The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Eisfuchs on 06.09.2010, 22:36:25

Title: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Eisfuchs on 06.09.2010, 22:36:25
I guess I should start a thread about it, since I actually miss something ;)

I somehow misplaced my cellphone recharging power converter. It's an american model with a plug converter to German Schuko plug attached to it. The secondary connector is micro USB. I probably forgot it in either the staff recreation area or the backstage puppet workshop. If found, please tell me. Thanks!
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Lokosicek on 06.09.2010, 23:36:34
Im pretty sure that Riffuchs will soon flood this thread with images of things no-one claimed from the box at Con-Ops. office behind the back elevators. For my part, Ive forgotten a dragon-themed book (in czech language) that White_Dragon (from con-ops as well) gave me on saturday.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 07.09.2010, 01:07:46
Quote from: Lokosicek on 06.09.2010, 23:36:34
Im pretty sure that Riffuchs will soon flood this thread with images of things no-one claimed from the box at Con-Ops. office behind the back elevators. For my part, Ive forgotten a dragon-themed book (in czech language) that White_Dragon (from con-ops as well) gave me on saturday.

I've found that book in the lobby yesterday (sunday) and handed it over to con-ops. so it's not lost :)

BBtw @Riffuchs & hoyt: I miss my rigging bag. It's a rather small blue luggage bag with my harness, a 25 meter rope, a white helmet and some other tools in it. I left it in the main stage area on sunday and when I returned today morning the Maritim I was filled with tables already so I forgot it. I REALLY NEED that equipment for work soon  plus the overall worth of the stuff in it exceeds 1000 Euro so I'm worried and wondered if you picked it up.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Dragony on 07.09.2010, 01:18:51
I've heard, that Pegasus' Polaroid-Camera was stolen from the fotoshooting things out of the fotoshooting room.

Did anybody has an idea, or had seen anything?
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Loewi on 07.09.2010, 01:52:53
Im missing my HP power supply from my notebook.
Last seen at the dealers den, it was plugged in between sewerrats and my table.
At the time i cleared my leftover liqueurs the place was already cleared and the tables and power cords where the power supply was plugged in were already cleared and the power supply wasnt with my things
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Tsanawo on 07.09.2010, 03:40:48
@Loewi: I've seen a lonely HP power supply laying around in the stage area Sunday during the break down.
I have no idea where it went, but it probably got packed with the rest of the stage equipment I reckon.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Suran on 07.09.2010, 10:53:13
I'm missing a dark blue bathing trunk. (Badehose)
Must have forgotten it while changing back to normal clothing.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Fangz on 07.09.2010, 13:01:21
Quote from: Suran on 07.09.2010, 10:53:13
I'm missing a dark blue bathing trunk. (Badehose)
Must have forgotten it while changing back to normal clothing.

There was one like that floating around in the pool :P mabe ya lost it there xD

dunno whre tha went afther ppl was done throwing it in folks faces tho :/
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Suran on 07.09.2010, 13:08:13
Mine must have hund in the change-rooms definately.
I'm very sure to not have lost any clothing while in the pool. ;)
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Tungro on 07.09.2010, 13:37:55
Heh, I'll add my lost item in here.

Lost: An auction item, DarkNatasha print of a shaman/priest, left in room 689.
According to Wild-Wolf, it's been found :) So this is just me claiming it :)
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: njhcerebus01 on 07.09.2010, 21:06:58
hey am missing a conbadge 
and here what it looks like
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Loewi on 07.09.2010, 22:35:03
Quote from: Tungro on 07.09.2010, 13:37:55
Heh, I'll add my lost item in here.

Lost: An auction item, DarkNatasha print of a shaman/priest, left in room 689.
According to Wild-Wolf, it's been found :) So this is just me claiming it :)

hotel staff found it and took it to their office. maybe you should mail to the hotel and ask if its still there?
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Twll on 07.09.2010, 22:44:43
I'm missing a pair of Fat Face sunglasses, I think they fell off my shirt during Sunday while I was moving my bags out front. Any sign of them? :3
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Riffuchs on 08.09.2010, 03:03:50
Just for you information: I will dig though the lost and found box tomorrow. There will be a list of items with photos like in the last years.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: kenai on 08.09.2010, 21:25:45
Missing something as well.

left my sewing machine footpedal in room 193. It was right next to the trouserpress and that is probably why I missed it during the sweep of the room.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Suran on 08.09.2010, 21:30:39
Has someone found my lost sanity?
I'm also missing my virginity since ages; but whoever finds it can keep it.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: drayygon on 09.09.2010, 22:10:52
I think I traded my sanity in for a Rusk biscuit when i was a wee whelp dragon....
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 09.09.2010, 22:12:13
Update on me: My rigging-bag has been found by the hotel. No further actions by conops necessary :3
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Pinky on 10.09.2010, 09:48:57
I lost my pink hoodie during the turmoil of Sunday evening. It was left on one of the black leather chairs in the lobby. It's pink and black and has foxes on it - if anyone has found it then please write it here, I really miss it, it was my favourite hoodie.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Riffuchs on 10.09.2010, 13:59:53
Quote from: Lokosicek on 06.09.2010, 23:36:34
Im pretty sure that Riffuchs will soon flood this thread with images of things no-one claimed from the box at Con-Ops. office behind the back elevators. For my part, Ive forgotten a dragon-themed book (in czech language) that White_Dragon (from con-ops as well) gave me on saturday.

Sorry, can't remember seeing such a book :/

Quote from: Eisfuchs on 06.09.2010, 22:36:25
I somehow misplaced my cellphone recharging power converter. It's an american model with a plug converter to German Schuko plug attached to it. The secondary connector is micro USB. I probably forgot it in either the staff recreation area or the backstage puppet workshop. If found, please tell me. Thanks!

