The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Topic started by: Sinea on 22.05.2011, 19:22:07

Question: Which date should we take?
Option 1: 18.08.11
Option 2: 19.08.11
Option 3: 20.08.11
Title: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 22.05.2011, 19:22:07
Hello Ladys,

thought about the idea of the last year, creating an Girls-only-Meet.

look here:,2662.0.html

Any interested girls? Feel free, to answer.

We will make a few special things:
- maybe Pyjama-party :)
- sit around and talk about, whatever you want
- etc



  • me
  • Dragony
  • belo4ka
  • Pan Hesekiel Shiroi
  • Henrieke
  • Pinky
  • FreesTyler

Little Donation, would be nice. ;)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Dragony on 23.05.2011, 08:30:51
Why not? It sounds very good  :D
I don't know, if I had enough time for that, so please take me to the list, but unter reseve.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 23.05.2011, 10:30:40
I'd like to come as well ... However, I don't know yet if I'll have enough free time for that ... depends on when the Girls-only-Meet takes place, I guess. :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 23.05.2011, 19:22:13
I think it depends on a free space in the schedule  ???

Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: belo4ka on 24.05.2011, 09:44:28
Wanna join too! but the same here, don't know about right timing.. pajama-party with sweets and girls talk - should be fun)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 24.05.2011, 18:01:03
Well, the Pyjama-party will start in the evening/night...
We need Pillows, DVD´s (english), sweets and of course a DVD-Player :)

Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Cheetah on 25.05.2011, 15:07:20
Okay, if you want to go in pajamas, I would like to suggest making this a private room party, and not a public event :) Generally, if you want to reserve a timeslot for an all-girls-party, just write an email to our programming manager (Riffuchs) and I'm sure he'll be happy to accomodate you.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 25.05.2011, 16:45:06
Well, pyjama is not duty. So the girls can also come in Jogging-Trousers and T-Shirt :D
So, girls what do YOU think?
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 26.05.2011, 08:54:20
Well I think this is a great idea! Anthrocon has had a girls-event for years and I always go to it. It usually involves a lot of chocolate and snacks and giggling and eager talking. Pajamas should indeed be optional for this, though I will definitely be arriving in mine (it's pink!). And I agree, this is already not a public event but a private one since it's girls only. So let's go for that option. Continued in PM land...
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 01.06.2011, 22:04:43
Done: mailed to EventOrga about a SIG Room...

Date: 19.08.11 at 18:30 Uhr
Room: - will set soon -

The rest is not already fixed!

Well we need a SIG Logo...could someone draw one? maybe our chara sittin in an Lounge with cup of Kaffee...

Because I want to print a shirt :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Honey on 05.06.2011, 02:32:08
I'm interested
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 05.06.2011, 09:52:32
Hey Honey nice to see you :D

Well, please tell every female Furry you know about our Event.
Its a pitty when we are sittin there with just 5 girls :-[
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Honey on 05.06.2011, 10:56:52
There aren't really that many girls I'm afraid  :-[ And I don't really talk with girls in general but if i find some I'll let them know ;)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Cheetah on 05.06.2011, 20:16:25
Quote from: Honey on 05.06.2011, 10:56:52
There aren't really that many girls I'm afraid  :-[ And I don't really talk with girls in general but if i find some I'll let them know ;)

According to my registration system, there are about 100. I can send an email newsletter to them, if you want to. But someone would have to supply me with a text, and I think it would be a good idea to flesh the overall idea a little bit out before announcing it on a larger scale. I can't plan and run this for you, but if you need help announcing it ... just contact me, I've got the necessary tools :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Honey on 06.06.2011, 00:44:42
Quote from: Cheetah on 05.06.2011, 20:16:25
Quote from: Honey on 05.06.2011, 10:56:52
There aren't really that many girls I'm afraid  :-[ And I don't really talk with girls in general but if i find some I'll let them know ;)

According to my registration system, there are about 100. I can send an email newsletter to them, if you want to. But someone would have to supply me with a text, and I think it would be a good idea to flesh the overall idea a little bit out before announcing it on a larger scale. I can't plan and run this for you, but if you need help announcing it ... just contact me, I've got the necessary tools :)

