The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Topic started by: Mackie on 07.06.2007, 06:29:12

Title: Hi folks
Post by: Mackie on 07.06.2007, 06:29:12

Hey folks, I'm a bit of a rookie when it comes to Eurofurence, but planning on attending 2007 ( realistically i'll make the 2008, but heres hoping) and theres a few things i'd like to ask. I've read the boards for the past couple of days and everyone seems decent, if I'm asking a question that you're sick of answering or theres a post i've missed, please feel free to point me in the right direction ( i doubt that'll be a problem :P)

1) I tend to lack a fursuit. Yeah, its my major concern at the moment. I've been looking around for places that do good work, but i've not found one that feels "right"
I saw an old thread where someone was asking for links to fursuit makers, but wondered if there might have been some other places that are more recently active / recommended.

2) I'm a newbie. I dont know anyone, and my other concern is i'll be sat like a prune. Does anyone have any hints / tips?

3) Are there any sort of unwritten rules? I read somewhere that talking in costume isnt really the done thing, but its up to you if you do it. Are there many other "rules" like this?

4) Have I made a fool out of myself yet?  :D

Anyway, back to work (yay :-[)
look forward to reading your replies (if any)

Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Cheetah on 07.06.2007, 13:39:08
Hi Mackey!

Welcome to the EF crowd :)

Quote from: Mackie on 07.06.2007, 06:29:12
1) I tend to lack a fursuit. Yeah, its my major concern at the moment. I've been looking around for places that do good work, but i've not found one that feels "right". I saw an old thread where someone was asking for links to fursuit makers, but wondered if there might have been some other places that are more recently active / recommended.

I'm not an expert on this .. so I'll leave the answer to the fursuiters :)

Quote2) I'm a newbie. I dont know anyone, and my other concern is i'll be sat like a prune. Does anyone have any hints / tips?

Well, I'd suggest making some contacts online before the con, so you've got someone you can meet up and maybe hang around with. That makes things much easier. Other than that ... take part in the con activities, like the talks and workshops and such ... there'll be lots of like-minded furs around to talk to.

3) Are there any sort of unwritten rules? I read somewhere that talking in costume isnt really the done thing, but its up to you if you do it. Are there many other "rules" like this?

There are some rules, but not many. Some considere it unappropriate to take off your fursuit head off in public, because it destroys the illusion of your character. Talking in suit depends on if you don't mind being "out of character", and on how well one can hear you ... most fursuit heads are surprisingly soundproof :) EF provides a "headless lounge" for this purpose. A place where you can ge dressed and undressed, have a drink with your fursuit head off, do readjustments and repairs, all outside the view of the public.

It's not really a "rule" per se ... it's more a way to make the best impression on everyone.

4) Have I made a fool out of myself yet?  :D

No, absolutely not :) These are all very valid questions.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Recherei on 07.06.2007, 15:38:07
A few breif observations:

Approximatly 10% of furries have fursuits and bring them to cons.

Best place to start your search for a suit would be

Good fursuits can run 700 - 2,000 USD.  Partial suits,  (a head, a tail, hands and feet), will run less.

The general opinion is it pays to have one custom made rather than off the rack.  Building a suit with friends is also an option.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Recherei on 07.06.2007, 15:51:22
Also, you may want to look a related thread from Anthrocon's forum:
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Colifox/Rizzorat on 07.06.2007, 22:31:01
1)  It is indeed a bit difficult to acquire a nice suit unless you have the funding.  It really does depend on your likes and tastes as there is a wide range of suit builders and makers out there.  I myself have a second hand suit - you may wish to choose this route for a first suit rather than rushing in and spending thousands.  Or, do as I am doing and create your own.  Granted, this takes a bit of skill, but is also satisfying when you finished parts and they can be recognised for what they are.

2)  Im not a newbie but this is still a concern of mine.  However, you will find that nearly all furs at a con are approachable and friendly.  Ok i should take this advise myself but I too am nervous and scared to approach people.  generally tho, if you know somoene there, you are never left out of the loop.

3)  There are indeed unwritten rules - so to speak - but subject to opinion.  Personally, I indeed think it unacceptable to de-head yourself in public.  It, as cheetah pointed out, takes you out of character and ruins the illusion, especially if there are children around.   Talking in frusuit depends on the suit.  I dont talk in my current suit but have seen and heard talking suits and based on their design, it worked wonderfully!  Another rule is dont go groping people in suits!!  For some reason, som epeople think that fursuiters wish this to happen.  It isnt acceptable behaviour and you wouldnt walk upto a strange in the street and do it.

