*Neighs to All*
As a drummer horse coming from the UK, and unable to bring his beloved Ludwig kit...
Is there Furry Music Cafe again this year, and are acts still required? I belong to a furry band known as The Donutsh who might like to do a slot... :D
If so, will anyone have a drumkit (electronic or otherwise) available for use?
Please feel free to move me or direct me elsewhere if I am in the wrong place!
Blacksnip, Drum Horse of The Donutsh http://www.donutsh.com/
Ask Eisfuchs if we brings his electronic drum-kit.
Only just saw this.
We'll have an electronic drumkit at the Furry Music Café.
And the Donutsh are welcome to play 1-2 songs*. Bonus points if they're furry related.
*Songs must be your own compositions or you must have performance rights granted by the composer.
Jumpy, you're replying to a three year old thread...
Silly me.
Strike that then.