Thank you Cheetah, for your support, but I am not the original planner for this event - Sinea is. I'm sure we can work something out though so you can send it out on a newsletter :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: FreesTyler on 11.06.2011, 01:53:36
If nothing else gets in the way, this seems like a good way to get to meet new people :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 12.06.2011, 00:49:23
i am sorry that i wasn´t online a few weeks, was busy.  :-[
Send an mail to cheetah about the concept. So we will see if we got a chance to finish Organisation.  8)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 12.06.2011, 00:51:24
Well i have planed the girls café as a chance to Meet the other "rare species" named woman :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Zefiro on 12.06.2011, 23:46:22
Quote from: Sinea on 12.06.2011, 00:51:24
Well i have planed the girls café as a chance to Meet the other "rare species" named woman :D
There are currently 114 females registered and confirmed for Eurofurence 17, which is about 11% of all attendees. So, minority yes, but luckily not really "rare" :)

Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Only-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 13.06.2011, 12:56:22
well, i got a half okey so we could gonna start the description for the conbook.
Who wants to write one? Sry i have no ideas how to write it... :-\

If all plans are done, could the orga write an email to all registered girls? linked with my SIG-email adress?
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: FreesTyler on 13.06.2011, 22:06:07
How are the  plans so far by the way?
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 13.06.2011, 22:48:30
I have a small plan but i just can make more plans if i know how much girls wants to come.
Because i dont know if all fit when we will be over 40 girls.

Thought about looking a film or play some games but i dont know what, coz must wait about answers.

Greetz Sin
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: belo4ka on 14.06.2011, 20:54:30
Maybe I could draw a Logo :3
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: FreesTyler on 16.06.2011, 01:53:53
Well, I'm really interested in this, so you can write me up on that joining list :3
I can sneak off from my group of norwegians and try to find wherever it is this
thing will be held XD And hopefully I wont get lost ^^;
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 16.06.2011, 18:18:35
Quote from: FreesTyler on 16.06.2011, 01:53:53
I can sneak off from my group of norwegians and try to find wherever it is this
thing will be held XD And hopefully I wont get lost ^^;

I also know a few Norway and Finnland ppl so poke me if you want :)

Well, if we have a logo or stuff like that i will print a few shirts to make advertisement :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 16.06.2011, 18:29:54 (

Thats my concept about a SIG Shirt. It´s just an idea, so what do you think?

It will cost around 20 € - 30 €
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: FreesTyler on 16.06.2011, 22:26:17
I wont have so much money to buy stuff, so I dunno if I would get a shirt though.
Oh, free poking you say? *poke poke poke poke*
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 16.06.2011, 22:38:23
first, its just an idea to make it more known.
Well, yep i am pokeable :D But please dont poke like you want to kill me :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 17.06.2011, 07:46:47
I don't think t-shirts would be such a great idea ... to me it would seem rather ... strange. We'll have a text in the con book (or so I hope, I'm still waiting for a rough draft to know what should be in the text *poke*), maybe flyers, but any more than that would be overdoing it, I think.

Well, do what you want to do, just my two cents here ...
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 23.06.2011, 11:42:14
I agree, what would a t-shirt accomplish? I mean it's cool and all, but I don't see other SIGs making a t-shirt for their events.

Regarding what we do, I think it would be a great shame if we all sat there quietly watching a film, I can do that even when I'm not with a bunch of furgirls. I'd rather talk. I know that we're not allowed snacks and such if it's in a public room (unless they are bought from the hotel), but if we turn it into a pajamas-style event with pillows, blankets, whatever we can find and just sit relaxed and talk informally then I think it would be a nice and cosy event. Perhaps you could prepare a couple of questions or topics to get it going? That's what we did at Anthrocon and it worked really well. Well that's just my opinion and suggestion really.

I'm not sure if sending out yet another update, this time specifically to all female attendees, is the best way to approach it. Some might get annoyed with what they could consider "spam advertising". That's of course up to you to decide Sinea. But I can offer something else: I could briefly mention it as one of our new events during the opening ceremonies. Then all the females who are actually there will hear it. Would you want that? (Don't worry Cheetah I'd keep it super-brief, I know we have a time limit). really is a shame we can't stuff ourselves with sweets and cake  :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 23.06.2011, 15:08:31
mmmh, okay t-shirt idea is shit, so i let it be.
I hope thats enough to say it at the opining, so when does the opening start?

could you tell me more about the event at the anthrocon? I need inspirations!

its a pitty about the sweets etc. :(
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 02.07.2011, 11:53:11
Currently opening ceremonies are scheduled for 5:30 pm on Wednesday.

At AC we usually meet up, have a brief introduction and discussion and then split up in groups to talk. But the groups often end up just discussing anything and more being a networking event. I'd ideally like to see it in a slightly different format. If we meet up and you've prepared an agenda with things to talk informally about (in a friendly way of course), you know some topics for inspiration, then we can take ot from there and talk. Get some pillows, sit around in a group, and if you got a piece of paper with questions or keywords or something for inspiration, then we can just take it from there. The topics should obviously be about being female in the fandom and touch upon the special situation that it creates. Problems, challenges, perspectives, gender, being a minority, combining irl and furry, etc. etc. You get the idea.  :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 03.07.2011, 16:46:53
Well stopped planing the SIG at the moment because Riffuchs says that the text idea is to strange for "boys" so we must change it, or the SIG is not in the conbook...and we will not get an room etc.

