Hi Folks
We're coming to EF with a couple of MLP Suits. I just want to ask if there others coming mabe to make a dance all togheter or kind of small gathering.
If I had the money, I'd commission an MPL suit called "Uncanny Vally".
i love to have one MLP suit but i don't have one otherwise i woud be fun to dance together
I already sorted out some easy to learn linedance steps 16 moves - more in speed is not possible with the large hoove boots.
Myself is a pretty beginner in Linedance so no worries to join with the pony suit.
Australians welcome to join us - they pretty good in that
If you're planning to do linedance, I guess you'll need country music.
yeps a basic country music.
send you a mail with ideas for a PMV
Pic update form EF
couple of videos on you tube
one more
EF rocks
Quote from: Cheetah on 21.08.2012, 15:48:34
If I had the money, I'd commission an MPL suit called "Uncanny Vally".
Ohhhhh - Thats interesting that you after MLP - but how you specify a "Uncanny Vally" Pony - do you have an Idea or maybe a ref sheet what you looking for.
Quote from: Atalon on 11.09.2012, 23:36:24
Quote from: Cheetah on 21.08.2012, 15:48:34
If I had the money, I'd commission an MPL suit called "Uncanny Vally".
Ohhhhh - Thats interesting that you after MLP - but how you specify a "Uncanny Vally" Pony - do you have an Idea or maybe a ref sheet what you looking for.
Maybe it would look like this ;P
Here the Doctor
Quote from: Atalon on 13.10.2012, 19:11:14
Here the Doctor
And that makes NUMBER 4! Keep up the good work. If I had the money, I would buy it instantly! ;D
Hi there more ponies I did.
Currently is Derpy on finish and a Lyra next
Wow nice Work; cute they are all of your Pony`s. Thank`s for sharing your Pictures of you newest work!
there even more to come,.
In Nov. I do the Princess mould for vac. forming
Armies of Ponies marching in sync over cons ... dunno if fascinating or frightening :-)
Next 3 in works - finished next week
Derpy, DJ_pon 3, OC Char
Hoping to see more ponies at EF 2013!
Awesome, you are one busy pony!! ;D
I so wish I could afford a pony suit ;-;
Me too. I would obviously get Pinky Pie.
I would enjoy having a Bat-Pony/Lunar Guard suit someday, or a changeling drone
Hi Folks
We still in MLP.
This year we have at least 5 mlp suits going around maybe more if customers of my on EF with the suits.
So prepare for more MLP Action this year.
If someone wants to buy parts or .... for a suit just mail me the I can take em with me