not going to stop me having a few in my room, I am bringing kerplunk the drinking game and music
i love to join ;D
Maybe an outdoor party at the campfire place?!? Could be fun!
There will be a campfire anyway, and people will gather around it all no need to organize a extra party there.
Great ^.^
Yeah kk ;D
Hopefully someone will play the campfiresong song.
Heehee, I've got a powerfull portable speakerset wich easely matches a decent home hifi stereo set, and I'll guess there will be enough furs with mp3 players wanting to play their music ^.-
Just as long as we don't get angry villagers trying to storm up the mountain... ;D
It's not that loud...
Kenno, I'm up for this. Day one is my 21st Birthday too, so get drunk for the mouse! ^^;
Party 'round the campfire? Great idea, I'm in.
But please keep in mind, that some Furs
attend the camp-fire to chill out or to talk
in quietness ;)
Quote from: Dhary on 16.07.2007, 17:18:53
Party 'round the campfire? Great idea, I'm in.
But please keep in mind, that some Furs
attend the camp-fire to chill out or to talk
in quietness ;)
I wouldn't mind that. I don't know if I will run into a nice fur (m/f) during the con, but a campfire sounds romantic ::).
Oh, it is indeed. There were many quiet conversations there last year.
Some cool Met and a few fellow furs is all you need ;)
the fire usualy is THE place for the most astonishing conversations
please don't drown the campfire in beer or loud music
i don't know where else to go if i feel the urge to discuss astrophysics at 3am
Quote from: somewolf on 17.07.2007, 18:56:59
please don't drown the campfire in beer or loud music
I'm only offering my set when there's demand for it (but personally I wouldn't mind some nice relaxing trance/electropop around the campfire at a volume just enough to enjoy without beeing disturbing).
somewolf: do you take in a little kitty to your astrophysics club or is it just open for canines/vulpines?
Everyone, please: Threads have a "subject". If you want to start a conversation about something that is a DIFFERENT subject, please start a new thread. And if that new subject is not related to eurofurence, please don't post it in the Eurofurence section, but in the Off Topic section. I'm getting a bit tired of splitting threads every day. This is supposed to me a mostly informational forum, and you guys are currently giving the moderator a pretty hard time of keeping things readable :)
Well, music at campfires is always nice... However, usually the music gets turned up, talking gets louder, more furs arrive, music gets turned up, etc etc. So, it really is a matter of pleasing everyone. Headphones around the neck is always a good solution. :P
Aargh, what's wrong with some peace and quiet around a campfire? If I find a fur that likes to cuddle with me I don't want to be blown away by some heavy decibells, if you know what I mean.
There will be no amplified musik at the fireplace...........
If someone brings his guitar thats fine.
Thank the heavens for that. Oh, and you offcourse.
campfire is more like a chilling place :)
sme games are also cool.
and as I often noticed, there often two groups off people around the fire quite separated, loud and chilling, and by this way things goes along nicely. and tht's the coolness of it :)
Somewolf: I'll be there for astrophysics :) :)
QuoteSomewolf: I'll be there for astrophysics
first lesson: be nice to aliens and write their name correct .. 's' not capital 'S'
the fire usualy is the best place if you like nice conversations late at night
i'd see everyfur out there to join in and not be shy if a topic get's interessting *G*
...wild parties should be somewhere else though :-)