Has anyone got any photos of me in my suit Pan?
I didn't get any photos and haven't seen any yet but i know some were taken as i posed for hundreds.
please help :(
It would be very useful, if you could describe your suit or show a reference photo.
He has a brown scaly pangolin suit with big dark eyes made by Albrecht. It looks fairly different from all other suits.
Pan, wanna fill in some details here?
I didn't find any from my own photos, sorry :(
But as reference for others (from Scotiacon): Pan (http://www.kamuniak.com/gallery/view.php?image=6vpy78)
Welll... errrr.... I had a few of you... but then the xD-card became corrupted... m(
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6375166/ here is one :P
I also have these 3 pics of you that havent uploaded ^^
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You can probably find more at http://media.furcon.de/Eurofurence/ef17/tn
Due to the incredibly, incredibly slow charging of the flash on my compact camera, I could only take one picture of you nomming on the other guy's hat: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/_iFRoEMh-u4rrwtlb2LLbUZsOkAC-VJDalX89CcDpd8?feat=directlink
Some of the next pictures in the album feature you in the background too, but that's all I have unfortunately.
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That was you?
Incredible suit!
Really cool idea and craftmanship!!!
It was made by Albrecht in Brighton. He does some extremely cool things, very different from most other suit makers (although he can also do really good "normal" suits).
Here you go!
Here the link to flickr.com (http://www.flickr.com/photos/13155560@N06/6095600503/)