The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: Zefiro on 09.09.2010, 23:57:04

Title: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Zefiro on 09.09.2010, 23:57:04
During the feedback session it was suggested to have a list of basic information on how things work on Eurofurence, as some things are quite obvious to Germans (tap water is not free), some to long-time congoers (all events start with a delay...), some to business travelers (hotel room minibar is not free), some are mentioned here in the forum (location and fees for the parking spaces), but still not all of this information reach everyone. So a condensed list of everything which you should know, or it it's tl;dr at least can quickly look up, would surely be valueable.

I'm opening this thread to collect feedback from you. Would such a page be helpful for you? What would you like to see in it? What would have been really helpful information, but you only found out too late?

(clarification: this is for pre-con information and should contain general information, not current updates during the convention. Where appropriate it might link to forum threads, e.g. for the parking spaces, but should minimize searching)

Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: nifela on 10.09.2010, 00:00:53
Nobody would read it anyway. Seriously, basically everyone I talked to admitted that he didn't read the conbook at all.

P.S.: Free tap water in Austria. Also there was free tap water in the restaurants!
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: ysegrim on 10.09.2010, 00:15:09

No red lanyards

Artshow (and some restaurants) won't take credit cards, checkout might take a while

Sauna (in Germany) is no-clothes, compulsory towel  :)
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 10.09.2010, 00:16:55
Don't wear any shirts and stuff saying "SECURITY" or "STAFF" or "CREW" or the like :)

Tip the cleaning crew instead of leaving a mess for them

Clean up your room at least a bit after you had a room party.

Notify the hotel personal if you are unhappy with their behavior and notice the con staff if you are unhappy with anything about the con, but do it right away, so the issue can be tracked down :)
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: krakendwaggin on 10.09.2010, 00:17:58
"Save a Fursuiter, use the stairs!"

"Warning, some events may take longer than expected"

"Deodorant is not optional, it is compulsory"

"All rooms have a shower, these release water, not hydrochloric acid, they will not dissolve you, so step into them, add soap, rub about, all clean!"
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 10.09.2010, 00:26:05
Quote from: krakendwaggin on 10.09.2010, 00:17:58
"Deodorant is not optional, it is compulsory"

"All rooms have a shower, these release water, not hydrochloric acid, they will not dissolve you, so step into them, add soap, rub about, all clean!"

*Security reserves the right to tell you that you stink and send you to your room to get a shower :DDD
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Wawik on 10.09.2010, 00:44:11
I did something similar as a panel on EF13. I may still have the material flying around somewhere...
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Xenofur on 10.09.2010, 00:46:26
I think you might be talking about what i said. Short blond guy with a huge backpack.

My issue was mostly: As this was my first con, i was looking for some, really any information on where to go, what to do, when i arrive. I sort of expected a "Complete Newbie's Guide to EF" with ten points of stuff to do once you arrive at the hotel on the website.

I've got a list of those things here and will be expanding that in a concise yet useful document that can be linked on the frontpage.
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Zefiro on 10.09.2010, 00:57:41
Quote from: Xenofur on 10.09.2010, 00:46:26
I've got a list of those things here and will be expanding that in a concise yet useful document that can be linked on the frontpage.
Yes, please post it. We'll have to see whether this idea can be implemented, as everything which looks too long won't be read (especially not the conbook, which more looks like "memory to take with you" than "actual important information" to many), so it needs to be short and have a high information scent.

Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Xenofur on 10.09.2010, 04:15:15
Alright, here you go:

I put the list and rough layout on a wiki so everyone can pitch in. I'm planning to let you guys beauty this up as much as you want for a week or so, then see what else needs to be done and do so; then send the whole thing to conops so they can either clone it for EF website proper, or alternatively just have a huge link to the newbie guide on the frontpage for the next EF.
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: ANTIcarrot on 11.09.2010, 13:07:12
There are also plenty of 'what to bring to a convention' lists knocking around the internet:
A few things on that list first timers might forget.

I'd also add 'rigid cardboard box' to the list if you want to transport glass picture frames home.

Also to first time dealers:
DO NOT spend all your time in the den. You will hate yourself and the convention afterwards. :P
Also try and find out what will sell before spending 500 euros on merchandise.
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Korrok on 11.09.2010, 14:44:17
Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 11.09.2010, 13:07:12

Also to first time dealers:
DO NOT spend all your time in the den. You will hate yourself and the convention afterwards. :P
Also try and find out what will sell before spending 500 euros on merchandise.

I always spend all my time in the den. ;) And have had some awesome con experiences!
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Mystifur on 12.09.2010, 03:20:31
Combining "nobody reads it anyways" and "the newbie guide", we could place this basic arrival info on 2  big posters.
One at the entrance and elevators, one right next to the registration cue.

People WILL be standing there anyways with nothing else to do while waiting,
so they will read that.
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Reesa on 12.09.2010, 03:28:46
Quote from: Mystifur on 12.09.2010, 03:20:31
Combining "nobody reads it anyways" and "the newbie guide", we could place this basic arrival info on 2  big posters.
One at the entrance and elevators, one right next to the registration cue.

People WILL be standing there anyways with nothing else to do while waiting,
so they will read that.

Thumbs up!
Title: Re: "How things work at EF" - input needed
Post by: Jumpy on 12.09.2010, 14:23:55
Quote from: Mystifur on 12.09.2010, 03:20:31
Combining "nobody reads it anyways" and "the newbie guide", we could place this basic arrival info on 2  big posters.
One at the entrance and elevators, one right next to the registration cue.

People WILL be standing there anyways with nothing else to do while waiting,
so they will read that.

I'd also put this information in an email that we send out to all participants before the con. First timers usually do read our emails, and might find it useful to know beforehand.