hehe what is everyone doing for the weekend im not doing much going to look around the shops and stuff
Mocking retards on the intarwebs.
Quote from: doco on 05.01.2007, 22:07:18
Mocking retards on the intarwebs.
Charming as always. :P
Quote from: doco on 05.01.2007, 22:07:18
Mocking retards on the intarwebs.
:( thats not nice
Being bored all the way, watching TV to get even more bored, eating, drinking (no alcohol), planing my futere and being bored.
hehe that dont sound to good :S well i have to clean my flat :(
It's simply I am stressed at University and when I have my freetime I'm bored. Or I do unnessesary things and get bored of them. And it's really lame in a village or a town with nothing to do. My father lives in a village of 530 inhabitants, my mother in a town of 55000 inhabitans. But it makes no difference. It's both Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the fermingcounty #1 in Germany.
:( thats not good
You said it. It's not good.
You said it that he said it. It's not good.
here a cuddle to cheer u up *give u a cuddle*
Yeay! *cuddels back*
Today was a very bad day allready. Got mail from the Landratsamt Karlsruhe because I let my motorcycle stand on a public street in november. Which normal policeman checks the numberplate of a motorcycle at 0:35 o'clock?
thats not good :( bad police man whats going to happen now ?
Quote from: little one on 08.01.2007, 14:27:49
thats not good :( bad police man whats going to happen now ?
I don't quite know. I have to talk to my father for he is the original owner of my motorcycle. I will find a way.
i hope notthink bad happens or we are going to have to get all furry on there ass XD
I hope so, too.
That would be the final option. Or does someone knows a furry lawyer in Germany?
i dont :( but i still want to run after him after i had some coffee like to see him try and run XD
hehehe ROAD KILL
mini meet in manchester i was going to go to but working :'(
hmm this next weekend? probably nothing... which generally also in tales annoying my roommate. So in theory my doing nothing is actually still doing something.