The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:02

Title: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:02
I have been donating ear plugs for three Eurofurences so far. Overall feedback has been very positive, ranging from a "This is a good idea!" to "Thanks, you enabled me to enjoy the dances again!".

Every little thank you means a lot to me, and I'm glad the "program" is so successful.

At Eurofurence 18, over 900 pairs of Sonic Matrix ear plugs were given away.  8)

I chose the brand because they come in three SNR strengths, are packaged in pairs, have nice colors, are affordable, and are trivial to put in right (because they don't need to be rolled). However, I sometimes find them uncomfortable (a bit long) and it's difficult to get them in a smaller size in Germany.

So before I go and buy the next batch (or switch brands), I'd like to ask a few questions (posted in the next post, quote that and fill in your answers).

Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:12
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Mooie on 03.09.2012, 22:13:57
I can't really comment on the actual earplugs provided, as I didn't have to use them - I brought my own!  So, I figured I better let others, who didn't bring any themselves, use the ones provided. :-)

6. That said, I really appreciate they were provided, as they are really a necessity during the dances, unless one have a very good reason not to use them.  Yes, if it's sounds you enjoy more, the damage might not be as severe, but fact is still that ears can only handle so much pressure.
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: draconigen on 03.09.2012, 22:58:01
1. Usage - Two. Can't remember at which events though. Could have used them very badly at the Concert.

2. Sound - Surprisingly good!. I've never used such earplugs before, and was surprised that music actually sounded better with them! (10)

3. Protection - Good enough. Music was so loud at times, I even felt like hiding my head somewhere. Good thing those little helpers appeared, they reduced the sound to a bearable level to my sensitive canine ears! (9)

4. Ease of Use - Actually, I was a little confused by the provided manual which was taped on the table. Were you supposed to stuff them into your ear THAT deep? I didn't dare to try. (7)

5. Comfort - Even forgot I had them on! Until I took them back out, and everything got loud again. (10)

6. Feedback - Please, please, PLEASE keep it up! Either my ears are way too sensitive, or uhm, someone accidently hit the volume slider up and forgot it about it. Either way, without that plugs, I couldn't have enjoyed the dances. Will make sure to think of them when attending the next concert / PPS / dance!
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Suicune on 04.09.2012, 00:03:43
I wish I had took a pair for the concert, it was so loud sometimes that I didn't even understand the singer --
An I'm used to loud music..
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Lightfox on 04.09.2012, 01:14:06
Quote from: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:12
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
--> 2 packs, one by dance.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
--> 9 - With the appropriate db reduction, the sound was still quite clear imho.

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
--> 10 - With the most powerfull ones, i managed to survive the end of the big blue dance without my ears exploding, so that's pretty great!

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
--> 6 - I must admit cylinder shaped ear plugs aren't that easy to put in / out, and following the instructions by putting them inside the ear makes them way too hard to remove, so i just put them a bit differently.

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
--> 7 - when you're dancing, you don't feel them that much, but it's not the most comfortable earplugs i tested. Still pretty efficient though.

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark? Thanks for your time!
--> I'd just like to thank you again for that great initiative, it did help making my con beter :3

Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: CJ on 04.09.2012, 09:50:00
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
5 packs, one of each attenuation at first and two more later on. Concert (direly needed there, even sitting in the second to last row) and dances.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
8 (they seemed to long to be inserted as instructed)

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark? Thanks for your time!
Thanks for your effort!
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Mystifur on 04.09.2012, 17:23:19
1. Usage
3 packs of diffrent strength
Worn at:
- dances when not in suit
- the concert
- pawpetshow ending (yes, really. others clapping close my ears is no fun for me)

2. Sound

3. Protection

4. Ease of Use

5. Comfort
8 (right size, but too long to e.g. lean your head on something without the plug pinching your ear.)

6. Feedback
Thanks for doing it. Personally I don't get why dances or concerts have to be at a loudness level that force you to wear ear plugs that make you loose fidelity, just to be able to attend without damaging your hearing ( or in my case even pain)
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: carter on 04.09.2012, 19:18:20
First of all: Thanks again for giving them out! <3

Quote from: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:12
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
At the concert, most of the time except for the last 15 minutes.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
8. Sometimes sound felt a bit strange but most of the time it was really good.
3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
2 Couldn't get them in completely even once.
5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
1 They hurt me like hell even on multiple times trying to put them in.

Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Ghostbear on 04.09.2012, 22:00:40
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
-> 3 Packs. 1 at the Fursuit dance (as non suiter) and 2 at the Saturday night dance. Had to switch them out inbetween. I brought my own initially, but I used yours because I know mine would really dull down the music.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
9. I used the medium strength ones and the music quality was still fairly good.  I used the stronger plugs on last years dance and they dulled down the music a bit too much.

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
10. They did their job just perfectly.

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
8. A bit too long to insert them as instructed on the manual.

