This Year, I will take my Game Deck with me to the Eurofurence ;)
I Hope I'm not the only one, who is playing it cards are all german ^^'
Hope to see someone there with some cards and the joy to play a few games :3
Yeah, great idea. I will take some decks with me too :)
Would love to play some friendly games.
See you in the game corner?
I guess this will be the difficult part - finding each other
Quote from: Fuchur on 11.08.2011, 11:06:49
See you in the game corner?
I guess this will be the difficult part - finding each other
Last year, you could find someone to play Magic almost for the enire length of the Game Corner during the evenings.
Game Corner... never was there xD
But I think yes ^^
I hope that there will be someone too, who is mild to me xD
I'm not as good as I wish ^^
I will try to be there at the first day on wednesday in the evening. When I take a look at the online timescedule the evenings are filled with lots of stage program.
Or we can find another time as well :-)
I will be there :3 (I hope though ^^)
I'm up for it :)
There is a MTG drinking game, where you have a shared deck of 200 - 400 all mixed cards "no lands"
As there are no lands in this type, lay a card face down on the field, this now works as a all mana type card.
Its an interesting way to play MTG as you are now forced to chose which cards you will be using as mana, thus loosing what ever creature, spell or item. That was on that card.
where this can turn into a drinking game, is with every damage that you recive, you take a sip, and every life you gain you can give a sip away.
If people are interested I can bring the big MTG deck that I will be playing this very game with at Furtastic.
Oh man, I started playing that game in like... '92. And not touching it since more than a decade.
I think I still have something somewhere, I'll consider passing by. If I find my stuff.
On that note, I can share my Have/Want list.
I got lots of old cheap cards I'd be happy to just give away if someone needs them.
A few are trade/sell only.
Let me know if you want anything specific so I can bring it with me to the con.
The lists get updated every now and then.
I will slaughter you all with my army of squirrels! Bwa ha ha! Anyway, I will try to bring a few decks and I'd love to play a couple of rounds with someone. =) Might get confusing with non-English cards, though.
I'd love to join in with any magic games, you leave me elves alone for too long mwahahahaha
Me's a bloody beginner, started a few months back with still not that much of experience. Would love to join a match .. or two
I might consider to take my decks along as well. Never played with someone else beside my boyfriend, so would be nice to have a different opponement. ;D
Going to bring one fun deck with me, my collection, and lots of cards to give away. So poke me if you want to have a look.
Oh good thing I read this now. I need to bring my deck too then XD
I will bring some decks with me as well :-)
Does anybody know if the game corner is opened on wednesday evening? Last year I remember it wasn´t on the first day of the con.
Speaking of..
Anyone here know how consumption of alcohol is looked upon in the game corner?
Quote from: Shiro on 24.08.2012, 10:07:38
Speaking of..
Anyone here know how consumption of alcohol is looked upon in the game corner?
By whom? Keep in mind, beverages (alcoholic or not) to be consumed in public or function spaces have to be purchased from the hotel.
Quote from: o'wolf on 24.08.2012, 11:32:06
Quote from: Shiro on 24.08.2012, 10:07:38
Speaking of..
Anyone here know how consumption of alcohol is looked upon in the game corner?
By whom? Keep in mind, beverages (alcoholic or not) to be consumed in public or function spaces have to be purchased from the hotel.
Yes I am indeed hoping that I can buy kegs of beer at the hotel, somewhat like at Ringberg.
I can see that my question might have gotten misunderstood, so let me rephrase it.
Is consumption of hotel bought alcohol in the game corner frowned upon by the other gamers.
I'm asking because I have been to other local gaming meetups where they did not like it, when I chose to drink beer instead of water or soda.
I think i will take my Magic Decks to.
So, any specific day or date?
Quote from: Miles T.F. Baxxter on 27.08.2012, 16:19:44
So, any specific day or date?
what about wednesday evening? let´s say ~20:00 at the game corner "Saal Halle" (or if it´s closed then just meet there and going somewhere else..)
Quote from: Shiro on 24.08.2012, 21:08:35
Is consumption of hotel bought alcohol in the game corner frowned upon by the other gamers.
I'm asking because I have been to other local gaming meetups where they did not like it, when I chose to drink beer instead of water or soda.
In the last years, several people where drinking alcohol while playing games without any issues. Keeping in mind that other people would like to enjoy their games, the game corner is not the right place to get hammered.
Got my elf deck on hand to play but me being me I'm too shy to go up to say hi to anybody and iv seen some guys playing
Are you all bring your Trade Cards or no?
Quote from: Nightfirer on 19.08.2013, 00:48:14
Are you all bring your Trade Cards or no?
No I just bring 3 or 4 ready to play decks with me.