Pan? could please post the text? my data is gone!!! Thank you!
Pinky? thought about notice cards with ideas to speak? is it a plan? Well thought, about a networking part in the agenda because its important to know the others first before speaking (maybe could help to make the shy girls more open?!)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 04.07.2011, 11:40:22
I'll send you a ... hm ... "friendlier" description this evening, so please don't worry about that.
A little agenda with things to talk about would be rather nice ... Sinea, would you mind working on that? :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 04.07.2011, 21:28:50
Well new description is send to Riffuchs.
I have a few ideas about "Networking-Theme-Cards" but i dunno if its ok...
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 05.07.2011, 08:56:10
Would you mind telling us more? Here or via pm? :)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 05.07.2011, 17:29:36
I am very busy at the moment but i will post it at weekend, so... #p
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 19.07.2011, 18:35:49
ideas about themes to be spoken

  • Does and Don´t s in Fandom
  • Problems with boys in Fandom and how to manage it
any more ideas???

Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 30.07.2011, 16:30:16
We have the Date and Room now:

  • Date: 19.08.11 at 20:00 Uhr
  • Room: Salon München (Munich)
  • NO Fursuits, please!
Please have your identification card or passport ready at that event! shit idea!

It would be nice to pre-register. send email to:
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 31.07.2011, 20:56:22
I think we got lots to talk about. As I wrote, we'll meet up and plan this more, I got some ideas.  :) Thanks for putting the time and energy into it. *hugs*
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 01.08.2011, 11:50:56
"Please have your identification card or passport ready at that event!"

Uhm ... why?
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Cheetah on 01.08.2011, 12:55:06
Quote from: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 01.08.2011, 11:50:56
"Please have your identification card or passport ready at that event!"

Uhm ... why?

I wanted to ask the same thing. The con badge has the real name on it, and confirms that people are registered and of legal age.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 02.08.2011, 21:19:46
damn, i forget it. Cant remember that the real name is written on the badge!

I want this because of Men who look alike women...or am i to crazy :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Honey on 02.08.2011, 22:47:05
Do you mean trans gendered? Or just feminine guys. If its a trans gendered person I personally think they should be able to join since they do feel like a girl inside but just happen to be born in the "wrong" body.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pan Hesekiel Shiroi on 02.08.2011, 23:06:26
Sinea, you are indeed too crazy! :D
And I think Honey has a good point there as well.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Gyroplast on 03.08.2011, 08:00:10
What's next? A psychological profile as proof for feeling girly enough? ;D

Seriously, relax! If there's someone at the door who, for whatever reason, doesn't fit in, send him or her(!) away. Simple as that. If that person raises a fuss, make it a security issue. Issue solved. I'd rather concentrate on making this event fun instead of a bureaucratic nightmare.

My 2¢,
  Gyro. Not a girl. Most of the time.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 03.08.2011, 10:20:18
hey, i have nothing against ppl who feels like in the "wrong" body.

I am just a lill in worry because of the mad boys, but it could be my lill sheepish thoughts about that event  :-\

and yep, i am crazy :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 10.08.2011, 17:51:35
Honestly, I've met several male furs (who were clearly guys and had no serious intentions of changing that) posing as females for the kick of it or... well actually I'm not sure why. I'm just saying, I can understand Sinea here. At the same time, that's got more to do with who they are as people so Gyro is perfectly right, in fact I think that's the best solution.
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 22.08.2011, 17:35:33
Thank you to all the girls i´ve met. It was awesome!!!!! You Rock!!! Thank you!!!!
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Pinky on 28.08.2011, 16:58:43
Yeah it seemed quite a big success. Sorry I couldn't spend more time there, but I had to take care of things. Next year I'll try to spend more time there. :-)
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Dragony on 28.08.2011, 18:55:16
Thanks a lot, for this very funny Girls-Cafe evening. :D
The best things, I remember, were the "OUR STRIPPERS!!!!!111" shoutings, when some nice guys went past of our door  :D

Ladies - please the same next EF :D
Title: Re: [EF 17] Girls-Café-SIG
Post by: Sinea on 29.08.2011, 09:23:52
Well if the ef will be in the summerholidays of my hometown next year i will do it again :)