4) Not at all :)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Mackie on 08.06.2007, 01:16:48
Thanks for the quick replies everyone, its good to see that things are alive and kicking.

Only 10% bring a suit? I've watched some videos of old parades and walkabouts, they look like massive fun.( one that springs to mind was Pup? sat on a wall)
As for suit makers, I've narrowed down to Lacys? and Snow Paw Studios? as a few, does anyone have any comments or any others that are worth mentioning?Budget isnt really an issue, I can afford to spend up to £800 ($1600) reasonably. I'd need to get a suit made as i'm a bit of shortend :P
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Recherei on 08.06.2007, 01:42:50
Any suit builder of note will have back orders and it may take up to a year or more before delivery.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Colifox/Rizzorat on 09.06.2007, 14:19:33
as per above post, unfortunately, its not really realistic you will get a commissioned suit now pre EF...  at least...not this year!  When it gets to con season, they will be busy with orders as it is but as it was rightly pointed out, some of the big name builders can take upwards of a year or more to get your order fulfilled.  Not because they dont like you or anything, just because they are in so much demand ;)

Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Recherei on 09.06.2007, 19:18:23
But it can help to be "the friend of a friend".
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 18.06.2007, 03:48:22
Quote from: Mackie on 08.06.2007, 01:16:48
Thanks for the quick replies everyone, its good to see that things are alive and kicking.

Only 10% bring a suit? I've watched some videos of old parades and walkabouts, they look like massive fun.( one that springs to mind was Pup? sat on a wall)
As for suit makers, I've narrowed down to Lacys? and Snow Paw Studios? as a few, does anyone have any comments or any others that are worth mentioning?Budget isnt really an issue, I can afford to spend up to £800 ($1600) reasonably. I'd need to get a suit made as i'm a bit of shortend :P

Have you considered making one yourself? There are lot of links and tutorials in the fursuiters forum. I made my suit myself and it was not that hard. You dont full suit in the beginning, consider making just headpiece and both fore- and hind- paws. You still have time... 3 months...
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 14.07.2007, 14:28:21
I've been working on my full body suit for a couple of weeks now and fortunately it didn't cost me that much (say €120, gas included). I got some help from my grandpa who has this handdriven sewing machine... it works great!

I did buy a lot of fake fur, but I'm still surprised how much goes into a suit. Considering I'm 2.05 meters, that's one hell of a job ;D! Still have to finish the head, the tail and the feet though.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: whitewulfe on 17.07.2007, 11:19:05
Quote from: Barney the dog on 14.07.2007, 14:28:21
I've been working on my full body suit for a couple of weeks now and fortunately it didn't cost me that much (say €120, gas included). I got some help from my grandpa who has this handdriven sewing machine... it works great!

I did buy a lot of fake fur, but I'm still surprised how much goes into a suit. Considering I'm 2.05 meters, that's one hell of a job ;D! Still have to finish the head, the tail and the feet though.

205?!?!  *blinks* Wow, and I thought I was tall at 183.... I feel short all of a sudden....
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:17:08
Yup... Barney is a BIG doggy  ;D I already learned it is somehow hard to hug people of different heights :) Now imagine how hard it will be for Barney to hug persons less then 170 cm high :)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 12:17:55
Quote from: whitewulfe on 17.07.2007, 11:19:05
205?!?!  *blinks* Wow, and I thought I was tall at 183.... I feel short all of a sudden....

Yeah, you're not the only one... I think I might be overlooking all the furs during the parade... I sure hope the doors are high enough in the hotel ;D otherwise I might encounter some serious headaches again... :-\.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 12:20:18
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:17:08
Yup... Barney is a BIG doggy  ;D I already learned it is somehow hard to hug people of different heights :) Now imagine how hard it will be for Barney to hug persons less then 170 cm high :)

Well, experiences from a past a long, long time ago... I'll probably have to sit on my knees then ;D.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:21:46
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 12:17:55
Quote from: whitewulfe on 17.07.2007, 11:19:05
205?!?!  *blinks* Wow, and I thought I was tall at 183.... I feel short all of a sudden....

Yeah, you're not the only one... I think I might be overlooking all the furs during the parade... I sure hope the doors are high enough in the hotel ;D otherwise I might encounter some serious headaches again... :-\.

