The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Fursuiters Forum => Topic started by: little one on 06.01.2007, 00:33:31

Title: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: little one on 06.01.2007, 00:33:31
YAY *start to dances about* i like both types ^^
Title: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Okami on 06.01.2007, 01:01:08
Actually I would like to here some rock too as for I'm a fan of Queen. They made great musik. And isn't it a "Kind of Magic" that there are "animals" dancing to the music?  ::)
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: KennoFox on 07.01.2007, 02:24:55
if they can play Metallica, megadeth, Motley crue or Skid Row i will love them for every

Or this band who are amazing ^^
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Pinky on 07.01.2007, 19:41:16
I second Queen, Metallica and Megadeth!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: little one on 07.01.2007, 20:57:45
me 2 YAY and maybe some MCR
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Mystifur on 13.01.2007, 18:11:30
*sighs and rambles about the good old days*

Where has all the dancable 80s and disco music gone ?

*Feels old now*
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: kyyanno on 13.01.2007, 21:31:45
Quote from: Mystifur on 13.01.2007, 18:11:30
*sighs and rambles about the good old days*

Where has all the dancable 80s and disco music gone ?

*Feels old now*

Scissor Sisters! 80's cheesiness brought to you today!

But seriously, yes, if there could be some 80's/early 90's disco tunes arranged, there would be much appreciation from this spottykat. =^|.|^=
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Swolf on 14.01.2007, 00:20:25
Yay for 90's cheese, spent most of christmas and new year dancing to the stuff :D

Big fan of eurodance as well :)
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: kyyanno on 14.01.2007, 02:14:59
I hadn't noticed, Swolf :P

Just spent most of today listening to some of your Eurodance mixes, very nicely done ^.^
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: BigBlueFox on 15.01.2007, 04:53:03
As Cheetah already mentioned, some things went wrong at the fursuit dance, which resulted in a dance that was a little different from what was planned. Sorry for that, folks!

About the rock music: To make up for the problems, I did a fursuit friendly dance on Saturday which included rock music from Queen, Guano Apes and the like, as well as "easy" rock music from Simple Minds (She's a River) or Spin Doctors (Two princes). There also was general dance music and 80's pop. My plans are to keep this up, and since the shouts for rock music are getting louder, I'm planning to play some more of that, too. But please understand that I have to keep the music rather mainstream, which means I can't play heavy metal or things like that. I hope you'll like the set anyway.

About CD's you're bringing to the convention, as well as wishes for songs:

Please understand that as a DJ, you don't just play records. You usually try to play tunes in a certain order, to create a flow or a transition from one sheme, genre or mood into another. When people ask me to play a certain song I try to fit it in, but it doesn't always work because sometimes, I don't have the song, other times, the song will just not fit into the type of music I'm currently playing. I also don't have the time to pre-listen to tracks you'll hand me at the dance, and I can't play any songs I haven't heard before. You can always send me some tracks before the convention, but I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to play them.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Okami on 15.01.2007, 10:27:41
That sound like a very good mixture. I'm looking forward to hear it and maybe dance to it.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: vegivamp on 15.01.2007, 13:39:38
*mumbles something about old electro*
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: K9Primate on 15.01.2007, 16:53:59
To be honest, most of what I've heard being played during the dance is not what I usually listen to.
But you know what, I kinda liked it, I suppose it suited the occasion; good job. ;)
I was in such a good mood, hell you could've played some music from Ivor Biggun and I still would've liked it. :D
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: KennoFox on 16.01.2007, 13:25:48
would it be possible if i brought a demo with me of my own material. There is no swearing or discriminating material within the tune
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Akita Inus on 24.01.2007, 02:09:50
Will there be a fursuit headless lounge available, with fans to help kool off from dancing hard and near the dance area?
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Mystifur on 24.01.2007, 05:32:10
Yes, a suiters lounge will be provided, along with fans, water, seats,..
We're planning to provide the neccessary space and equipment for repairs as well.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 18.05.2007, 21:42:33
Time to bring this forum back to life...

Do you have any tips how to withstand the heat better and gain some heat resilience/resistance, or any paticullar method of resting?

I could dance only 15 minutes at furdance at CeSFuR (small CZ/SK furry con) and then I simply HAD to go take a shower... I wondered how RustyFoxi could dance the whole hour or so ever since... (I should propably mention that it was my first furdance ;D )

I expect there will be about 50 fursuiters at EF so the furdance should be interesting  8)
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Mystifur on 21.05.2007, 08:58:10
Take your breaks early, before you overheat too much.
Take off the head and drink a lot of water or isotonic beverages.
Cool down in front of a fan or open window or sit on cold stone.

And yes, it is totally normal, that you and your suit are wet all over.

