
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Non-furry talk? WTF?

Started by MarityS, 28.11.2006, 10:59:46

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Thought this was a furry side...;D
Why don't we talk furry then....  ;D hehe

Other things: Yiffy?

Will there be fur-piles and stuff on EF? :P
Better be... :P

Twing Twang

Quote from: Cyan Fur Moana on 28.11.2006, 10:59:46
Will there be fur-piles and stuff on EF? :P
Better be... :P

You've been watching too much CSI.


hehe... I know... ;P

(I want that episode ;P)



Quote from: Cyan Fur Moana on 28.11.2006, 15:56:56
(I want that episode ;P)
You don't have it? It's flying around on the net, in both German and English version, as far as I know.



Quote from: Cyan Fur Moana on 28.11.2006, 15:56:56

(I want that episode ;P)

Just start up your peer to peer program (E-mule Shareaza), just type into the search bar "Fur and loathing", dat moet lukken denk ik. ;)
For all those who did not understand the last sentence, no it's not cryptic its Dutch. ;D
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+


Ty, furs...

And for the dutch, Ik kan het prima verstaan :)

Rotjeknor hier :p


They ran the CSI episode in my country too not so long ago... Luckylly my parrents have not seen it or even heard of it, but it made life difficult for some other Czech furries I know... I did not see it myself, but from what I heard, I thank the God I have not seen it...

On the other hand, I have seen the BBF's video from AnthroCon 2006! Outstanding, so far I have seen it 30 or more times :D Excelent, both scenes, and music... and... "It's not shiny Dex... It's not shiny..." LOL ROFL!!!!!
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


where can I find that movie from AC ?


Here you go:

But beware, it has roughly 560 MB and is over 2 hours long... 2 hours of GREAT FUN!!!
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


not a problem ^^
*hauls in his secret bandwidth for emergencies*


I'm glad I could be of help :-) Enjoy
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


You can also get BBFs Fursuit Videos on YouTube:

Only those that can see which is invisible can do the impossible.


Yay!!! These are great! Thanks for the link.
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


*Lokosicek clears throat*

We wish you a furry Christmas,
we wish you a furry Christmas,
we wish you a furry Christmas,
and a yiffy New Year  ;D ;D ;D
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


Thank you Lokosicek, and a yiffy new year to you to.
Welcome to 2007
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+


Happy New year, everybody!!!

I hope you all get yiffed alot ;P
