Greetings critters from the gamedev community, or critters who have an interest in such.
VirtualFox hosted a wonderful sig, the invisible tables were awesome! We all even talked about a GameJam together (in December), and I promised to open a thread for this sig group to exchange details. Unfortunately the Internet Gods did not agree with me posting it right away. So hereby I open the thread 12 hours later.
You can find me on FA (Pegla), or LinkedIn (Danny Palic), or drop me a pm, msn details and such should be in my profile.
All the best, and game on!
I was the temp host on the gamedev, You can find me on FA under the name of VirtualFox (I'm only getting into the industry, so no LinkedIn yet)
But yeah the Lumdum Dare Jam idea sounded pretty cool we should look into it some more.
You can find the website and some examples of games made for it at
Hi there :)
I'm the IT Student at Vienna University of Technology who has seen way too many bad things in his life so far ;)
Ah, I managed to find the thread. Horray! :)
This is Temjin, designer at TT (not TellTale games - I wish!). It was great chatting to you all. If you would like contact information please do just drop me a PM and we can talk a lot more about games. :)
Take it easy,
~ T
Wasn't there, but I'm Thygrrr, the CTO at HandyGames.
Hope to be your host / co-host / ... next year; I heard VirtualFox did an awesome job with the panel, which is great!
FoxB here!
I'm the Designer from Vatra studios working on Silent Hill 8.
Feel free to add me on FA: [foxb] or if you have then you can find me under my real name of Ben Mills.
Ohai! I'm the guy with the funny hair who was pining for help with that rather open source project, Gluon ;) A couple showed interest, and i just thought that it would be prudent of me to point to some contact points:
- - the gluon project's website
- - the "teaser" page while we get the site up and running properly ( for the current development status)
- for me on FA and for all my various contact details
It was discussed that we create a forum for game dev furs at the panel... well here it is! :)
Be great if everyone can join and post a little about themselves. I've got some guest speakers/feature writers lined up for the near future so should hopefully grow into a cool place for us all to hang. ;)
Feel free to hijack it for your own personal projects and if you PM me i can create a specific board for your project. :)
nice work foxb.
i'v signed up and if time permits then i'll help where i can