The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Topic started by: White_Dragon on 01.08.2011, 13:04:24

Title: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 01.08.2011, 13:04:24
I love to meet or chat around with some open minded furies on some spiritual topic. If somebody is around.

Doesn't matter on your level of progress or differences, if you are tolerant and can accept others believe, and not try enforce yours upon other. You welcome.

The vise person is firm in his believe will correct himself if realise he was mistaken and can see inspiration and positive in every individual regardless who they are or what they have done.   

See everybody in light, see positive in everybody, and accept them for what they are is God's love, unselfish all loving.

Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 05.08.2011, 09:25:10
Sounds interesting, I do tarot readings and a bit of chaos magic and shamanism.
Drop me a line if you're interested in a reading, talking or what ever. (mobile mail you can reach me at EF)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 08.08.2011, 18:02:46
Quote from: Ziggy_wolf on 05.08.2011, 09:25:10
Sounds interesting, I do tarot readings and a bit of chaos magic and shamanism.
Drop me a line if you're interested in a reading, talking or what ever. (mobile mail you can reach me at EF)

Definatelly would be for some chit-chat, can you PM me your number, other you will find me easy, ----> Con-Ops team, office, radio :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Fuchur on 11.08.2011, 11:30:27
That´s great reading your post.
I would love to meet you too and chat around! I´m very open for any kind of spiritual topic.
Do some shamanism (shamanic journeys) or alternative medicine (energy work like Reiki in usui, kundalini or dragonsoul). Also have some experiences in dream interpretation.

Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 14.07.2012, 00:15:24
I`ll be doing free tarrot readings right by the entrance by the information desk.
Look for a guy with long hair, a feather in his ear, playing with a deck of tarot cards.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 14.07.2012, 00:21:23
haha I believe you get huge popularity I would pull around if I know when you would be there.
What bad the dards can say about me I don't know ? ??? revile the true to all by standers ?  m(
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Knightmare on 18.07.2012, 02:13:36
i do have a few bags of rune stones somewhere, done a few readings on them before (only ever done the three stone reading at the mo, one reading just recently came true), would be awesome to have a good chat about spiritual things
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 18.07.2012, 17:42:18
Then I sugest me find a way for the meeting, Who was in EF17 and EF16 know the hotel and usually how program look like ( time schedule ), and if not I believe it would be bublic at least a week before the con. Then we can plan some place. Also there would be public message board where people can live notes to find each other or make announcement for some room parties and unofficial-meetings. 
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Dragony on 25.07.2012, 12:22:07
I'm interested in spirituals since many years.

What about a small spontanoius roundtable on EF?

I'm the short red-haired girl in the Room where the Fursuit-Fotoshooting is. I'm at the Security-Team.
If you coundn't find me, ask some of the other seccis :3
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 25.07.2012, 12:52:38
Quote from: Dragony on 25.07.2012, 12:22:07
I'm the short red-haired girl in the Room where the Fursuit-Fotoshooting is. I'm at the Security-Team.
If you coundn't find me, ask some of the other seccis :3

The scarry Dragon, Cheef security of fursuit lounche area :)
Jup small round table with free chit chat would be awesome. would love it myself. Only is find and establish when and where.

It would be lovely share some experiences,in various esoteric way's, and learn about different paths too :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Dragony on 25.07.2012, 13:56:07
Quote from: White_Dragon on 25.07.2012, 12:52:38
Quote from: Dragony on 25.07.2012, 12:22:07
I'm the short red-haired girl in the Room where the Fursuit-Fotoshooting is. I'm at the Security-Team.
If you coundn't find me, ask some of the other seccis :3

The scarry Dragon, Cheef security of fursuit lounche area :)
Jup small round table with free chit chat would be awesome. would love it myself. Only is find and establish when and where.

It would be lovely share some experiences,in various esoteric way's, and learn about different paths too :)

Oh noooo~  :o I'm not scary   :-[
I'm a busy Dragon, but very nice, if you know me better  :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: QuiranLycaon on 04.08.2012, 10:11:44
this is quite to my interest, i would love and hang around discussing stuff like this :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Token on 17.08.2012, 15:25:05
I would love to join, too.

Wendsday-Evening the sig rooms are usually not all occupied, alternatively Saturday-Evening. Or if the weather plays along, we could go outside, get some candles (or small electric lights for not-setting-things-on-fire :P)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 17.08.2012, 20:28:56
Quote from: Token on 17.08.2012, 15:25:05
I would love to join, too.

