The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: davuu on 23.08.2011, 21:12:29

Title: Some feedback and a thankyou
Post by: davuu on 23.08.2011, 21:12:29
This was my very first con, I have wanted to go many times before but unfortunately the date has always fallen on a time I am banned from having time off work.  However luckily this year it fell on a time I was allowed to take time off:)

Unfortunately I have been quite poorly since before Christmas, though several hospital trips and surgerys later*hopefully fixed now! but still healing, and not as strong as I was *yet* the night before EF one of my legs gave way beneath me and I sprained my ankle. This was the last thing I wanted before EF,  I was expecting to wake up and not be able to walk but I was able to limp around and determined to have a good time! and I did:) just couldnt bounce around quite as much as I wanted.

I didnt know what to expect, I have been to a few local meets though not ever suited at them as I only mostly suit for charity, but I imagined that EF would be like a local meet only on a much larger scale, I was a little nervous and not sure what to expect but it was nothing like I imagined it was so much better:D

I loved the disco ball, and all the art around the hotel, I know some people said the hotel staff werent as friendly, but I thought considering their hotel had been taken over, they were quite happy:) everyone I met always smiled and said hello.

My room was comfy and spacious, and was tucked out the way so was quite quiet:)

Everything was organised well, and registration ran smoothly and worked well. I liked the key cards and my fursuit badge was pretty^^

I enjoyed fursuiting, it was relaxing, and Mulder seemed to be well receieved. 
The dances were great with a wide range of music with different paces to suit different suiters, the fans were powerful and great for cooling off between dances. Unfortunately I couldn't bounce around as much as I wanted due to my sprained ankle, but still had fun dancing:)

Pawpet show was enjoyable, I was impressed with the amount of effort that went in to all the scenes and puppets, as well as the script. I know some people complained it was too long, and about language etc, but with little rehearsal time amongst everything else that was being sorted for EF, I thought it was very well done, esp as English isn't everyones first language.  A job well done:)

I thought having two dealers dens was a good idea as it allowed people to spread out a little and therefore not be so crowded and hot, I discovered some friends I didn't know where coming to EF in the dealers den and it was nice to spend some time with them and catch up on things, I could also see some of their great art in person.  I think the staff did a good job managing the door so it wasn't too crowded inside it allowed you to browse everyones tables without a big swarm of people.

I enjoyed meeting up with friends I haven't seen for a long time and getting to know new ones and spending time with them,  doing art and socialising, someone was kind enough to expand the artists lounge to make it bigger and less crowded, though all the artists seemed quite happy to be huddled together. It was a nice thought. 

Im really glad I met up with everyone I did,  I met some amazing people who inspired me and I feel  I have come away from the con that much happier:)

Thankyou to everyone for making my first con experience a good one, and for coming and saying hello:)
And if anyone has pictures of my Foxy I would be grateful^^  fox = (