As some of you know, i am collecting and repairing old clocks and sometimes watches. If you have a broken clock or watch, i will pack out my transportable work shop at EF. If you want to get rid of a broken clock/watch, give it to my collection :)
Speak with Locutus Deer for that, thats me ^^
I have clocks an watches and whatnot.
Once I crafted a Kyle Clock. The South Park character Kyle. Would be happy to just give it. Batteries are out and can't bother to put in new ones. But that's okay as long as it can decorate for ya?
Quote from: Vustex on 19.06.2012, 03:23:20
I have clocks an watches and whatnot.
Once I crafted a Kyle Clock. The South Park character Kyle. Would be happy to just give it. Batteries are out and can't bother to put in new ones. But that's okay as long as it can decorate for ya?
Thanks a lot, it will get a nice place here, maybe i will put some mechanics in and "upgrade" it :D
How can we meet up? Its always hard finding people at big cons
Thanks for taking my clock!
On the subject of location, I have no more of an idea myself. I interpreted your OP that you were going to set up shop in one place with your transportable work shop. How about you agree to hang in a certain area at one time and I'll do my best to find my way there?
I am mostly sitting at one of the big round tables, with a bag, waiting for people. Or just browsing around. Will be pretty difficult
OK, are there other who wants to have repaired a clock/get rid of a clock?
As ive seen your Clock announcement, i just remember that my grandma has lots of clock stuff to sell.
Many tools and new parts (as i told you months before)
If youre still interested, just poke me via PM
LG the Sheppyhusk
Hi Locutus,
I've inherited a "Hamilton" pocket watch from my gramp, I'll bring it along for a look. Or we meet in Karlsruhe...
Thank you!
EF is close again, the doe has her screw drivers ready to repair your clocks or take broken/not wanted clocks in a new home, freshly renewed. Just look for that tall gothic lady with security stuff on her.
Locu Deer
Tell me where and ill bring you some tools ^_^ (leftovers from my grandpa)
I will stay mostly in the main lobby, i think. But you know how i look now ;)
Damn ! If I had kown that earlier !
I have two pocket watches in my drawers at my dad's place. Both pre-WWI, one is working but the little one isn't (don't really know what's wrong) and that could have been amazing if someone who loves clocks actually managed to give it a second life and keeps it.
Unfortunately I probably will never access to this watches again. :-/