The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Topic started by: Onkel Kage on 06.08.2012, 20:45:06

Title: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Onkel Kage on 06.08.2012, 20:45:06
Are you going to be joining us at the Ringberg on Monday evening (September 3)?  Some people have asked me who all is going to be joining us.  It would be rude of me to post names without making sure it is all right with each individual, so...if you are going and want the world to know, sound off here!

Here are some folks that I know are going:
Me.   ;D
2 the Ranting Gryphon
Oma & Opa Kage
André (of course!)

We're arriving around 14:00, but you can come any time.  Remember, you're responsible for making your own room arrangements (which you can do at (, and for helping to maintain the good opinion of Furries that the folks at the Ringburg have.  Also, as they did last year, Mr. and Mrs. Möller will be opening the Crazy Horse just for us for dinner starting around 18:00, with a little fursuit-outing beforehand at 17:00 for those who will be bringing suits.

Remember, fursuits are welcome but not required.  The only thing required is that you have fun!
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Kiantis on 07.08.2012, 00:01:35
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: TiBoth on 12.08.2012, 11:26:41

I'd love to come again, but last year Riffuchs and me arrived at about 21:30 and (nearly) all the fun was over. We had to bring Con eqipment back to Berlin first...

Have fun everyone, take pictures (or videos) and post them. : )

Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Atkelar on 12.08.2012, 18:57:51
Will be there!
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Henrieke on 13.08.2012, 13:19:32
Karpour and I want to come, but it depends on our carpoolers (Magferret and Tabbiefox) as well. Help me convince them!
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Kinase on 13.08.2012, 19:20:05
I'll be there me too
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Stripe Kazama on 16.08.2012, 12:54:38
I'll come if there's anyone that could give me a ride there and to a nearby major city with an airport that has flights to Denmark :P.
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Jumpy on 16.08.2012, 13:41:11
Quote from: Stripe Kazama on 16.08.2012, 12:54:38
I'll come if there's anyone that could give me a ride there and to a nearby major city with an airport that has flights to Denmark :P.

Like I just said on IRC  :)

You will have to get to Berlin by train yourself on Monday Sept 3, because my car will be full. We'll agree on a meeting spot, probably at some major Berlin train station around noon, and I can pick you up there.

For the trip back, you get your pick of either Leipzip Intl., or Berlin Schoenefeld or Tegel airports, although because of the construction going on at the Berlin airport I really recommend Leipzip (LEJ). It would be ideal if your return flight leaves in the afternoon, as then we don't have to leave Suhl at an ungodly hour. I'll drop you off at the airport on the way back.

Anyone else wanna hitch a ride from Berlin? Got 3 seats left in the car, if you don't have too much luggage. Leaving Berlin around noon on Sept 3, and going back Sept 4 via Leipzig. Exakt timing of return trip will be determined by flight times. Please don't make them TOO early.

This'll be fun.
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Henrieke on 17.08.2012, 09:30:15
We're coming! :)
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Weatoef on 18.08.2012, 02:02:24
Will be there, if I can find my way there :D
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: VulpesRex on 19.08.2012, 21:26:27
I still need to secure a reservation at the Ringberg (and I have to do that from a secure computer terminal, probably from my workplace) but I should know tomorrow if I can go.  I have the time; my flight back from Frankfurt is on Wednesday, Sept 5th.

Not sure just how I'll get to Suhl, at the moment - but there are trains throughout the day, as a last resort.  The folks who work for DeutchesBahn have always treated me well, even if we don't speak the same language - Railroad Men Stick together!

(Uh...Not like that, you know what I mean!)
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: Wawik on 19.08.2012, 21:56:20
Hmm.. pondering this actually, for this year...

Anyone willing to share a twin?
Title: Re: Ringberg Revival 2012 (post-EF party in Suhl): Who is going??
Post by: VulpesRex on 21.08.2012, 07:56:37
Room Reservation confirmed; I shall be there.