And no, there won't be 50 suiter at EF this year.
Currently, it's more than 150 !
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Fauho on 21.05.2007, 13:28:21
Eh, is a full suit required to participate or is a 'semi' suit (only the head, tail, 4 paws and adapted clothing such as jeans and fleeze with furry patterns) accepted as well?
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Cheetah on 21.05.2007, 14:13:28
Quote from: Fauho on 21.05.2007, 13:28:21
Eh, is a full suit required to participate or is a 'semi' suit (only the head, tail, 4 paws and adapted clothing such as jeans and fleeze with furry patterns) accepted as well?

The only thing required is that you're not entirely naked :)

Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Okami on 21.05.2007, 14:50:38
Drink something hot. Your body will use energy to cool it down.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Mystifur on 21.05.2007, 19:24:54
Quote from: Okami on 21.05.2007, 14:50:38
Drink something hot. Your body will use energy to cool it down.

*rofl* BUHUAWAWAHHA !! *rofl*

You made my day ! 8)

Yea, it's perfectly reasonable that a body which is overheated from using lots of energy to create movement
will cool down from drinking even more hot liquid and sweating even more to compensate for that,
into a suit that prevents from the cooling effect of sweating..
... NOT !!
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 21.05.2007, 21:21:12
Quote from: Mystifur on 21.05.2007, 08:58:10
...And no, there won't be 50 suiter at EF this year.
Currently, it's more than 150 !...

YAHOO!! more fursuiters, the better  ;D

But I think not all of the registered who marked the "Im interested in fustuits" field are fursuiters, some may be just interested in any ongoing fursuit SIG.

BTW: I thank you all for your tips :D

Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Rusty Fox on 07.06.2007, 21:00:04
Don't worry Lokosicek, I am going to be there, too.. to enjoy furdance in my fursuit. At least a part of it ;)
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 07.06.2007, 21:41:12
Quote from: Rusty Fox on 07.06.2007, 21:00:04
Don't worry Lokosicek, I am going to be there, too.. to enjoy furdance in my fursuit. At least a part of it ;)

Then I look forward to EF even more. And have you heard the news? Amarok Radjin (a dragonwolf) will attend EF too. YAY!!!

Lokosicek *dances around in joy*
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Barney on 06.08.2007, 14:13:29
Well, this doggy can't dance at all :-\, but I'll be there, maybe to film it. Should be a strange sight, big black cameradog ;D.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 06.08.2007, 17:55:51
Quote from: Barney the dog on 06.08.2007, 14:13:29
Well, this doggy can't dance at all :-\, but I'll be there, maybe to film it. Should be a strange sight, big black cameradog ;D.

Your height will be an advantage this time :) As you will not have a view obstructed by heads ;D
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Barney on 06.08.2007, 18:20:32
Quote from: Lokosicek on 06.08.2007, 17:55:51
Your height will be an advantage this time :) As you will not have a view obstructed by heads ;D

So true, at least I don't need a cameraboom to get the camera to a height of 3 meters ;D ;D ;D.
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 14.08.2007, 21:48:55
Quote from: Barney the dog on 06.08.2007, 18:20:32
Quote from: Lokosicek on 06.08.2007, 17:55:51
Your height will be an advantage this time :) As you will not have a view obstructed by heads ;D

So true, at least I don't need a cameraboom to get the camera to a height of 3 meters ;D ;D ;D.

True, very true :D I think BBF could use your height ;D
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Furvan on 17.08.2007, 17:33:07
Lessons in Love... err Dance ;)

AC 2007 from Dex and Tek_Fox!

Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Lokosicek on 17.08.2007, 17:52:06
Quote from: Furvan on 17.08.2007, 17:33:07
Lessons in Love... err Dance ;)

AC 2007 from Dex and Tek_Fox!

;D ;D ;D

Yup, great video. Ive seen it on the Fursuit_videos LiveJournal community already, but it is still amazing (and VERY usefull).
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Barney on 19.08.2007, 23:46:59
Barney especially liked the "Grinding" part. *BAD DOG* awww...
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Rusty Fox on 31.08.2007, 20:20:34
Quote from: Barney on 19.08.2007, 23:46:59
Barney especially liked the "Grinding" part. *BAD DOG* awww...

mmm... I don't think you're bad dog..  ;)
*likes that part the most, too*  :)
Title: Re: Fursuit dance discussion
Post by: Dusk the Husky on 22.09.2007, 21:50:49
Quote from: Cheetah on 21.05.2007, 14:13:28
Quote from: Fauho on 21.05.2007, 13:28:21
Eh, is a full suit required to participate or is a 'semi' suit (only the head, tail, 4 paws and adapted clothing such as jeans and fleeze with furry patterns) accepted as well?

The only thing required is that you're not entirely naked :)

Awww nuts! That's my dance out! =p

Seriously, I have partials of my otter fursona and my husky fursona, but I want full suits some day, hopefully before EF14. Fluffy, huggable husky, anyone?