The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: patter on 08.09.2010, 15:12:22

Title: EF16 Photos
Post by: patter on 08.09.2010, 15:12:22
What, no photo thread yet? :P
mine are here, apart from the missing ones x.x I'm over the 200 photos limit for free-flickr
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: sneeuwvos on 08.09.2010, 21:53:05
Thank you for sharing :)
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: drayygon on 09.09.2010, 00:46:07
I am wondering who got pictures of this mad dragon at all during the Con. As I know someone snapped me while smoking a cigar out front Tuesday night, and in the piano bar the same night.

Least I'm pretty sure. And for ref, I was always wearing military trousers, and usually my denim sleeveless battle jacket.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Onkel Kage on 09.09.2010, 18:00:58
Mine are at (for the con -- sorry there are not a lot but I was having too much fun to take a lot of pictures) and at (for the Ringberg party)
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: krakendwaggin on 09.09.2010, 18:26:47
Quote from: drayygon on 09.09.2010, 00:46:07
I am wondering who got pictures of this mad dragon at all during the Con. As I know someone snapped me while smoking a cigar out front Tuesday night, and in the piano bar the same night.

Least I'm pretty sure. And for ref, I was always wearing military trousers, and usually my denim sleeveless battle jacket.

I got afew of you ^_^
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: BluePaw on 09.09.2010, 23:12:30
i'm gonna try best i might with having the same offer i had last year.
i took bout 2300 photoes this year. trying to capture lots of ppl.
and if you hope i might have you captured, send me some whatever kind of reference of who/whatever you want to "order" and i'll gather them up in a ZIP and send them to you in some way, might get an FTP up and running again.
even tho last years batch of pictures (the ones that did not make it online first) dissapeared due to fried harddrive  :-\

and i'll get a few up on the internet as soon as i possibly have had time to make a sortout of the better of them all.
and this year i tried a bit harder to have a few photoes with ppl in them to^^ not just suiters
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Suran on 10.09.2010, 08:41:47

Upload via: (ftp://http://

MAAAANY photos.
Some videos.
Not all of the photos tagged yet (usually "GroupPhoto", "SuitWalk", "Dance", names of people on the photo, "fursuit" + species + name,...).
(to be easily found in that huge pile if you ever want to
send someone a link to "that one photo")
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Atkelar on 11.09.2010, 04:12:40
Adding mine to the pile of assorted URLs:
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: SlyCat on 12.09.2010, 14:17:58
My photos can be found in my gallery:
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: njhcerebus01 on 12.09.2010, 17:44:30
i uploaded a video and it only part one and i upload part 2 tomorrow
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Wild-Wolf on 12.09.2010, 18:00:04
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Huskion on 13.09.2010, 22:09:55
Mostly from the swimming pool.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Kamuniak on 18.09.2010, 21:23:09
Finally: (

Few hundred pictures out of few thousand :)
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Kimu on 19.09.2010, 00:45:03
Oh here are tons of pics, thx guys! :) Is it possible to use some of them on FA with the credits to the author who took them?
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Suran on 19.09.2010, 08:40:06
Quote from: Kimu on 19.09.2010, 00:45:03
Oh here are tons of pics, thx guys! :) Is it possible to use some of them on FA with the credits to the author who took them?

Ask the ones who made them AND the ones on the  photo.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Daisuke Miles on 19.09.2010, 14:46:47
Wow! Thanks alot for sharing these guys! ^-^
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: JBadger on 19.09.2010, 16:15:36
More photos (
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: BluePaw on 19.09.2010, 17:39:03
yay, finally got my self to get them all sorted and so.
265 pics soon up on^^ allready uploaded to the FTP.
edit: allso, some are larger size cuz i took jpg-b + nef(raw), and overexposed pics i just re-edited from the raws = larger size, allso. if ther's a pic you'd like in better quality then the avrage <1mb, just ask^^

i've only got 1 request bout the offer i made of gathering all pics that contains you from the ones i've taken.
c'mon^^ u can do better then that^^ last year i had at least 6-7ppl asking^^
and i wouldn't put the offer upp for you to think "this could be to much work for him" or something.
i've got to much free time to kill anyway, so please kill it for me^^ and i love dooing it^^

allso a picture of me, if anyone finds the energy and time to contact and send "me" to me :P pictures or video.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Suran on 19.09.2010, 18:09:47
Does anyone know who owned the K9-unit-car? He made some pictures of me that I'm still looking for.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Beshon on 20.09.2010, 15:22:03
My EF16 pics are up, including the ones I took at the MotorFurs meet, Suran. Give em a look and see if I got any of you. :)
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Suran on 20.09.2010, 19:39:34
Quote from: Beshon on 20.09.2010, 15:22:03
Suran. Give em a look and see if I got any of you. :)

I'm looking for one specific photo done in the underground car park. ;)
But thanks anyway.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: CleanerWolf on 22.09.2010, 00:40:25
My EF16 photos can be found here:
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Polar Lykaios on 25.09.2010, 21:19:54
I Have Uploaded my Pictures at

Here are the Logins

Username: Guilmon2009

Passwort: Digimon2009

Here are the Link:

Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Suran on 25.09.2010, 21:25:56
Quote from: Polarwolf on 25.09.2010, 21:19:54
I Have Uploaded my Pictures at

Here are the Logins

Username: Guilmon2009

Passwort: Digimon2009

Here are the Link:


How to view them? (Without clicking on each and every photo in turn.)
Most of them don't seem to be turned upright yet.
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Polar Lykaios on 25.09.2010, 21:28:20
Quote from: Suran on 25.09.2010, 21:25:56
Quote from: Polarwolf on 25.09.2010, 21:19:54
I Have Uploaded my Pictures at

Here are the Logins

Username: Guilmon2009

Passwort: Digimon2009

Here are the Link:


How to view them? (Without clicking on each and every photo in turn.)
Most of them don't seem to be turned upright yet.

Can you send me a PM please? And in german
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: creideiki on 25.09.2010, 22:16:41
Even more photos: (
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: K9Primate on 26.09.2010, 14:41:52
Thanks all for sharing.

My pictures can be found here :
And in higher resolution they are here:

Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: WereFox Aries on 26.09.2010, 21:15:49
Quote from: Polarwolf on 25.09.2010, 21:19:54
I Have Uploaded my Pictures at

Here are the Logins

Username: Guilmon2009

Passwort: Digimon2009

Here are the Link:


endlich, danke danke :)
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Noodles on 29.09.2010, 18:18:52
Photo's from my camera are online now too ^^ Didn't make most of them myself though and no post-processing was done...Too lazy for that now =P
All photo's are available at full-res, you just need to have a flickr account and add me as a friend to be able to download them

Here you go, enjoy ^^
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Zuki on 17.11.2010, 16:35:05

Does anyone know if the photos from the fur suit photoshoot are up anywhere yet?
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: CleanerWolf on 17.11.2010, 22:26:18
Ask Thalian:;u=100
Title: Re: EF16 Photos
Post by: Cheetah on 18.11.2010, 00:33:14
The upload is in progress, but we're having technical difficulties, so its taking a little bit longer to make the photos available. Our sincere apologies!