░▒▓█ Censored █▓▒░
yeah, that guy was a one-man marchingg band on steroids...more fun than abarrel full of furries. He conveyed the character really great!
Go Buddy Go
No, thanks.
Sorry to disappoint you, but... Spikey never was the mascot for Eurofurence. He is the mascot of EF Prime, and he is here to stay. :)
Quote from: FeuerFuchs on 25.08.2011, 21:15:41
Spikey is cool, but Buddy is real ;)
Which makes it rather problematic to be a mascot for a 1000+ fur convention. Being an official Mascot is a full-time job and you can't have any private life next to representing the convention. Just ask Brok.
Lass mal stecken o.O
Und Feuerfuchs: Bevor Du irgendwelche seltsamen Kampagnen auf Furbase startest, die dann dank Deiner komischen Aktionen gleich in die Sandburg verschoben werden solltest Du Dich erstmal genauer informieren. Weisst Du überhaupt, wer Buddy ist? Hast Du jemals darüber nachgedacht, wofür Spikey überhaupt steht?
Denk erstmal nach und sammel Fakten bevor Du irgendwelche sinnlosen Aktionen startest....
That was just what mr. Jim Martin said.
That wasn't some kind of campaign, I suppose, just telling the same words again.
But I don't think you should make something, like, really-really huge out of it, yup.
Yet I have to admit that Buddy is uber-adorable.
Not sure if he can handle a show or something, but, I think, he was a judge of Dance Competition at Anthrocon? And that was pretty funny to watch n' hear :]
If he could do something like this - that would be satisfying enough for Buddy-fans e.t.c.
And again - not sure if it will work out too :I Ask him. Ask yourself if you want/can work with him.
That's not something you can just say = do.
Juuu~st saying.
I like Buddy a lot, and I've been friends with his "performer" for many many years. I'm pretty sure that if we ask, he'll help us in any way he can.
What really gets me is: First, making polls based on wrong assumptions. Spikey never was supposed to be the EF mascot. Mai Ling is the official mascot for EF 17, and while she may not have been as prominently featured as Spikey, she was adorable and worked out really well. Now, even she was meant only as mascot for this years EF, not as a constant mascot such as Brok is for Confuzzled. So... there is absolutely nothing you could base a poll like this on.
Second: I seriously hate it when people simply go their way, ignore facts, ignore things people who DO KNOW say, and just try to push their ideas, try to create some sort of public demand or pressure, trying to impose decisions upon the EF staff, and then try to hide behind excuses like "It was just a funny idea". Yeah, sure, this is exactly why you chose the backdoor of posting a poll on a forum that is in no way EF related: Trying to put us under pressure.
The whole thing is simply useless as, like I said, there is no official mascot for EF18. Yet. And if there will be one, we will find a way of creating one that people will like. And we will put comments such as Jim Martin's, or comments made by attendees into account. But we are NOT going to give in to pressure like this.
Thanks for listening to my little rant. :)
If this idea is pushing you under the pressure - then, obviously, we don't want people who're making such wonderful thing as EF for us to feel this way.
The whole idea of bringing up Buddy as a mascot originally was just... Like a joke anyway. And if that idea would come to a realization out of nowhere - that could really trouble the whole EF.
And, yeah, if it'll be just as you said -
QuoteWe will put comments such as Jim Martin's, or comments made by attendees into account.
Then I think we should step aside and see what you'll be making for us next year! ♪
Thank you for the attention, you're doing a great job there! :3
Thanks. :)
I also should've pointed out that this was more directed into Feuerfuchs' direction, who decided to push things further and further even after having gotten explanations. :)
I'll be busy enough keeping Spikey happy and well-fed for next years convention. I'll leave the creation of the next mascot up to others and only get involved when my opinion is requested by those who are working on it. But I have no doubt it will be cool. :)
I think this thread is taken way to seriously by everyone. I didn't think anybody was ACTUALLY suggesting a mascot. I thought it was just some honest appretiation of the character, nothing more. Let's lighten up a bit :) I like buddy, too. He's adorably simple minded and happy :)
I don't think EF needs a mascot. We had one this year ... did anybody notice?
Who needs one single mascot, if you have 400 fursuiters around.
... we are taking it seriously because you keep bringing it up everywhere. It's that easy. :)
Is the suiter behind Buddy still alive? Haven't seen any activity from him since last year, 23 sept on twitter.
He's alive and kicking, yep.
I know, I did some research (http://www.furrynewsnetwork.com/2012/04/j-d-puppy-april-2012-featured-fursuiter-month), censored is Buddy.
Moderator note: don't destroy the magic. ;)
Quote from: Svedge on 10.04.2012, 00:18:55
Moderator note: don't destroy the magic. ;)
Oh, and don't click that link if you want to keep the illusion.
It's not a secret, but some people explicitly don't want to know, and whoever wants to can do their research themselves. By the way, you can also tell the actor from Buddy's movements. That's how I found out.