Barney, you remind me of one of my school-mates... He is ~200 cm high and every time he has to bend to ener a bus, go through the doors and such... Being high is sometimes a way big drawback.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 12:28:41
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:21:46
Barney, you remind me of one of my school-mates... He is ~200 cm high and every time he has to bend to ener a bus, go through the doors and such... Being high is sometimes a way big drawback.

Yeah, I know all the advantages and disadvantages already. Life could have been a little easier when I only have been 10 cm shorter... but hey, at least now people will notice me as a fursuiter ;D (andprobably remember me afterwars ;D)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:34:44
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 12:28:41
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:21:46
Barney, you remind me of one of my school-mates... He is ~200 cm high and every time he has to bend to ener a bus, go through the doors and such... Being high is sometimes a way big drawback.

Yeah, I know all the advantages and disadvantages already. Life could have been a little easier when I only have been 10 cm shorter... but hey, at least now people will notice me as a fursuiter ;D (andprobably remember me afterwars ;D)

You are right there... when do you ever see a 2 meter walking hairy dog? That is certainly one thing One will remember. (They might confuse you with Chewbacca the Wookiee from starwars...)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 12:40:13
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:34:44
You are right there... when do you ever see a 2 meter walking hairy dog? That is certainly one thing One will remember. (They might confuse you with Chewbacca the Wookiee from starwars...)

But Chewbacca has brown fur and mine is black... with some brown accents... And Chewie doesn't have pointy ears and a pointy muzzle...
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 15:17:52
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 12:40:13But Chewbacca has brown fur and mine is black... with some brown accents... And Chewie doesn't have pointy ears and a pointy muzzle...

OK, they might not mistake you for Chewie, but for some other wookiee... Doesnt matter whether you have pointy ears or not. People confuse my white wolf fursuit with polar bear all the time  8)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 16:01:00
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 15:17:52
OK, they might not mistake you for Chewie, but for some other wookiee... Doesnt matter whether you have pointy ears or not. People confuse my white wolf fursuit with polar bear all the time  8)

Hmm, that might look funny, a big black dog giving a hug to a smaller white wolf ;D. I hope your accept hugs?
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 16:05:53
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 16:01:00Hmm, that might look funny, a big black dog giving a hug to a smaller white wolf ;D. I hope your accept hugs?

Yup... Lokosicek is a wolf equivalent of MightyTauren (see this vid at YouTube: ), so he likes to hug A LOT!!!
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 20:16:20
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 16:05:53
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 16:01:00Hmm, that might look funny, a big black dog giving a hug to a smaller white wolf ;D. I hope your accept hugs?

Yup... Lokosicek is a wolf equivalent of MightyTauren (see this vid at YouTube: ), so he likes to hug A LOT!!!

I'll remember that ;D.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 20:47:45
Quote from: Barney the dog on 17.07.2007, 20:16:20I'll remember that ;D.

Please do that, but please remember that wuffie is very thin and weights only 65 kg (~130 pounds), so any wild pouncing is out of the question  8)
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 17.07.2007, 20:56:25
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 20:47:45
Please do that, but please remember that wuffie is very thin and weights only 65 kg (~130 pounds), so any wild pouncing is out of the question  8)

Hmm, don't worry, this big dog will be very carefull ;D. I won't pounce anyone.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: whitewulfe on 18.07.2007, 21:09:29
Quote from: Lokosicek on 17.07.2007, 12:21:46Barney, you remind me of one of my school-mates... He is ~200 cm high and every time he has to bend to ener a bus, go through the doors and such... Being high is sometimes a way big drawback.

My 'ead barely clears the transit doors here... Well, at least the older GMC and MCI busses, the newer "low floor" and articulating MCIs I can clear easily...  I'd hate to imagine what someone 20cm/8" taller than me would have to deal with...
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: Barney on 18.07.2007, 21:13:07
Well, all I can say that you miss a lot, I usually don't if I don't watch out :-\... doorposts, low hanging lamps, low hanging advertisement in the supermarket... not to mention clothing and shoes... and fursuits of course.
Title: Re: Hi folks
Post by: whitewulfe on 19.07.2007, 04:26:00
Quote from: Barney the dog on 18.07.2007, 21:13:07
Well, all I can say that you miss a lot, I usually don't if I don't watch out :-\... doorposts, low hanging lamps, low hanging advertisement in the supermarket... not to mention clothing and shoes... and fursuits of course.

Yeah, that doesn't quite sound like all too much fun...