Wendsday-Evening the sig rooms are usually not all occupied, alternatively Saturday-Evening. Or if the weather plays along, we could go outside, get some candles (or small electric lights for not-setting-things-on-fire :P)

I see you planing on some cosy atmosphere ? Where are the incense ?
I have not issue with sights rooms however they are not such available as you can think and some advertise for the meeting would do it good. Will look into room option as it would be my department.

Would really like to meet you all :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: KingTaibu on 18.08.2012, 06:29:18
This sounds also really interesting to me to. :3
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Pinky on 23.08.2012, 00:53:09
This sounds really interesting. I might come if I got time.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 23.08.2012, 08:42:07
I think to move more to reality, we should come up with some date and part of the day we can meet up and then not hard to figure any place.
For beginning I would like you to suggest a day and then part of it with you think it is OK for you. (if not sure and it is tight to EF program mention with venue you would not like to miss)

Then if DrAgony not mind to be the personal contact. (She is easy to find and mostly in same place, who don't find her he/she never been at EF :P)

and also base of this outcome here The announcement on info board will be made.
If we not made some fix date and place I believe we wil not be able to meet or pass message in time.

Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 23.08.2012, 11:50:04
Indeed we should. How about 19:00 after the dealers den closes, near the lobby behind where they sell food across fom the smoking area, where the big round tables are. i'll get a map up asap.
I'll be sitting there with my cards, chubby, long hair, a feather in one ear dressed in black with a spikey collar.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Kanrei on 05.09.2012, 23:51:17
Oh no, why did I see this to late, I would be really interest to meet other people interested in spirituality. Hope we can meet next year maybe.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 06.09.2012, 20:10:37
I think it is just too complex to find each others, and then there are the level of spiritual awareness individuals has.

I think I would not try to organise anything in this meaning as meet in future but Would gladly meet and chat with individuals.
I gonna keep to the rule no any meeting is co-incidence and mean to happen. Least that has been knowledge from EF for me, But I'm easy to reach and chat over Skype or MSN too, jut give me a poke :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 08.08.2013, 15:19:05
I just wanna bump this thread and see if people are interested in meeting.
If so, sugjest a time and a place.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Dragony on 08.08.2013, 23:33:10
Count me in. I hope I'll take the time.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 10.08.2013, 11:34:23
EDIT: is Sunday ok instead?
How about the back entrance Sunday 24th 15:00.
I`ve marked the location on the map.
Bring your tarot cards, runes, or your thoughts around anything pertaining to magic, and spirituality, wether it be terintrhropy, paganism shamanism or what ever.

Yes I think the Rondell aka back entrance would be better. I sugjest meeting there, and if either the weather is foul or we simply want somthing more comfortable, we can go to one of the lounge areas on the first floor, starting with the one above the main entrance and working ourselves round till we find a vacant spot.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: MurphyFox on 10.08.2013, 14:11:24
Quote from: Ziggy_wolf on 10.08.2013, 11:34:23
How about between the bathrooms and the bar Saturday 24th 15:00.
I`ve marked the location on the map.
Bring your tarot cards, runes, or your thoughts around anything pertaining to magic, and spirituality, wether it be terintrhropy, paganism shamanism or what ever.
I would like to join in too. The suggested place is maybe not the best, because there is not so much space and some peoples need to go through to the bathrooms. A table or two would be nice, too, if someone wants to show his cards / runes / whatever you want to show to other peoples. What about the Rondell Area / Back Entrance area (if weather permits it)?

Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Dragony on 10.08.2013, 20:55:13
15:00 is not my very favourite time, because of EF-work.
But, I'm not sad, if I cannot be a part of this. n_n
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Cleo on 14.08.2013, 18:43:48
Sounds good to me - 15:00 - I'll do my best to be there :) Be nice to hang out with folks and just chat about stuff :)
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 16.08.2013, 21:29:08
I might drift around out of the curiosity.
I tens to talk about spiritual subject usually 1 to 1 because everybody is different and have different interpretation.

Things tens to get messy when some people start to kicking intentionally or unintentionally inner power (mental power, energys) as usually a spiritual discussion unlock those forces.

I usually feel overwhelm and it tens to bring me to head aches due the varieties of it and unfiltered crude raw power,     
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Kanrei on 19.08.2013, 11:00:04
I`ll try to attend.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Fuchur on 19.08.2013, 17:35:57
I´m a little bit confused. Do you mean Saturday the 24th or Sunday the 25th?
I guess the new date is Sunday right? What a pitty, I really would like to join but I have not booked late departure.
Maybee there is a spontaneous possibility to meet interested people?
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 19.08.2013, 18:09:35
I believe they mean Saturday 24th anything later is good but not convenient for everybody.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 23.01.2014, 14:28:32
Should we try again at the new hotell?
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 23.01.2014, 20:36:36
Yeah for sure, This year we got a lots of SIG rooms and I would like encourage forming public groups and trying to apply for use of function spaces. I believe this will attract more common folks and keep the meeting structured, civilized and could be officially announce through EF Information board.

