I am reposting this now ^^
I have lowered the prices of my suits after talking it over with friends and other suit makers. Understand i will not go lower than these prices since i am already now working below minimum wage for both the US ($6.50 i belive) and the UK (£2)! So understand why the prices are what they are!
Prices and Construction time:
Full suit: $1000/€790 - Just over a month )
Partial Suit: $650/515 - 3 Weeks }-- Plus Postage and Packaging
Head: $355/€280 - 9 Days )
FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shadow-woofie/
Email: Shala-Woofie@hotmail.com
MSN: Shadow-Woofie@hotmail.com
Second Life: Shadow Whippet
Hope to hear from you all!