kleine Geschichte ergeben hat, war ne klasse Sache.
Alaea hat's heute noch im Rücken vom "Herren" ziehen... ;D
Aber alle Fotos sind alle super geworden. Man sieht jedes Jahr wieder an den Bildern, dass Ihr auch Spaß bei der Sache habt!
Danke, dass Ihr das macht!!!!! *fühlt Euch alle mal gedrückt*
Wow! Thank you very much for the pics, and for all the pre- during- and aftercon work involved! I can say: it was definetly worth getting up 'during sleeping time' in order to join the waiting que :D
Hope to do it again next year ;)