It would be nice to meet folks again,
I need apologise if I would take a leave of the meet, it sometimes get energy messy and become feel uncomfortable. Hope bringing few candles and incense could improve the atmosphere.   
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 24.01.2014, 22:11:21
how about turning this in to a discussion panel type thing?
I`d be more than happy to help.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 24.01.2014, 23:24:14
Uhm ........  It used to be as part of COnfuzzled in past Ralycat use to do it.

But because it is too wide topic you would need try focus the the discussion to specific areas and have level of peoples who would be willing to share some experiences, but same time deliver important guide line to others. The barrier of being furry frolicking living in dream world and spirituality to flow it's path is not really place in this.
You not looking here how become an animal but how to be a human and interconnect with animal kingdom, guides, ....

Definitely if some profile are put down we can submit it to planing and entry to program as SIG or keep it as more open part like is Game corner.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 25.01.2014, 11:50:02
Alrighty then let´s see you´ve got your
basic pagans
new agers
lucid dramers
astral travelers
raiki, chigong, chi pratitioners
paanormal recearchers
conspiracy theorists
divination pratitioners ( tarot, scrying angel cards etc)
clear sentient
satanists: lavayan and diabolists
christian spiritualists
eastern mystics
zen practioners
otherkins: lycans/were folk shapeshifters kindred etc

yeah I think we can make a discussion panel out of this. Wadda ya thnk?  #p

Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 25.01.2014, 12:45:36
Not really, you got too waste subject. And some parts not relates to actually spiritualism or way of living. Many stuff you defined you pulling together peoples with absolutely different side of believe and understanding.

You only gets chaos as the result.
If you keen talk about it please contact me on skype: martin_vaci  ( This if you want discuss the subject ) 
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Cheetah on 25.01.2014, 19:08:07
just out of curiosity ... what do you think makes this a good subject for a FURRY conference?

Even if a lot of furries are into this, with the same reasoning we should also offer panels about linux system administration, fat free cooking, how to cheat during exams, and how to use spreadsheet software ... all noteworthy topics, but are they really desirable? Not everything needs to be 100% on topic. And not everything is - I still remember the infamous asian noodle soop panel a few years ago. But shouldn't we at least try to keep the majority of SIGs at least remotely furry/fandom/animal-themed?
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 25.01.2014, 19:40:19

I can't see it become SIG regular event, but still is it possible hold as special event after official programs ends, where peoples meets and talk "like writing corner" or such.
I believe if there is sufficient interest people could book a room for few hours exchanging the experiences and discuss the topic.

But I share your concern I believe the main SIG should be mostly in general interest and as much theme oriented as possible.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 25.01.2014, 22:25:08
Cheetah has a point.
If we indeed were to make this in to a panel, we would have to relate it to the furry fandom.
Therfore we could try focusing on thereanthropy, spirrit animals and such.
Therian or not, most people have a spiritual relationship with their fursona, or spirrit animal as some call them.
Last year there was a meditation, were you could experiance your spirrit animal, or fursona if you will.
I would be capable of leading a meditations session, or a discussion panel.
But given my current medical contition, I am unable to do so by my self, I would require an assistant.
If we just make this a meetup it would be fine with me.
However if anyone has any sugjestions, on expanding it, I would appreaceate your imput.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Liliane on 27.01.2014, 21:54:35
Oh wow, I find this quite interesting, really. If this would happen, I'd love to come too, maybe bring my animal spirit cards with me.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Rattie on 29.05.2014, 13:43:43
I would certainly like to attend a panel about furry spituality, such as thereanthropy and otherkin. That is, if I am not working with fursuit support. ^^
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: BlackWolf on 11.07.2014, 20:33:06
Me too! I'd love to talk and exchange some of my recent thoughts and experience on shamanic journeys and power animals though I'm not sure if this would fit into a seperated panel.
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: White_Dragon on 11.07.2014, 20:47:05
Hi All.
This is NOT a panel this would be along the lines greet and meet. And also do some excercises if we choose to.
Due waste subject of spirituality and peoples believe it is really necesarry carefully choose the subject or split it between few meetings.

I believe I would be able to help with the room.
Also making it non such official bring only a peoples who likes the choosen topic and have open minded discussion. ;D
Title: Re: Spirituality, Shamanism, alternative medicine.
Post by: Ziggy_wolf on 06.08.2014, 18:13:11
Just checking if there is any interest left in this subject.
So I`m proposing we can either use our room. or someone else who is generous to offer one.