The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Topic started by: Jasperfoxx on 17.08.2010, 22:32:21

Title: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Jasperfoxx on 17.08.2010, 22:32:21
Greetings all :)

Just to inform you that this year, we shall be having another motorfurs meet at EF!

It is planned for the Saturday between 1:30pm and 3pm (1300 to 1530 for those who don't follow 12 hour times easily ;) ), the location has been chosen by NightFox himself and will be confirmed in the conbook with a map to the location :)

Anyone is welcome wether you're a petrol head or not! All types of vehicles are welcome so wether you've brought a car, motorbike, hot air balloon, pulse jet engined bicycle or anything wacky with an engine, then bring it along :P

We will hopefully be putting some flyers out at EF so watch this space.

I will of course be there as will most of the 'Furball Run' lot aswell so come and get ya fill of shiny metal and noisy engines!

Just to put a note that we do not wish for a repeat of last year with people racing around the car parks, that got us a few complaints from what I heard so to avoid that would be best!

Fursuiters most definetely welcomed, seemed to get some good photo's last year from what I remember ^.^

I look forwoof to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me :)

Jasper Foxx
EF Motorfurs meet assistant and UK-EF Furball Run Co-Founder


Hallo an Alle :)

Wir werden auch dieses Jahr ein Treffen der Motorfurs auf der EF haben!

Das Treffen ist für den Samstag zwischen 13:30 Uhr und 15 Uhr geplant. Der Treffpunkt wurde von NightFox ausgewählt und wird im Conbook bestätigt. Dort wird auch eine Karte zum Treffpunkt abgebildet sein. :)

Jeder ist willkommen, ob Sprittfanatiker oder nicht! Alle Fahrzeuge sind willkommen, ob nun mit einem gerade neu gekauften Auto, Motorrad, Heißluftballon, düsenjetbetriebenes Fahrrad oder was auch immer, hauptsache es hat einen Motor :P

Wir werden eventuell auch einige Flyer auf der Con auslegen, also achtet darauf.

Klar komme ich wie die meisten vom Furball Run. Also komm und lass dir ordentlich von unseren Schlitten einheizen!

Allerdings ist eine Sache sehr wichtig. Wir wollen vermeiden, dass es solche Aktionen wie im letzen Jahr gibt, dass die Leute auf dem Platz mit ihren Autos rumheizen. Wir haben dadurch einige Probleme bekommen und würden dies zukünftig gern vermeiden!

Fursuiter sind natürlich sehr willkommen! Soweit ich es gesehen habe, gab es letztes Jahr sehr schöne Fotos davon ^.^

Ich freue mich, euch alle wiederzusehen! Wenn ihr Fragen habt, fragt :)

Jasper Foxx
EF Motorfurs Veranstaltungsassistent und UK-EF Furball Run Mitgründer

Translation by Keenora with many thanks ^.^
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 17.08.2010, 23:24:23
I'll be coming over to this man just like last year. Hopefully in a few years to come I'll have Spirit of Laika on show there too hehe.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Meyou on 18.08.2010, 01:02:40
I look forward to this!

Now the question for do I polish my car up all nice and shinee and spick and span for it....

Or go drive through some trenches and get it absolutely plastered in mud...?

Erf....descisions descisions....
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 18.08.2010, 01:05:42
@ Meyou

I have the exact same problem :P

Clean Jeep, dirty Jeep, clean Jeep , dirty Jeep..........
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Jasperfoxx on 18.08.2010, 01:14:01
I shall not attempt the same as last year and be polishing the car in the hotel car parks XD All polish work will be done at home before I leave the UK :P
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 18.08.2010, 01:17:54
Nightfox and Meyou, we will go with dirty. Thus, we will have to gun through some muddy tracks prior to the motor meet on the day. And yes, more 4x4s are handy and awesome.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Meyou on 18.08.2010, 01:33:33
That brings up some interesting questions...

What are the german laws concerning 4x4's and forests/mud/getting stuck?
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 18.08.2010, 08:39:32
@ Meyou

Unfortunately its illegal, or you find a farmer who allows you to drive on his land.
Otherwise you have to be fast.
We have official off road track but not near by Magdeburg.

What kind of 4x4 are you bringing anyway?
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Meyou on 18.08.2010, 10:05:47
Suzuki Grand Vitara. As Jasper calls it, The Kitty's Barbiemobile.

Due to the extortionate price of Insurance, its (For the most part) unmodified. But thats never stopped me before ^^

Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Xar on 18.08.2010, 18:23:02
@Meyou: That car... The whole "fifty euros NOW!" thing that happened last year, was that you?

