Hello, everyone!
Allright, EF has been over for about four weeks now, and here's the current status of the photoshooting activities:
2290 out of 3908 photos have been selected, cropped, beautified and are right now in the process of being exported to .jpg format. This means: In the next few days, the photos will go online on BBFs website!
Watch for the photos to appear here: http://www.bigbluefox-media.com/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=Eurofurence14 (http://www.bigbluefox-media.com/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=Eurofurence14)
Thank you for your patience, and of course for all the fun we had at Ef14! I already did it before, but this might be a good chance to say "thank you" to the team again!! I am already looking forward to next year ;)
My best regards to all of you - Thalian
The protos are incredible! I can't wait for the next few to go online. :)
Thank you, Thalian and team!
Jep! *seconds that* - I love them, too!
I've been laughing my ass off at the pictures of me and Thalian! Thank you so much!
Wow...these photos came out perfectly!!
Thank you so much to the photoshoot crew for you amazing efforts!
Hi ho, everyone!
Hey, what's this - You already found the pics? What were you doing, hitting "reload" on BBFs page every 5 minutes? :D Anyway - As some of you have already noticed: The uploads are done, thanks to BBF!
The Fursuit Photoshooting has its own gallery and has not been placed with all the other EF14 photos, so here's the new link:
http://www.bigbluefox-media.com/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=Eurofurence14photoshoot (http://www.bigbluefox-media.com/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=Eurofurence14photoshoot)
Thank you all for attending the photoshoot, for your posing, and for your patience while waiting for the results - And have fun with the photos.
See you all next year ;D
Gorgeous pics!
Thanks so much...
Awesome pictures n_n
Thankyou so much, Thalian, you and your co-staff have done such a good job from the shoot itself to the finished gallery :)
Cool, i like the pics. Thanks for uploading. :)