I just found out about this and I don't know if it's true at all but... oh my goodness...
http://www.sydsvenskan.se/lund/article1534872/Personbil-krockade-med-lastbil.html (Car collides with truck - driver perishes in head-on crash)
If I am reading this right, GizGiz (who was at EF a while ago) just... ended it yesterday, by driving his car into the path of an oncoming truck.... I just don't know what to say...
I am so sorry for his loss and for those who knew him...
If this is true it's yet another sad day in the furry fandom... I can't reach FA, they're probably being flooded to the point of crashing.
FA is under DDOS-attack :/
[edit: I wrote in German for some reason... :D I'm sorry - that wasn't intended]
I read about that early in the morning and refused to believe it was really him in the first moment. And even though I barely knew him, this didn't kept me from shedding a tear for him. One wouldn't have guessed he had any problems by his appearance. He was a nice and bright-mooded person, as far as I saw.
Let that be a warning to everyone with personal issues: don't let them eat you up from the inside. Find someone to talk about them.
My deepest sympathies go out to the survivors, especially the truck driver.
Rest in peace GizGiz... :'(
Quote from: Cheetah on 29.08.2011, 21:31:55
My deepest sympathies go out to the survivors, especially the truck driver.
That reminds me of that plane pilot who decided to end his own life by throwing his plane on a cliff.. (along with the 155 other people in the plane, who actually didn't asked to die at all!)