I just completed my registration for EF and I noticed something unusal. On the checklist along with musician, artist, fursuiter, (no mention of puppeteer!), there was a box for vegetarian. Are there special panels and activities being planned?
Actually, that's got something to do with food supply. We have a traditional barbeque and there's a restaurant, for both of these things we need to be able to estimate how many vegetarians will attend so we can make sure they all get well-fed. :)
I see. Speaking of fire, will there be a campfire/bonfire this year?
Quote from: Recherei on 08.02.2007, 20:24:24
I see. Speaking of fire, will there be a campfire/bonfire this year?
If you look the video from the consite-visit, you will see a firepit of hell... :D
So.... of course there will be a campfire.