I'm asking would it be possible to have a live show of some sort? The length of the show would be 40-60 minutes. My show could be industrial, electro or psytrance.. or maybe a insane show would combine those all? My mini laptop would play the electronic backgrounds and I could mix them. I would also sing the possible vocals. I need few people to play guitar and drums. If only guitar or drums are possible it's all good. I'm not sure would the show be worth it without any live instruments. Maybe some practise is needed but the drummer and guitarist could just jam over the electronic track. What do you organisers think? What do you fellow furs think? Does someone want to play guitar or drums? Can my mini laptop be plugged into some sound system at EF?
Machine Animal (industrial) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4031990
Wolfboy (electro) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2185518/
Project YIFF (psytrance) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4032770/
I'm not a great musician like some of the guys performing at Eurofurence but with some live instruments I think my music could be pretty cool. I would ofcourse create versions of the songs without hihats, snares, guitars and vocals for live performance. Let me know what you guys think.
I like the idea, especially now that we have more stages. At least, as long as the different music stages aren't so loud to overlap each other. I heard many people complaining about having almost no choice about to what music they got to dance.
Not that I care, you'll never find me dancing anyway, and I like almost every sort of music >:x
In fact, we still only have one stage. The second stage is going to be used for the art show... it's not available for performances. And history shows that at this time, stage event slots are getting rather rare. Good luck with that...
Hi there,
Right now I'm not quite sure if I got your idea right. Is it supposed to be a live music stage show like - if you know - the Furry Music Cafe? Before we're going to discuss a slot and if it's something we'd like to dedicate a slot to you must come up with a working concept/team first. Don't get me wrong it a cool idea but we only accept working concepts and shows for stage events so I would like to ask you to tell us what you exactly have in mind so the person in charge for stage events can have a look at it.
Yeah I was thinking a live music stage show like furry music cafe but I guess in the end it's better for me to try to get a slot from there. Maybe next year if I can find furry musicians from Finland that could come to the con and we could practise our set before hand. That will be quite unlikely though.
Hi there,
Having a setup and team beforehand would definitely the better option. About the FMF Cafe slot... well I'm sceptical if this sort of music would fit in.
I've performed there before some industrial stuff.
Well okay then. If you attended before there should be no problem with doing it again. But like said, if you intend to run it in your own stage slot it would need a lot of preperations and at least a concept (for the stage crew to work with).
I'm not sure whether or not my MSN is working properly - so I'd appreciate if you, Jari, would drop me a line on IRC, ICQ or MSN. I'll be bringing most of my musical equipment to EF anyway, so performing at another event wouldn't be a problem at all.
I added you to MSN but what is your e-mail? I have way too many people on my list... Also are you Garra in FurNet IRC. I tried contacting you there..