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
8. As I said, they are a bit too long ;)

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?
Thank you so much for providing us with ear protection! And providing even three different strengths of plugs gives everybody the opportunity to chose what level of protection they like. That saves our hearing and makes us enjoy the dances even more, even if you you have very sensitive ears.
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Weed on 05.09.2012, 09:11:42
1. Usage - Only two, at the Pawpet Show and the Rock'n'Rome -concert. I didn't join the dances, but after a quick walk through the main stage area, I can say that they probably would've been my third and fourth :) As for how long:

Pawpet show: 15 minutes after the beginning and all the way to the end
Concert: From start to the end, although I did leave before the show was officially over

2. Sound - 10

3. Protection - 10 - they lowered the noise level just enough to make it bearable (for me)

4. Ease of Use - Plug'n'Play, 10 :)

5. Comfort - 8. They were a bit too long and a bit uncomfortable, but after I got used to them they were quite nice

6. Feedback - I'll have to quote Draconigen on this one,
Quote from: draconigen on 03.09.2012, 22:58:01
Please, please, PLEASE keep it up! Either my ears are way too sensitive, or uhm, someone accidently hit the volume slider up and forgot it about it. Either way, without that plugs, I couldn't have enjoyed the dances. Will make sure to think of them when attending the next concert / PPS / dance!

Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Thygrrr on 06.09.2012, 09:44:38
Thanks for the feedback so far.

The manual for the plugs has a weird perspective, it looks like they want you to shove the plugs into your brain.

Keeping them so they are in that inner circle of your earlobe is what they mean (so no part should stick out beyond the lobe when you look at your head from the front).

The test whether the plugs protect you is done by putting your hands over your ears. If the noise level doesn't go down much, your ears are well protected.

When I wear the sonic matrix plugs, I need to pull them back out so they rest against the inner wall of my earlobe across the opening of the tunnel. Otherwise they hurt when I move my head.

I'll try to get the smaller size ones via Sonic shop next year as a test. Glad to see so many of you seem fine with comfort, audio quality and protection level though.

Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Kanrei on 06.09.2012, 10:53:47
I take some plugs, but I didn`t used it, didn`t seem that loud for me on the fursuitdance. Anyway I was not that long inside. (Maybe a hour with the fursuit and on the second fursuitdance without fursuit some minutes.) Concert I just listen to one song.
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Andy the Squirrel on 06.09.2012, 21:13:02
I tried them, but they did not compress very well so were not easy to stick in my ears, ended up going without and basically limiting my time on the dance floor
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: DarkRat on 06.09.2012, 23:49:50
1. Usage - 1 pair (Blue), sometimes while BBD

2. Sound - 3 the biggest problem for me. It completely killed high tones. That's why I only had them in for short periods.

3. Protection - 10

4. Ease of Use - 9

5. Comfort - 8
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: VulpesRex on 08.09.2012, 10:34:24
   I myself didn't use the offered hearing protection, because I usually bring my own -  in multiple sets!  I have the detached orange foam conical-shaped ones with the blunt end, a similar set in yellow foam with a plastic string to keep them togethe as a set and to drape around my neck, and a set of the silicone rubber type with the triple-layer sound baffels, for really high-noise level environments.  And if I'm sharing a room with someone, I try to carry a couple extra sets, in case of snoring.

   I only saw one box of hearing protectors, being dispensed at the right-most door to the theater/dance area; it may be that not averyone was aware that they were available.

   My general comments about their utility would be to echo what Mystifur wrote.  I make my living with my ears, and use protection to avoid injury (and even pain).

   I WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorse the practice of handing out free hearing protection - and Thygrrr, if I am fortunate enough to attend EF again next year, I hereby pledge 100 Euro as a donation, to help pay for the expense of purchasing the protectors.
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Gero on 09.09.2012, 08:58:11
I wish I had a set for the first fursuit dance, after the fursuit photo. The opening music number there was LOUD and scared me away on the double. I took two sets when I found some at the next event, but I didnt needed any for any of the events afterwards, not even the concert. I dont know if it was the chock or if the volume at the fursuit friendly dance was extra loud or something.

With that said I am qutie used to the kind of volume youll find att musicals and simular events, after tons of visits to them, but I am not so familiar with the volume at techno dances and parities. :)
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 09.09.2012, 13:59:55
Quote from: Gero on 09.09.2012, 08:58:11
I dont know if it was the chock or if the volume at the fursuit friendly dance was extra loud or something.

the volume at the fursuit dance was very loud from the start yes
Title: Re: Survey: Protect Your Ears
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 09.09.2012, 18:15:46
1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
2 - Under ten minutes each, for the dances.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
5 - Good sound for the most part, was not so good with base.

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
9 - Usual slight fitting problems.

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
3 - As they were quite blocky I found them uncomfortable to wear.

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?
An alternative design is the more conical shaped ones or the ones linked by a band to make them harder to loose.