
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by Lonewolfdiconis, 20.08.2017, 18:00:47

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I have to make a complain and not a little one.
The first problem is, that we had to look for the registration, there was no sign, no hint, nothing to find it.
After aksing a member from the security, he said "Con ops, baaack there." So we had to travel with all our stuff to the con ops.
And than we didn't get our Badges because we came to late.
We arrived about 18:15 or 18:30 o'clock and they told us that the registration is closed after 18 o'clock and re-opens the next day at 12 o'clock.
I am sorry to be a bit rude, but are you kidding me?
Not only we had to search for the registration, carrying all our stuff through all the suiter, furries and staff.
We couldn't go to the  after 18 o'clock panels because we didn't had our badges and couldn't visit the early panels on the next day, because no one could stay a bit longer or get up early?
This has to change for the next EF please.
Say cougar one more time! I dare you! I double dare you!