I have a photo of a red Suzuki with FurBall stickers and lots of random stuff written in white... "Always relevant" "Drayygon was 'ere" "If you can read this... sorry" and so on.

Edit: I'm obviously dumb. I checked my photo and the license plate is the same.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 18.08.2010, 22:20:52
@ Meyou

Yay, my first car was a Vitara (the old one and with only two doors)
I was impressed how good it was doing off road, and it was very reliable.

Will be great to have other 4x4s at the meeting :)
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Meyou on 18.08.2010, 23:54:16
@ Xar....yeah, that was me *Fidgets* I had hoped to have lived that down by this year, eh hehehehe....A few people have shown me pictures, but I'm always interested to see more. Is it online anywhere?

@ Nightfox Yeah man, they're terrific little blighters. I bought mine because I was sick of getting stuck in fields whenever I went to certain paintball sites on rainy days. And I kinda got sucked into off-road fun! Now I cant imagine myself in anything other than a 4x4. I feel....low....every time I get in anything else >_<

I think there's another Jeep 4-door coming with the Furballers, not sure if he'll be hitting the motorfur meet or not. Hope so...we can have a little tarmac-free area for the real motors! ^^;;
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Whitefang on 20.08.2010, 15:28:52
Quote from: Jasperfoxx on 17.08.2010, 22:32:21
Saturday between 1:30pm and 3pm (1300 to 1530 for those who don't follow 12 hour times easily ;) )

Just to point out a little typo. 1:30PM to 3PM is 1330 to 1500. :P
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 21.08.2010, 15:39:20
@  Meyou

Yap, there is no way back once you owned a 4x4  ;D

And i saw the Jeep at CF but i have no clue who the owner is  ???

I'm really looking forward to the meeting, i will take the chance to take my dasboard apart and install a new radio.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 22.08.2010, 14:25:01
Shove a CB in there Nightfox!!! -jumps about-
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 22.08.2010, 14:33:50
@ drayygon

I had one in my first car........
But to be honest in Germany there are only complete idiots left who use CB, no fun at all anymore.

If i drive in a convoy i use the pmr radios.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 22.08.2010, 20:53:43
When I'm driving, and when i got my Hilux I'm gonna install a CB...mainly cause I want the tech on-board and a nice whip aerial hehe.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: White_Dragon on 23.08.2010, 15:58:45
One of the way how to mount your radio if you radio mad furry.

Mine 100W HF/WHF all mode radio baby
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 23.08.2010, 22:23:47
What's the cost like there days to get your HF radio license and such?

As I now got imagery of me having a HF and CB rig inside my Hilux to come....
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: White_Dragon on 23.08.2010, 23:36:00
Yeah drayygon.

Catch me on EF and we can have a chat, there is quite bunch of furrs intending to get licence like Mat_lion and I think Tungro (blue otty), ....
and there is iwolf he can help with exams, and so on ...
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Jasperfoxx on 23.08.2010, 23:45:23
I'm sure a car should NOT look like this one week before travelling from the Western UK to Germany :P

Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Nightfox on 24.08.2010, 01:11:27
I'm really looking forward to the meeting, i hope we will have nice weather, so far the forecast looks good.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 24.08.2010, 22:10:45
Quote from: White_Dragon on 23.08.2010, 23:36:00
Yeah drayygon.

Catch me on EF and we can have a chat, there is quite bunch of furrs intending to get licence like Mat_lion and I think Tungro (blue otty), ....
and there is iwolf he can help with exams, and so on ...

Will do, I know Tungro and Matt as well, mostly in passing but I've gotten to know them from living where I am now hehe.
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: blackNtan on 26.08.2010, 23:41:29
Cool, was going to ask if this was on... no burnouts this year I promise  ;)

I've got something even faster now :P
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Beshon on 29.08.2010, 01:10:06
I'll be there in my wreck! ;D

Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Jasperfoxx on 29.08.2010, 10:39:41
Here's the flyer :D


There will be some kicking around at EF so look out for them :)
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: drayygon on 29.08.2010, 17:33:05
Nice wheels Beshon, can't wait to see if it in the metal :)

Jasper, tell AK that is an awesome Flyer for me, I hope the run goes well and the meet too.

I'll bring me camera and get some photos for sure :)
Title: Re: Motorfurs meet at EF16!
Post by: Wuffen on 30.08.2010, 16:21:09
Sounds interesting! Might show up in my half crappy 02, saab 9-3 aero. ::)