Hey there,
I want to go to Eurofurence next year with 2 friends. One of them will become 18 years old until the next Convention, one will be fourteen, I'll be 17 at that time.
Somewhere I read that I can just let me parents fill out a letter of consent and take it with me and the eighteen year-old friend could take the responsibility for the other one.
But Im a bit confused now because there's nothing about that in the policies.
Short question: Is that still possible or do we have to wait... :(
Regards, Anuk
Unfortunately, such a "letter of consent" puts all liability on the board of directors of Eurofurence. We neither have the staff nor the necessary certifications to host an event involving minors. Thus, no minors, not even with their parents attending, sorry.
Auf deutsch: wir haben keine ausgebildeten und im Land Sachsen-Anhalt anerkannten Jugendgruppenleiter, so dass wir leider keine Minderjährigen an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen lassen können, auch nicht wenn deren Eltern anwesend sind. Das Haftungsrisiko wollen und können wir nicht tragen.