Well, I guess tis about time I post a introduction thread about myself.. Even if I might be rather bad at things like these :x Anyhow, I assume whoever may be reading this nonsense, have figured out that I am not the Santa Fox who do puppeteer shows and the like, I did in fact acquired this name during the '08/09 Christmas, at which point I thought that my regular name, The fox, was a bit bland and decided to incorporate Santa into it, ever since, I have thought it to be rather fitting and decided to keep it, if only to change it if any problems surfaced. Though, I am glad that it doesn't seem to be a problem thus far.
Well then, some info about myself, in case anyone would be interested?
I am 20 years old, have been a furry since around the millenium, i.e. '00/01, so ten years, roughly counted. While I have been a furry for such a long time, I suspect it might come as a surprise I have never attended a con in my life :x which I hope to change next year, which I am quite excited about. I am a regular red fox, exciting? I know.
So, what more is there to say about me? Well, in case anyone is familiar with Steam and it's furry groups, I have been a admin in a few of them, currently serving actively as a admin in a group of around 3000. I don't know whether posting the name of the group is allowed, so I will just leave that out for now.
Well, I guess thats that :v if anyone is interested in more details, feel free to ask.
Hello, and welcome to the forum :)
Welcome! Leave your presents by the door! :D
Thanks for the kind welcoming :>
Ooh endnu en skandinavisk fur :D hej!