The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Fursuiters Forum => Topic started by: Mystifur on 30.07.2008, 00:18:25

Title: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 30.07.2008, 00:18:25
Hi there, this one is for the suiters and attendees of last years EF.

As you will remember, last year the parade started at the stage hall, through the lobby, left the hotel through the front door and walked all around the hotel over the parking, to the backside with payground. Then on to the terrasse and stairs with a break for group photo, through the lower level door into the lower lobby, dealers den and back up to lobby, where it ended.

I would like your feedback and if you have any ideas for improvement. The Hotel is not so big that we could walk very far without crossing the same rooms over and over again. And it is surroundes by parking lots, so there isn't very much to see for the suiters and photographs...

well, make yourself heard.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: LeTigre on 30.07.2008, 01:54:49
I only would suggest that someone leads the suiters to the stairs so that they can arrange themselfes there for a proper Group Photo.
Last Year we all just stood somewhere between chairs and tables >.>
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Lokosicek on 30.07.2008, 09:14:39
Not enough stairs for all the suiters ;D I think the route we took is pretty well OK.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Barney on 30.07.2008, 09:49:57
How about in front of the hotel and Thalian somewhere on the third floor?
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Fawks Beaumont on 30.07.2008, 10:53:17
I like what LeTigre said.  It would be good to keep the route the same, but to have the suiters pause on the stairs leading down to the barbeque area for some group photos, then continue into the hotel through the lower levels.  As long as the lower area is remained clear of other folks, the photographers can stand far enough back to get some good shots without having people's heads get in the way.

But, it would be good to have someone at the smaller stairs leading up to the playground, as those can be a little tricky getting up in suit.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Suran on 30.07.2008, 11:48:56
Quote from: Fawks Beaumont on 30.07.2008, 10:53:17
I like what LeTigre said.  It would be good to keep the route the same, but to have the suiters pause on the stairs leading down to the barbeque area for some group photos, then continue into the hotel through the lower levels.

I agree. The route was good.
I like the idea with the stairs and maybe some help for the vision-impaired on the smaller stairs, so they don't trip.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Lokosicek on 30.07.2008, 11:53:23
I like the idea of line-up on the stairs, since everyone will be clearly visible for the mass photo shoot, even the smaller suiters :)
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: LeTigre on 31.07.2008, 19:42:45
I have anther Idea ... it is very adventurous ... but would us make immortal ... or would at least destroy the world :D

If we would be able to arrange on the stairs and have the photo done,
we could make a short video where we all do the Caramelldansen?
We would just need a camera (maybe there are one or two at the EF ...) and someone in front of the suiters to show the timing.

What do you think? ^^'
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Suran on 31.07.2008, 20:51:00
I am sure that I am not the only one who would never participate in THAT.
Let alone that the suit doesn't even allow me to lift my arm that much.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Barney on 31.07.2008, 20:52:57
Quote from: Suran on 31.07.2008, 20:51:00
I am sure that I am not the only one who would never participate in THAT.
Let alone that the suit doesn't even allow me to lift my arm that much.

I agree!
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Recherei on 01.08.2008, 01:16:49
Quote from: Suran on 31.07.2008, 20:51:00
I am sure that I am not the only one who would never participate in THAT.
Let alone that the suit doesn't even allow me to lift my arm that much.

I think I've seen your suit somewhere before.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 01.08.2008, 02:06:16
back to topic please :)
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 08.08.2008, 20:11:17
Thank you, those who gave me feedback.
The route will more or less stay the same, with most likely 2 photostops,
one in front of the hotel and one on the terrasse.

Poll closed.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Suran on 08.08.2008, 21:40:16
Pool closed?
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: timduru on 14.08.2008, 14:49:44
Route was ok last year to me.
Just one thing would be to announce it to non suiters that we're going outside and all around the hotel,
as there was almost nobody outside last year.. :)

Beside that a quick stair photoshot on the way definitely sounds good :)
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Zefiro on 14.08.2008, 15:01:47
I was in my room at that time, so I got some nice "from above" dragon perspective :)

(same happened to Tioh when we were breathing fire, so he has some nice shoots from that *happy*)

Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Avalanche on 17.08.2008, 15:58:58
What is going to happen if it is raining outside at the time? will the parade be a much shorter version just inside or will in be cancelled. Many suits have delicate feet and getting them wet can ruin them. Last year, the floor was still wet and I didn't have my sandals on, so my feet were black for the rest of the con and have never come clean.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 17.08.2008, 16:13:41
cancelling is not an option.
depending on the forecast, it'll either be delayed or short and indoor.

Everyone is of course free to decide to not follow the parade outside, and just stay inside... all alone ;-P
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Avalanche on 17.08.2008, 16:51:23

A short indoor parade could also work because it would start, head downstairs, around the zoo and the dealers den etc.. then pose for photo then back upstairs. Lets hope its dry next week though :)

Is the parade starting where it did last year in the stage hall where the fursuit lounge was? Or will it be starting where the fursuit lounge is this year behind the lifts and emerging into the main area from there?
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Kitt Spidox on 17.08.2008, 17:55:14
i think im gonna take an umbrella just incase ^,,^
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Edelweiss on 22.08.2008, 19:58:29
Is the route of the fursuit parade compatible with pony hoofes?

Ist die Wegstrecke für die Fursuit-Parade kompatibel mit Pony-Hufen (mit oder ohne Hufeisen)?

Treppen sind kein so großes Problem, harter unebener Boden (z.B. Kopfsteinpflaster) dagegen sehr.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Runo on 22.08.2008, 21:30:41
You might want to ask Horsie for that. Anyways, I at least didn't have problems last year, but my hooves aren't digitigrade  (they do have a wooden sole though). Well, to put it into a nutshell, I don't remember any problematic surfaces.

Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Kisu on 23.08.2008, 00:11:41
Misu's paws should be okay of water, but not soaked, just a little rain.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Colifox/Rizzorat on 23.08.2008, 14:08:29
The only suggestion I would make is when leading down into the BBQ area, any chance that a path of some kind could be cleared in the actual seating area?  The chairs and tables I noticed were stackable/collapsable kind and it might be an idea to clear a route.  Last year they remained, adding a bit of kaos to the suiters trying to walk around and avoid bumping into things.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 23.08.2008, 14:36:06
No, we don't have a contract with the weather gods.
If it's going to be raining, it is raining
If you feel your suit will decompose under the influence of water, stay inside, when the rest of the parade moves out.

No, we have no intention to buy 3 parallel new pavements around the hotel to have a compatble version for every single version of paws.
I'm pretty sure everyone has the chance to walk around the hotel once, to consider if he will survive the concrete lane.

No, we will not be clearing the lower lobby for the parade beacuse it is the intention to have the suiters down there among the dealers and artists, who otherwise would miss the parade.
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Colifox/Rizzorat on 24.08.2008, 11:30:58
mysti, my suggestion wasnt the lower lobby, it was the patio area where teh BBQ was hosted.  Cheers for abruptness as always
Title: Re: Feedback wanted - Route suggestions for Fursuit Parade ?
Post by: Mystifur on 24.08.2008, 12:49:24
Ah, the terrasse. That again is a valid point. Will have to see if the Hotel is willing to remove them.