Aks Eos. The last time I saw such a charger it was in one of  the charity boxes. I left it there because I thought it belonged to Eos or one of the charity team members.

Quote from: Loewi on 07.09.2010, 01:52:53
Im missing my HP power supply from my notebook.
Last seen at the dealers den, it was plugged in between sewerrats and my table.
At the time i cleared my leftover liqueurs the place was already cleared and the tables and power cords where the power supply was plugged in were already cleared and the power supply wasnt with my things

Got it! - see Item #2 :)

Quote from: Suran on 07.09.2010, 10:53:13
I'm missing a dark blue bathing trunk. (Badehose)
Must have forgotten it while changing back to normal clothing.

Nope, sorry.

Quote from: njhcerebus01 on 07.09.2010, 21:06:58
hey am missing a conbadge 
and here what it looks like

Again: Nope, sorry.

Quote from: kenai on 08.09.2010, 21:25:45
left my sewing machine footpedal in room 193. It was right next to the trouserpress and that is probably why I missed it during the sweep of the room.

Try calling the hotel.

Quote from: Suran on 08.09.2010, 21:30:39
Has someone found my lost sanity?
I'm also missing my virginity since ages; but whoever finds it can keep it.

Don't claim items you've never possessed.

Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Riffuchs on 10.09.2010, 14:00:40
So, here's how it works
- If you have identified your item pipe up in this thread or send me a note (PM).
- I also will try to contact those people that haven't piped up but I have items from.
- I've a full-timejob. So shipping may take several days.

Shipping fees
Shipping fees are depending on the size and the weight.
- National: 3,90EUR up to 2,0Kg
- National: 6,90 Up to 10Kg
- International: 13,90 EUR up to 2Kg*
- International: 35,00 EUR up to 10Kg*
- Documents, Badges and small items can be shipped national as a large letter (up to 500Gr. = 2,50 EUR)
*) Shipping to Nations/States within the EU and USA.

If your items is a  small one (Badge, Sunglas, etc), i'm willed to bring it along to the next MMC or EF. At MMC you have to look for me. At EF you can fetch it from the ConOps Office.

- You have to pay :)
- You can do that via Paypal (you pay the transfer fees) or via Banc Account (IBAN/BIC)

- There is NO warranty.
- I will note you when your items is shipped.
- It would be nice to get a small note when it has arrived.
- I know how long internatinal shipping takes (usually not more than 14 days).
- So, if I get no response, I will automatically note the item as delivered 4 weeks after the day of shipping.
- I always keep the shipping voucher. When something went lost or is damaged, it is not my fault. Please don't start to blame me for it. I will not pay for it in any way.

Eurofurence 16 Lost and Found

( (
Item #1 - Bag (Trashed)

( (
Item #2 - Notebook PSU (Claimed by Loewi)

( (
Item #3 - Light effect ball (Open)

( (
Item #4 - Name Tag (Open)

( (
Item #5 - CDs (Open - You have to tell me what CD you're missing exactly)

( (
Item #6 - PMR and Headset (Headset claimed by Atkelar)

( (
Item #7 - Glasses (Claimed by Slereah)

( (
Item #8 - Wristband (Open)

( (
Item #9 - USB Stick (Claimed by Clover)

( (
Item #10 - Badge sized pencil drawing (Open)

( (
Item #11 - Mood badge (Claimed by Shivon)

( (
Item #12 - Some... drawing (Open)

( (
Item #13 - DVD, Judas and Jesus (Open)
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: SlyCat on 12.09.2010, 14:17:18
I lost my conbadge Wednesday night. It contained two images back to back:



I doubt I'll see them again but just in case someone had found it, please let me know.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Shivon on 12.09.2010, 21:28:36
I've lost my TaniDaReal moodbadges. A friend gave it to the ConOps, but I kept on forgetting to check there and pick it up >.>. My own fault, but it would be nice if they are still there :). Would be happy to pay shipping costs to get it back in my possession.

Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: WhiteShadowFox on 13.09.2010, 14:16:09
As far as i know the Jesus and Judas dvd is from Kiroja.
I'l poke him tonight to look into this topic.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Riffuchs on 13.09.2010, 21:33:24
Back from vacation - Items will likely be shipped on Wednesday.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: kenai on 15.09.2010, 23:06:20
Footpedal was found by the hotel and is being shipped back to me.

cheers :)
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Loewi on 16.09.2010, 20:26:44
Quote from: SlyCat on 12.09.2010, 14:17:18
I lost my conbadge Wednesday night. It contained two images back to back:

I doubt I'll see them again but just in case someone had found it, please let me know.

You doubt wrong. I found your badge in the lobby at the elevators in the back and I still have it.
Just had to search where i put it.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Wulfer on 29.09.2010, 19:10:10
We are still searching for an silver iPod Shuffle (3rd generation = without keys).
Stored on it is only the stage fever sketch.

If anybody found it, please pm me.
It was the first time I used the iPod. :(
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Chibi on 03.10.2010, 20:26:49
Yeaaah, that Exibel radio is mine, lost by my roomie.
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Wikke on 06.10.2010, 06:48:10
Hello all there , i lost my Ef15 T shirt on Ef 16 , probably lost it when packing stuff for leaving the hotel. though we checked for everything more than twice , the chance is possible it is still there , if anyone found that shirt . (Xl) sized , then he gets a good reward for it . Ty for your attention . Greetz from a belgian Wusky
Title: Re: EF16 - Lost And Found
Post by: Stripe Kazama on 07.10.2010, 00:22:57
I think that flashy ball may belong to Fuzzy, Morph or Mooie, I saw them playing with such balls in the lobby at some point.