Greetings from exotic Norway!
I'm Miles T.F. Baxxter, Norwegian arctic fox. Age 24, and finishing up my master's in philosophy this year at the university. Curious where I'll end up career wise. Am creatively active as a musician (piano and vocals) and lyricist, and I've done poetry and comics as well. I started the Norwegian furry forum Norwegian Paws ( back in 2004 (I think), and have been a fur for almost a decade.
EF 09 will be my first furry convention. Been dreaming about going to one almost since I first dediced to become a fur. I don't know all that many European furs that well though, and I'm not the most extroverted person, so I'm a bit worried as to how much I'll enjoy it and how comfortable I'll be. But I'm keeping my paws crossed, and hoping I'll have a good time.
Well, if you dont know that many european furs, youre bound to meet a heck of a lot of new ones at EF, so welcome aboard.
And if you like drinking, look me up at EF. ;)
Don't worry - so far everyone had a great time at EF. Just wander the lobby, look for nice faces and sit down. No one will bite you (as long as you don't want ;)
Seriously, I bet you'll find many friends there. Good luck!
You could also join the #eurofurence IRC channel over furnet, and meet/talk with some of the people attending before hand, to get to know more people.
Hey Miles.
Im so glad to see you are going. If you need me you are always welcome to poke me :) See you at the con :)
Many thanks for the kind greetings, y'all! I'm not really a party person or much of a drinker (sorry, Terril!), am still somewhat worried (not helped by the fact that I reluctantly made a potentially embarrassing deal with a furry friend), but I'll hopefully be okay.
Hey Norway *wavewave*
And hello Sweden! *waves back*
Are there many Scandinavians attending?
We are a good deal i would assume. We are around 8 danish furs this year
* wavewaves* Greetings from the Netherlands!
Will be my first EF as well, and really looking forward to it. It will be a blast!
o.o Say hi to alexander rybak from me x3
greetings from Prague in Czech :-)
(I will come to Norway in July :-)
Quote from: Honey on 06.06.2009, 12:25:29
We are a good deal i would assume. We are around 8 danish furs this year
I think there are a total of... *counts on his paws* eleven Norwegian furs attending, at least that I know of.
Hello to everyone else, too!
To where in Norway will you be traveling, GreyLion?
Quote from: Miles T.F. Baxxter on 13.07.2009, 15:45:04
To where in Norway will you be traveling, GreyLion?
so, my plan is finished now... I will drive through Denmark (Juttland), take ferry to Kristiansand and drive through Stavanger and via fjords to Trondheim... then to east - to Stockholm and via southern Sweden back...
Ooh endnu en skandinavisk fur :D hej!